2013-2014 Officers
Tracey Hoffman
Amanda Sturm
Vice President
Jessi Spry
Beal City
Past President
Kevin Nugent
Megan Merrill
Emily Crambell
Bill Wheeler
Board Members
Cassie Hartsell, Centreville
Joel Berry, Oakland
Jeremy Glaspie,Tuscola
Tate Forbush, Byron
Renee Wangler, Newaygo
Ron Worth, Alpena
Heather Pratt, Kent(MHTA)
Aaron Saari, Maple Valley(10-20-30 Pres.)
Tate Forbush, Byron(FFA Board)
Matt Raven, MSU(Postsecondary)
Treasurer:417 East King St.
Corunna, MI 48817
Secretary: 4436 Stone Rd.
Onondaga, MI 49264
(517) 206-1349
MAAE is affiliated with the National Association of Agricultural Educators (NAAE) and the Association for Career and Technical Education (ACTE). / MAAE General Session
Tuesday June 17, 2014, Comfort Inn, Mt. Pleasant, MI
The first general session of the Michigan Association of Agriscience Educators was called to order by President Tracey Hoffman at 8:06 am during Summer PDI at the Comfort Inn in Mt. Pleasant, MI. Members and guests present included: Russ Weyer, David Mellor, John Wyrick, Tate Forbush, Ken DeSchepper, Brian Keisling, Torey Birchmeier, Jeremy Glaspie, Joe Ankley, Ed Domke, Kevin Nugent, Amanda Sturm, Renee Wangler, Lora Finch, Leyna Miller, Cassie Hartsell-Conrod, Marie Zwemmer, Clarence Rudat, Beth Hagar, Larry Reyburn, Katie Wagar, Melanie Block, Nadene Blakeley, Tammy Hyatt, Beth Eggleston, Dave Krueger, Aaron Saari. A moment of reflection was given by Amanda Sturm.
The Secretary’s Report included printed copies of the minutes from the spring and fall meetings. Motion by Amanda Sturm and seconded to approve the minutes from the fall general session and spring board of directors meeting.
The Treasurer’s Report included a balance of $23,992.23 in the checking account as of June 16, 2014 in the checking account and a balance of $4,339.56 in the savings account. There are still outstanding invoices and a written report will be provided tomorrow. Motion by Brian Kiesling and seconded to receive the treasurers report per audit. Motion carried.(Larry Reyburn, Brian Kiesling, and Russell Weyer will serve on the auditing committee)
Under Membership Reports, Emily Crambell distributed a membership report and displayed the comparison between 2013-14 and 2014-15 membership. In 2013-14 there were 72 members and currently in 2014-15 we have 28 members.
Under the Deceased Membership Report, Bill Wheeler reported that the following past members passed in 2014: Sanderson (Fremont), Marvin Daglow (Camden), Clinton, Charlie Langdon, Bob Dickinson (Chesaning).
Under the President’s Report, Tracey presented that the 2013 NAAE Convention went well. Tracey addressed issues with membership and asked for discussion for suggestions. MAAE has hired Dave Krueger as the Special Projects Consultant. Thank you Leyna Miller and Jessi Spry for organizing the conference this year. In July there will be a meeting for all Michigan Agricultural Education organizations to coordinate a common vision for the future.
Motion by Larry Reyburn and seconded to open nominations for the Vice President and Treasurer positions in MAAE (Vice President nominations include: Torey Birchmeier, Lora Finch); (Treasurer nominations include: Emily Crambell, Kevin Nugent)
NAAE Region IV is next week in Lexington, Kentucky. Amanda Sturm and Jessi Spry are attending to represent Michigan.
Under New business, the Awards Presentation will be done at the 2014 Fall PDI Conference in Lansing. Tate Forbush, MAAE Representative on the FFA Board of Directors, reported at Ag Skills will be April 24, 2015, the multi-board meeting will be on July 18th, several proposals were presented regarding the state officer team that will be handled by a special committee. Be sure to send your Years of Service (MAAE membership years to Dave Krueger) to be updated for the Awards Luncheon in the fall.
