Regional Event: The Mixer

Opening Mixer

NFTY Mechina 5772/2012

Marlee Ribnick, NFTY MCVP 5772-5773/2012-2013

Touchstone Text:

“You shall not oppress a stranger, for you know the feelings of the stranger, having yourselves been strangers in the land of Egypt.” Exodus 23:9


-  PPs will get to know some of the other General Board members.

-  PPs will begin to see the similarities and differences between the NFTY regions.

-  PPs will have fun getting to know one another, while learning about how different people and regions view the same things differently.


-  At the end of the mixer, PPs will have gotten to know more about some of their fellow General Board members by means of discussion.

-  At the end of the mixer, PPs will know more about other NFTY regions by way of regional information gathering.


-  1 of each Appendix per group

People Needed:

-  PPs of event

-  1 PL/Time Keeper

Space Needed:

-  Beit Am (large program space to fit 200-300 people comfortably)

-  The Hill (space outside for PPs to schmooze)

Time Table:

00:00 - 00:03 Introduction

00:03 - 00:05 Split into Group 1 (Dinner)

00:05 - 00:12 Dinner Discussion

00:12 - 00:14 Split into Group 2 (Song Sesh)

00:14 - 00:21 Song Sesh Discussion

00:21 - 00:23 Split into Group 3 (Services)

00:23 - 00:30 Services Discussion

00:30 - 00:32 Split into Group 4 (Structured Free Time)

00:32 - 00:39 Structured Free Time Activity

00:39 - 00:41 Split into Group 5 (Asefah)

00:41 - 00:48 Asefah Discussion

00:48 - 00:50 Split into Group 6 (Social Action Program)

00:50 - 00:57 Social Action Program Discussion

00:57 - 01:00 Conclusion

Detailed Procedure:

00:00-00:03 Introduction

PL: “Now that we’re all here at a real NFTY event, it’s the perfect time for a mock NFTY event. But, this one’s in mixer form. When I call out a part of this event schedule, find your group and make a circle. Send one person up from your group to get the questions for each rotation. Feel free to move your group outside the Beit Am if it gets too loud. First up on the event schedule is dinner! Everyone find your dinner group and get started!”

00:03-00:05 Split into Group 1 (Dinner)

PPs look around to find their group members, and assemble in circles. During this time, one member from each group will come up to the PL to get the sheet with the mixer questions on it. When said PP returns to their group, they will begin their discussions.

00:05-00:12 Dinner Discussion

Questions located in Appendix A

00:12-00:14 Split into Group 2 (Song Sesh)

PL: “Time for Song Session! Find your next group!”

PPs find their new groups, and send one member of their group to the PL to get the questions for their group (just as before). They will begin discussions when that group member returns.

00:14-00:21 Song Sesh Discussion

Questions located in Appendix B

00:21-00:23 Split into Group 3 (Services)

PL: “Now it’s time to find your Services group!”

PPs find their new groups, and send one member of their group to the PL to get questions for their group. They will begin discussions when that group member returns.

00:23-00:30 Services Discussion

Questions located in Appendix C

00:30-00:32 Split into Group 4 (Structured Free Time)

PL: “Next on the schedule is Structured Free Time! Find your next group!”

PPs find their new groups, and send one member of their group to the PL to get questions for their group. They will begin discussions when that group member returns.

00:32-00:39 Structured Free Time Activity

Activity located in Appendix D

00:39-00:41 Split into Group 5 (Asefah)

PL: “Time for everyone to head to Asefah! Find your next group!”

PPs find their new groups, and send one member of their group to the PL to get questions for their group. They will begin discussions when that group member returns.

00:41-00:48 Asefah Discussion

Questions located in Appendix E

00:48-00:50 Split into Group 6 (Social Action Program)

PL: “It wouldn’t be a NFTY event without a Social Action Program! Head to your last group!”

PPs find their new groups, and send one member of their group to the PL to get questions for their group. They will begin discussions when that group member returns.

00:50-00:57 Social Action Program Discussion

Questions located in Appendix F

00:57-01:00 Conclusion

PPs reconvene in the Beit Am, no longer in groups.

PL: “I hope you all had fun at your mock NFTY event! It’s never too soon to learn something about another region or another person. Especially since you will all have the pleasure of collaborating this year on the General Board. From here, we’re going to move to dinner. Thanks!”

Appendix A:


Try to answer these all around the circle. Everyone should speak!

1. Go around the circle and say your name, and what region you’re from.

2. What is your favorite part about mealtimes in your region?

3. If you could have any food at your events, what would it be and why?

4. What is one thing you need to make sure happens at all event mealtimes?

5. What do you think about additions to the birkat hamazon, such as saying “sour cream”?

Appendix B:

Song Sesh

Try to answer these all around the circle. Everyone should speak!

1. Go around and say your name, and what region you’re from.

2. If you had to be stuck on an island with one Jewish musician, who would it be and why?

3. What song gets you the most excited to dance around at song session?

4. What is one thing that happens during song session that is a distinct characteristic of your region?

Appendix C:


Try to answer these all around the circle. Everyone should speak!

1. Go around and say your name, and what region you’re from.

2. What is your favorite prayer? Why?

3. Does your region have any special traditions or songs during services?

3. In Exodus 23:9, we read, "You shall not oppress a stranger, since you yourselves know the feelings of a stranger, for you also were strangers in the land of Egypt.” and In Leviticus 19:33 we read, “When a stranger resides with you in your land, you shall not do him wrong. How do these texts relate to your region? How do you welcome people into your region?

Appendix D:

Structured Free Time

Make sure you save time for question 4!

1. Go around and say your name, and what region you’re from.

2. What is your favorite class at school?

3. What is one country you would like to visit?

4. Since this is Structured Free Time, we are going to have a quick human structure contest! Using every member of the group, make some kind of structure with your bodies! (a building, for example). This is a competition against the other groups!

Appendix E:


Try to answer these all around the circle. Everyone should speak!

1. What are your views on Asefah?

2. What do you think NFTY would be like if there were never any Asefot?

3. What is your favorite part about Asefah in your region?

4. What resolutions or business has your region recently done?

Appendix F:

Social Action Program

Try to answer these all around the circle. Everyone should speak!

1. After each of the following quotes is read, decide whether you think it is about Social Action or Social Justice.

- Devote yourself to justice; Aid the wronged. Uphold the rights of the orphan; Defend the cause of the widow. – Isaiah 1:16-17

-If your brother becomes poor,...uphold him. – Leviticus 25:35

-Justice is truth in action. – Benjamin Disraeli

2. Which is more important? Social Action or Social Justice?

3. Which of the two do you touch more on in your region?