Pleasant Hill Aligning Curriculum, Instruction, Assessment Planning Tool

Week/date: 9_10/22/12______Subject: Math Grade Level: 3 ______

Knowledge & Skill Statement & SE

3.4 The student recognizes and solves problems in multiplication and division situations.
3.4 C The student is expected to use models to solve division problems and use number sentences to record the solutions.
Verbs: Use Models and Record solutions
Concept: division problems
Context: Problem Solving Situations
Review TEK:
3.4BThe students is expected to solve and record multiplication problems (up to two digits time one digit)
3.6 B: identify patterns in multiplication facts using [concrete objects,] pictorial models, [or technology] RC2
3.6 C: identify patterns in related multiplication and division sentences (fact families) such a 2 x 3 = 6, 3 x 2 = 6, 6  2 =3, 6  3 = 2

Academic Vocabulary

Dividend, divisor, quotient, inverse operation, patterns,
Factor, product, number sentence, equal groups. /

Stems to be used by students

·  The model I used to solve this division problem was…

·  The dividend is….

·  The divisor is….

·  The quotient is ….

·  The number sentence I used to record the solution was…

Division is like ______because______

Formative assessment

Check student problem solving journal and foldables/frayer models, journal reflections for mastery of concept

Give this problem to students:
Tara picked 17 roses and 10 daisies in her garden. She has 3 vases to hold her flowers. If she puts the same number of roses in each vase, how many roses will be in each vase?
1. Introduce the problem. Distribute color tiles or counters, paper and pencils to students. Then have students solve the problem.
2. Have students solve the problem one way and check it using a different strategy.
3. Ask students to draw pictures and write a number sentence to go with their work.
4. Walk around the room and observe students as they work. Ask students individually to explain their thinking and justify their solutions to you.
5. After all students are finished, ask a few students to share and explain their strategies. Remind students that building an array is one way to solve this problem. Point out that the total or whole was divided into equal groups
Additional Suggestions for Assessment
 Can students build and draw accurate models of multiplication situations (including the number line)?
 Can students write number sentences to represent and match their models?
 Can students explain a strategy for remembering a multiplication fact?
 Are students beginning to learn some of their easier facts such as zeros, ones, twos, fives?
 Given one fact, the student can write the related facts in a fact family.
 Have students practice choosing the correct operation:
Give students a problem situation (orally) and ask them to write on white boards which operation is needed to solve the problem(do not solve). Call on a student to explain why they chose that operation

