North Carolina Local Governmental Employee's Retirement System -1-877-627-3287


County Contribution – 6.98% of Employee's Salary / for Law Enforcement – 7.05% Employee's Salary

Employee Contribution - 6 Percent of Salary

401(k) Supplemental Retirement-Prudential 1-866-624-0151


County Contribution - None at this time except 5% for Law Enforcement Employer contribution as required

Employee Contribution – Voluntary

457 Deferred Compensation (Voluntary Employee Paid Supplemental Plans)

No County Contribution

Nationwide Retirement SolutionsRetirement Specialist (877) 677-3678

Optional Employee Paid Benefits

Options available via Pierce Benefits Group include Ameriflex Flexible Spending Account (888) 662-7500, as well as Short- Term Disability Insurance, Accident Plans, Vision Care, Cancer Plans and additional Life Insurance Plans for employees and/or spouse/child at group rates and eligibility. Also available are additional Life Insurance Options via Stanberry Insurance/BCBS USAble Life Insurance Company (828-452-1341, ext. 307) and Community Eye CareVision Customer Service (communityeyecare.net, 888-254-4290 ext 204).


Life Insurance - BCBS USAble Life Insurance Company (828-452-1341, ext. 307)

$20,000 for full-time Haywood County employees, as well as elective spouse and dependents for only $1.50 per each per month.

A. Accident Benefit (Accidental Death, Dismemberment)

Double Indemnity $40,000

B. Voluntary Employee-Paid Dependent Coverage (Spouse $5,000/Children $2,500 coverage)

Health & Dental Insurance

Crescent Preferred Provider Organization (PPO) Network,

1200 Ridgefield Boulevard, Suite 215

Asheville, NC 28806 (800) 707-7726

This plan includes a disease management program for diabetes and hypertension that provides one-on-one coaching for employees that elect to participate and meet the criteria for continued participation. Such employees receive waived co-payments on their prescribed diabetes & hypertensive (blood pressure) medications.

The Haywood County Insurance Plan has entered into an agreement with certain hospitals, physicians, and other health care providers, called Participating or In-network Providers. These entities have agreed to charge reduced fees to individuals participating in our plan, which saves both the County and the employee.

Major Medical Benefits:Major Medical Benefits:

In-network Individual cash deductible per year - $1000

In-network Family deductible per year - $3000

Out-of-Network Individual cash deductible per year - $2000

Out-of-Network Family deductible per year - $6000

In-network Out-of-Pocket Maximum per Person per Year $3000

In-network Out-of-Pocket Maximum per Family per Year $6000

Out-of-Network Out-of-Pocket Maximum per Person per Year$6000

Out-of-Network Out-of-Pocket Maximum per Family per Year$12000

Maximum Benefits - $5,000,000 (Five Million)

A. Inpatient Mental or Nervous Disorder80%

B. Inpatient Mental or Nervous Disorder (out-of-network)60%

C. Outpatient Mental or Nervous Disorder 60%

D. Outpatient Mental or Nervous Disorder (out-of-network)50%

E. Outpatient Chiropractic using Spinal Manipulation80%

F. Outpatient Chiropractic using Spinal Manipulation (OON)60%

G. Most Other Expenses (In Network)80%

H. Most Other Expenses (Out-of-Network)60%

Pharmacy Coverage

Tiered Plan$10 Generic – $35 Preferred– $50 Non-formulary Brand Name

(Note: Several generic drugs are available for a $0 co-pay, as well as a mail-order pharmacy allowing 90 day supply for a 2 month co-pay

Cost per month to Employee for Health Insurance

Health Insurance
Includes Medical, Dental & Rx Card / Total Cost
per Month / Employee Pays
per Month / Employer Pays per Month
Employee only / $770 / $0 / $770
Employee/Spouse / $974.40 / $349.40 / $770
Employee/One Child / $763.88 / $138.88 / $770
Employee/Family / 1136.84 / $511.84 / $770


Effective Jan. 1, 2011 an additional Health Care Savings Account Plan option is available. Benefits for the HSA are as follows:

In Network ProvidersOut of Network Providers

Deductible $1,500.00$3,000.00

Family Deductible $3,000.00$6,000.00

Out of Pocket $2,000.00$2,000.00

Family Out of Pocket $6,000.00$2,000.00

Benefit Percentage80% 60%

(until out of pocket met)

Preventive Care 100% no limit100% no limit

All Other Covered

Services Deductible – 80%Deductible – 60%

Pharmacy Benefit Deductible – 80%Deductible – 60%

Dental Insurance (Either Plan)

A.Preventive and Diagnostic Services and Supplies Paid at 100%

B. Basic Therapeutic Services Paid at 80%

C. Major Restoration and Prosthetic Supplies and Services Paid at 50%

Maximum of $1000 per person per calendar year

D.Orthodontia (child dependents under age 19 only)Paid at 50%

Lifetime Maximum of $1000

The Wellness Center is available to all County employees and their dependents that are covered under our Health insurance program. While the program is voluntary, utilization will be the key to being able to continue to provide and even expand these services. As an incentive to utilize the program, eligible employees and dependents may complete their medical history and utilize the free clinic and without being required to take time off of work to go between the following hours:

8:00 am – 12 Noon Mondays -Wednesday and Friday & 2:00 pm – 6 pm only on Thursdays

*(Acute Care, Not to replace primary care or for extreme emergencies)


Less than 2 years Service10 days earned per year

2 Less than 5 years Service12 days earned per year

5 Less than 10 years Service15 days earned per year

10 Less than 15 years Service18 days earned per year

15 Less than 20 years Service21 days earned per year

20 or more years Service24 days earned per year

HOLIDAYS - 11 or 12 per year as follows: New Years Day, Martin Luther King, Jr. Day, Good Friday, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Veterans Day, Thanksgiving (2 days), Christmas (2 or 3 days). If the days both preceding and following Christmas Day are workdays, 3 holidays will be observed.

LONGEVITY (Made in lump sum in the employees anniversary month)

5 years but less than 10 years of continuous service 2 % of basic annual salary

10 years but less than 15 years of continuous service 2.5% of basic annual salary

15 years but less than 20 years of continuous service 3% of basic annual salary

20 years but less than 30 years of continuous service 3.5% of basic annual salary

30 years or more4% of basic annual salary

Haywood County provides an Employee Assistance Program 1-800-454-1477 (EAP) to all employees and immediate family members through Employee Assistance Network to help in resolving family problems, alcoholism, marriage difficulties, financial trouble, stress, drugs, depression and others. An initial evaluation and brief counseling session(s) are free and completely confidential.


Retire with 30 years service in the North CarolinaState or Local Government Retirement System with a minimum of seven ( 7) years continuous HaywoodCounty service immediatley preceeding retirement. At the time of retirement, the employee must be enrolled in the County’s insurance plan.

100% of Medical Coverage up until age 65 (at that time, the employee will need to submit a Medicare Supplement Application)


MIN AGE 50 to 59

Years of ServicePercentage of Year’s/EE Rate

Employer Rate

20 67%33%

21 70%30%

22 73%27%

23 77%23%

24 80%20%

25 83%17%

26 87%13%

27 90%10%

28 93%7%

29 97%3%

30 100%0%


MIN AGE 60 to 64

Minimum of 5 year’s of service up to 14 yearsEE Pays 100%

Minimum of 15 year’s service up to 19 yearsEE Pays 33%

Minimum of 20 year’s service & up to 30 years.See age 50 schedule

Supplement to Medicare:

MIN AGE 65(unless waived by Social Security/Medicaredue to disability)within 60 days of eligibility

As of 5/14/08Minimum of 5 years of service and up to 19 years.EE Pays 50%

Minimum of 20 years of service and up to 29 years.EE Pays 33%

Minimum of 30 years service.EE Pays 0%

NOTE: Employee pays full premium for allowable dependents coverage until age 65. New dependents

cannot be added at time of or after retirement. Departments must notify CountyManager's office prior to

hiring an employee with prior local or State government experience.