Region 19 Wednesday, March 25, 2015 Meeting AGENDA
- Call to Order
- Welcome/Introductions
- Secretary’s Report—as posted on Region Website
- Treasurer’s Report
- Local Reports
a. Bureau Valley:
b. Chadwick/ Milledgeville:
c. Dakota:
d. East Dubuque:
e. Eastland:
f. Freeport EA:
g. Freeport Custodial:
h. Freeport Transportation:
i. Lena-Winslow TA:
j. Lena-Winslow ESPA:
k. Morrison:
l. Orangeville:
m. Prophetstown-L-T:
n. River Bend:
o. River Ridge:
p. Scales Mound:
q. Stockton:
r. Warren:
s. West Carroll EA:
t. West Carroll ESPA
u. Retired-- March 16 - the Executive Committee met with Sen. Neil Anderson
April 11 - IEA Retired Conference in Oakbrook
April 16 - Jim Duffy will receive the Mary Lou & Keith Hauge Award at IEA RA. Please stop in at the reception that follows to congratulate him.
April 30 - RRV IEA Retired will meet at 11:00 at All American Bar & Grill in Rock Falls. The program speaker will be Rich Frankenfeld, Director of Outreach
at TRS.
Lobby at Home - find a time to meet with area legislators over the next couple weeks
6. UD Report
- GPA Report – Paul Everding—needs to reapply if interested for next year
8. Legislative Updates now available on the IEA website under the Legislative Tab
Region 19 website now available on the IEA website under the About Tab : Local Association Websites: Region Websites: 19
- Chair report:
· Gun Safety Task Force—flyer
· approval 2015-2017 Biennial Budget—with $30000 added from contingency for SCORE grants
· Proposed Bylaw Amendments 1 through 4: add an eleventh person to Retired Council as an EM rep-at-lg, limit Retired Council positions to two consecutive full terms, decrease reserve membership from 50% to 10% dues, for organizational relationships delete constitution from constitution and bylaws to facilitate operating under one governing document
· $50,000 from contingency to fund the TRS election—flyers
· Amendments to the Legislative Platform: strike vigorously from seek, update ACT to PARCC, update NCATE to CAEP
· Voting for TRS Trustee 3/25 through 10:00 a.m. 5/1 (TRS Website for more details)—flyer
· Terms are ending for some serving on the Licensure Board—anyone interested in serving?
· Post PARCC tele-town hall was requested—look for this
· More Governance Structure Review and Recommendation Task Force Conversation—FAQ #2 plus
· Outreach to Teach is upcoming date TBD—but have not yet chosen a school
· Legislative/Political Updates –Pensions: ask Rep. to support HR187 opposing cost shift to local districts; Budget: tell Leg.s not to cut educ.; School Choice/Charters: HB397 is IEA initiative to give local school districts control, SB1591 requires disclosure, SB1342 choice act, SB1301 state pays charters as publics; Revenue: need millionaire surcharge on ballot 2016 for 2017 collection, tax services; Education: Vision20/20 by School Management Alliance but NOT IEA or IFT or any teachers or ESPs, CAUTION not all good, vague (i.e., eliminating mandates, waivers), PARCC, SB1= old SB16 for change in funding; Call Durbin and Kirk about improved reauthorization of ESEA; we are in a pension coalition & a revenue coalition & a new labor coalition
· Friend of Education Award
o State Superintendent of Schools Dr. Christopher Koch
o Posthumous Award-Comptroller Judy Baar Topinka
· Bob Haisman Teacher of the Year-winner Amy Lewis
· Bob Haisman Student of the Year-co-winners Mattie Huttlinger and Jen Jaroch
· Mary Lou and Keith Hauge Award-winner Jim Duffy
10. IEA-RA: April 16-18, 2015
a. 12 Delegates: Tracy Diestelmeier, Kelly Everding, Rick Wilkin, Deb Manninen, Jim Robinson, Cathy Eberle, SueAnn Bamberg, Becky Roethe, Jack Stone, Carist Koehl, Tiffany Kleckler, & Cheri Crawford.
b. Tentative Schedule:
i. Wed. 4/15/15: registration 4-10:30pm, Kelly cover Tracy at BoD dinner & meeting 8-10:30pm
ii. Thurs.4/16/15: registration 8am-6:30pm, exhibits 1:30-6:30pm, Opening Session 9-10am (budget), Open Hearings 10:15-11am, Prof. Dev. Sessions 11:10-12:10, Lunch 12:10-2pm, Business 2-4pm & 4:15-6pm
iii. Fri. 4/17/15: exhibits 8:30am-5:30pm, Business 9-11:30am & 1:30-5pm, Movie: “Freedom Summer” 5:15-8pm, Dance/Band 8-midnight
iv. Sat. 4/18/15: (voting 7-8:45), luggage storage 7am, Business 9am-?
c. Hyatt Regency O Hare (9300 Bryn Mawr Ave., Rosemont), rate is $148/night
d. Internet is available in the rooms, lobby and on the floor of the RA
e. Scholarship Fund Basket Donations (Basket to Scholarship table in Grand Foyer on Thurs. 4/16/15)
f. Region lunch Thursday at 12: 30 in the O’H American Grill in the hotel & Region dinner is 8: 15 p.m. at Carlucci’s – the free shuttle will pick us up at the main entrance to the hotel at 8:00 sharp Thursday evening…budget recommendation of up to $80 food cost per person for the combination of these two meals
g. Budget recommendation of up to $700 per delegate, which includes the $310 state reimbursement for Region Vice Chair & her state reimbursed expenses for covering Chair duties Wednesday evening.
- Upcoming Events
- Next Reg19 Region Council Meeting – 5:00 pm, Thursday, May 28, 2015, followed by IEA RA Delegate Briefing 6:30 pm at home of Tracy Diestelmeier, 4602 S. Derinda Rd., Elizabeth, IL 61028
- Retirement: Nancy Habben, UniServ Secretary, Sterling – June 30, 2015
- Beginning Teacher Conference “Y2: Moving Beyond Survival June 30 and July 1, 2015 in Champaign. Registration opens April 1, 2015.
- NEA-RA: July 1-6, 2015
- Congratulations to our delegates: Rick Wilkin, Tiffany Kleckler, Carist Koehl, Deb Manninen, Susan Nicholas, Jack Stone, & Tracy Diestelmeier
- IL is at Hilton and Waldorf Historia, at Disney, 10 miles from the NEA Confc.
- Anyone looking for a roommate?
- Anyone wanting to share travel? Any plans, yet?
- Region dinner ideas?
- Delegate volunteering available ONLINE
- No Illinois Night this year since already so much to do
- Summer Leadership Academy—July 28-31, 2015—IL State University
- Professional Development Conference—November 6-7, 2015—Marriott Bloomington-Normal Hotel & Conference Center
- IEA Connect 844-432-1400
12. Kathi Griffin’s response to questions that were not answered during our budget open hearing :
Have we considered the effects of lost bargaining rights like many of the states around? Yes, however if that happens to us we will need to review and modify our budget.
Have we considered other ways of funding the SCORE grants? SCORE is not in our continuing service biennial budget. If the IEA-RA delegates wanted to add it to the budget, we could reduce our contingency to fund it. (The contingency fund is budgeted at approximately $278,000 (15-16) and $246,000 (16-17). ) In addition, we are in the process of creating a separate charitable organization for IEA—501c(3)IEA Foundation. Doing such will allow members and other individuals to contribute tax-deductible funds and seek grants from other foundations. We hope to have more information regarding this to share at the IEA-RA.
- other
14. Adjournment