Summative assessment

· Hands on Standards Gr.3-4, pp. 26-27
/ Instruction explicitly teaching the SE
Week 1:
Monday: use manipulatives to show division/Journal Writing and reflection
Tuesday: use manipulatives to show division Students create a foldable.
Wednesday: use manipulatives to show division and the Envision lesson. Frayer Model of division
Thursday: use manipulatives to show division
Friday: Students write their own story problems
Warm Up: (10 minutes)
Each day for one week the warm up will be the same—just change the number
Daily Math Journal (independent)
Write 389, 408 on the board
* Round this number to the nearest hundred.______
* Round this number to the nearest thousand
* What number is 1,000 less than this number?______
*What number is 1,000 more than this number?______
* Write in expanded notation.______
* Subtract 507-49______
POD: see attached (15 min)
Mrs. Fuentes has 16 desk in her room. Mrs. Espinal has 4 more desks than Ms. Fuentes. Ms. Ing has half as many desks as Mrs. Espinal. How many desk does Ms. Ing have?
Whole Group: Envision 10.4 Relating Mult. And Division
Record Learning in journal
Subtracting 3-digit numbers (15 minutes)
Small Group:
(Stugglers): small teacher group—: Base Ten Blocks dividing equally
*Station: (game) Circles and Stars
*Station: Computers or Teacher Choice for reinforcement.
*Station: Independent –students work on Multiplication booklet
(On level): small group teacher—: introduction to division
(15 minutes)
***rotate stations listed above
(Above Level): small group teacher—Write a problem of the day using arrays
***rotate stations listed above (15 minutes)
Tuesday Warm Up: (10 minutes)
Warm Up: (10 minutes)
Each day for one week the warm up will be the same—just change the number
Daily Math Journal (independent)
Write 8, 483, 999 on the board
* Round this number to the nearest hundred.______
* Round this number to the nearest thousand
* What number is 1,000 less than this number?______
*What number is 1,000 more than this number?______
* Write in expanded notation.______
* Subtract 64,102-468______
POD: see attached (15 min)
Bailey has 12 quarters. Kayla has 2 more quarters than Bailey. Wade has half as many as Kayla. How many quarters does Wade have?
Whole Group: Writing Division Story Problems
Small Group:
(Stugglers): small teacher group Frayer model (20 minutes)
*Station: (attached) division game
*Station: (attached) division game
*Station: Computers or Teacher Choice for reinforcement.
*Station: Independent –students will write complete sentences using the vocabulary and draw a model of the word problem
(On level): small group teacher—Frayer model (15 minutes)
***rotate stations listed above
(Above Level): small group teacher—Create Word Problems using arrays
***rotate stations listed above (15 minutes)
Wednesday: Warm Up: (10 minutes)
Each day for one week the warm up will be the same—just change the number
Daily Math Journal (independent)
Write 984, 894, 098 on the board
* Round this number to the nearest hundred.______
* Round this number to the nearest thousand
* What number is 1,000 less than this number?______
*What number is 1,000 more than this number?______
* Write in expanded notation.______
* Subtract 261, 203-4,785______
POD: Ariana has lots of shoes. Her sister bought two new pairs for her last weekend. Then her mother gave her a pair of shoes. Ariana decided to give 2 pairs of shoes to her neighbor because she had outgrown them. Then for her birthday, Ariana received 7 new pairs of shoes. Now she has 22 pairs. How many did she start off with?
(15 min)
Whole Group: Kamico – pg 99 (3d vision) questions around the room from Investigations
(15 minutes)
Small Group:
(Stugglers): small teacher group—continue reinforcing Monday and Tuesday activities (20 minutes)
*Station: (attached) I Have…Who Has
*Station: (attached) division game
*Station: Computers or Teacher Choice for reinforcement.*Station: Independent –students will write complete sentences using the vocabulary and draw a model of the word problem
(On level): small group teacher— continue reinforcing Monday and Tuesday activities (15 minutes)
***rotate stations listed above
(Above Level): small group teacher—Word Problems
***rotate stations listed above (15 minutes)
Thursday: Warm Up: (10 minutes)
Each day for one week the warm up will be the same—just change the number
Daily Math Journal (independent)
Write 3, 389, 000 on the board
* Round this number to the nearest hundred.______
* Round this number to the nearest thousand
* What number is 1,000 less than this number?______
*What number is 1,000 more than this number?______
* Write in expanded notation.______
* Subtract 2,765-1,395______
POD: Brittany has some candy. Her sister gave her 52 more pieces of candy last weekend. Then her mother gave her two pieces of candy. Brittany decided to give 12 pieces of candy to her best friend. Then for her birthday, Brittany received 17 more pieces of candy. Now she has 65 pieces. How many did she start off with?
(15 min)
Whole Group: Domino Dividends (104-105) and guided review groups. (15 minutes)
Small Group:
(Stugglers): small teacher group—give two STAAR word problems using strategies-see attached(20 minutes)
*Station: (attached) I Have…Who Has
*Station: (attached) Division game
*Station: Computers or Teacher Choice for reinforcement.
*Station: Independent –STAAR based word problems
(On level): small group teacher—strategies/word problems (15 minutes)
***rotate stations listed above
(Above Level): small group teacher—strategies/word problems
***rotate stations listed above (15 minutes)
Friday: Unit Test. / Questions that Promote Higher-Level Thinking/Rigor
How are you dividing your counters?
Can you tell me the names of the numbers in a division sentence?
How can you check that your division is accurate?
What is the meaning of division?
How do you model division?
Can you come up with REAL LIFE division story situations?
Example: Real Life Connections.
Have small groups of students and have one person in the group distribute markers or crayons for them to draw a quick picture. Stop when they finish passing out the crayons and point out how that was a division situation.
Models/Anchors to Support Student Understanding of TEKS/SEs
Area model sample to glue in journals, Expanded Form Anchor
Anchor of Frayer model for division
-Anchor that labels the parts to a division number sentence
-Anchor explaining the different types of division
To the tune of La Cucaracha:
**Multiplication, Multiplication, Find the Total of the Groups…
Division splits things, division splits things…
Share them out equally**
Special Education: base ten block manipulatives, anchors of support, peer grouping, area model templates
English Language Learners:
Place value chart anchors of support, Number Forms Anchor Chart (Hands On Standard BLM1)
Sentence Stems: The expanded form of my number is _____.
I can count my array by ______.
Extension for Learning: Students may also be given larger numbers and smaller grid graph paper to draw rectangular arrays for these numbers and create area models.

Student work aligned to SE

Week 1:
Monday: use manipulatives to show division/Journal Writing and reflection
Tuesday: use manipulatives to show division Students create a foldable.
Wednesday: use manipulatives to show division and the Envision lesson. Frayer Model of division
Thursday: use manipulatives to show division
Friday: Students write their own story problems /

Implications & Differentiation for Students:

GT- Envision Enrichment Activities. Envision Multiplication Center Games with two stars.
SpEDs- Use of manipulatives in whole group and small group settings
ELLs-Scaffolded Spanish support in small group settings
At-Risk- use of manilpulatives and small group problem solving. Continue to work on reading problems and selecting operations
At-Risk: small group support and active monitoring during core instruction of lesson
Guided Groups
Norman: Kaleigh, Ashelie, Nina, Vonte, Yvette, Max, Monique, Edward, Xavier
Nguyen/ Andruccioli
Fuentes/Espinal:Edwin, Erwin, Maurilio

Austin Independent School District Office of the Associate Superintendents for Elementary Education