AK-01 Combination Kit 168 Colors……………………………………..…….…Please call for pricing.
1 2oz. bottle of all 168 acrylic colors. Contains all basic, metallic, pearl, and textured colors.

AK-02 Basic Primary Colors Kit…………………………………………………..……...Cost is $44.98.
18 2oz. bottles of the basic acrylic line DH1-DH55

AK-03 Metallic Color Kit #1…………………………………….……………..…….…….Cost is $44.98.
12 2oz. bottles of our shimmery metallic line.

AK-04 Tropical Colors Kit…….………………………………………………..……...….Cost is $44.98.
12 2oz. bottles of our most vibrant and bright pearl colors

AK-05 Textured Colors Kit.……………………………………………………..………...Cost is $44.98.
8 2oz. bottles of textured acrylics plus 4 2oz. bottles of base coat colors DH136-DH143.

AK-06 Garden Colors Kit………………………………………………...………………..Cost is $44.98.

8 2 oz. bottles of each of our beautiful garden colors DH108-DH115.

AK-09 Fall Colors Kit…………………………………………………………..………….Cost is $44.98.
2 2oz. bottles of each of our 8 “Vibrant Colors of Fall” line DH92-DH99.

AK-11 Christmas Kit…………………………………………...... ………………….Cost is 44.98.

2 2 oz. bottles of our Christmas Colors DH144-DH151.

AK-12 Romance Colors Kit……………………………………………..…………………Cost is $44.98.
22oz. bottle of each of our romance and pastel colors DH100-DH107.

AK-20 Pastel Pearl Kit……………………………………………………..……………....Cost is $44.98.

2 2 oz. bottles of our pastel pearl colors DH56-DH61.

AK-21 Christmas Metallic Kit………………………………………………...…………...Cost is $44.98.
2 2oz. bottles of each of our 16 NEW Christmas Metallics DH152-DH159.

AK-23 Combination Pearls Kit…………………………..…………………………..……Cost is $69.98.

1 2 oz. bottle of each of our 12 pearl colors.

AK-26 Enamel Gloss Kit……………………………………………………..…………….Cost is $44.98.

1 2 oz. bottles of each of our 9 enamel glosses; good for ceramic or glass.

AK-28 Soft Tones 1……………………………………………………………..……….….Cost is $39.98.
2 1oz. bottles of each of our NEW Soft Tones ST1-ST8.

AK-32Soft Tones 2……………………………………………………………..……….….Cost is $39.98.

2 1 oz. bottles of each of our NEW Soft Tones ST-9-ST-16.

AK-33 Soft Tones 3……………………………………..……………………….….………Cost is $39.98.

2 1 oz. bottles of each of our NEW Soft Tones ST-17-ST-24.

AK-34 Soft Tones 4……………………………………..………………………………..…Cost is $39.98.

2 1 oz. of each of our NEW Soft Tones ST-25-ST-32.


AK-13 Christmas Glitter Kit…………………………………………………………..…..Cost is $44.98.
8 1oz. jars of our most popular Christmas Glitters GT001-GT008. Includes 1 2oz. jar of SP03 gloss sealer for easy application.

AK-14 Spring Glitter Kit………………………………………………………………..…Cost is $44.98.
8 1oz. jars of brilliant spring colors GT09-GT016. Includes 1 2oz. jar of SP03 gloss sealer for easy application.

AK-17 Fall and Halloween Glitter Kit……………………………………………..……...Cost is $44.98.
8 1oz. jars of our most popular Halloween Glitters GT017-GT024. Includes 1 2oz. jar of SP03 gloss sealer for easy application.

AK-18 Pearlized Christmas Glitter Kit…………………………………………..…….....Cost is $44.98.
8 1oz. jars of your favorite Christmas colors with an iridescent appearance GT025-GT032. Includes 1 2oz. jar of SP03 gloss sealer for easy application.

AK-25 Neon and Glow in the Dark Glitter Kit………………………………..………….Cost is $44.98.
8 1oz. jars of GT041-GT-048. Includes 1 2oz. jar of SP03 gloss sealer for easy application.

AK-27 Glitzy Pastel Glitter Kit………………………………………………..…...... Cost is $44.98.
8 1oz. jars of sparkling pastel glitters. Includes 1 2oz. jar of SP03 gloss sealer for easy application.


AK-29 Hobby Package Kit……………………………………………………...Priced at only $149.00.
Features a combination of our primary color underglazes and glazes in one single kit. Thirty-eight 1oz. bottles of underglaze and ten glazes with the product manual.

AK-31Color Stroke Kit…………………………………………....……………Priced at only $179.98.
1 2oz. bottle of all 63 glaze on bisque colors. Three coats gives a very solid and uniform finish. This product can also be applied to green ware. Firing range 04 to cone 6 high fire.

AK-30 Fired Glass Colors Kit…………………………….………………...…...Priced at only $119.98.
28 glass colors with liners.


BR017 Dry Brush Kit……………………………..……….……………………………….Cost is $28.00.

BR018 Wet Brush Kit………………………………...…….………………………………Cost is $56.99.