Motion to adjourn the meeting at 9:11am by Cassie Hartsell-Conrod. Motion carried.
Respectfully Submitted,
Megan Merrill
MAAE Secretary
MAAE General Session
Wednesday June 18, 2014, Comfort Inn, Mt. Pleasant, MI
The second general session of the Michigan Association of Agriscience Educators was called to order by President Tracey Hoffman at 8:24 am during Summer PDI at the Comfort Inn in Mt. Pleasant, MI. Members and guests present included: Russ Weyer, David Mellor, John Wyrick, Ken DeSchepper, Brian Keisling, Torey Birchmeier, Joe Ankley, Ed Domke, Kevin Nugent, Amanda Sturm, Renee Wangler, Lora Finch, Leyna Miller, Marie Zwemmer, Clarence Rudat, Larry Reyburn, Katie Wagar, Melanie Block, Nadene Blakeley, Tammy Hyatt, Beth Eggleston, Dave Krueger, Aaron Saari. A moment of reflection was given by Larry Reyburn.
Under Regional Reports, the following information was presented:
  1. Region 1 – Lora Finch – regional camp was in April, they have done their nominations and dates.
  2. Region 2 – Megan Merrill – Concord Program is being cut due to funding issues, Shirley Tautolo is the new MAAE Board Rep., Dave Mellor is the FFA Board Rep.
  3. Region 3- Leyna Miller – Tom Breck is replacing Steve Beattie, there are openings, Mr. Sollman is the new rep. on the FFA Board and Glaspie is the rep for MAAE. The regional contest is going to be held at SVSU during the school day this year.
  4. Region 4 – Tate Forbush –Capac is losing their program, Clinton county attended regional camp,
  5. Region 5 – Renee Wangler – Beth Hagar was hired at Montague and they are looking for a third teacher and Careerline is also hiring.
  6. Region 6 – Melissa Smith – Stephenson is closing.
Nominations were reopened. Lora Finch and Torey Birchmeier declined the nomination for Vice President. Beth Eggleston accepted the nomination. Motion by Lora Finch and seconded to close Vice President nominations and cast a unanimously vote. Motion passed. Emily Crambell declined the nomination for Treasurer. Motion by Clarence Rudat to close nominations and cast a unanimous ballet for Kevin Nugent as Treasurer. Motion carried.
The auditing committee report will be postponed to the next MAAE Board of Directors meeting after summer PDI because the ledger and bank statement was not accurate. Emily Crambell also reported that the membership is currently at 28.
The Program Recognition will be emailed to dues-paying MAAE members only. This is a list that is compiled by Charles Arensmeier and can be used to promote the successes of local programs.
The Conference Evaluation and the 2013-14 Salary Survey is available online at on the summer PDI web page. Please fill this out so the data can be shared.
Under Unfinished business, Dave Krueger reminded teachers that with their membership you have all of the NAAE benefits as well ($1 mil. Liability insurance, lobbying, hotel discounts). There will be an effort to remind teachers that membership in MAAE has is benefits. The 2015 Conference planning is June 29 – July 1 in Shiawassee county.
Motion by John Schut and seconded that the MAAE recommend to the FFA Board of Directors that membership in the organization is required for FFA participation. Discussion was held as to requesting that professional membership be a part of the TRAC review process as well. Motion passed.
Committees met to discuss agenda items.
The MAAE Conference Planning committee reported doing Pincik Farms - precision agriculture, NRCS – environmental skills, Steam Railroad Institute, CDE practices (forestry, soil), Round Lake fruit farm tour, Green Meadows farm (methane digester), ADI – ag mechanics, Baker Ag Institute – greenhouse, Cole’s – TB, conservation club shooting night, housing possibly in Comstock.
The Policy Committee and Professional Growth Committeesdid not have reports.
The Finance committee reported that they came up a flat fee payable in the fall that will include one check that will include both fall and summer conferences ($675 total).
The Marketing committee reported that they discussed the connection between MAAE and NAAE, getting a representative at MSU with the interns to recruit members.
The Member Services committee reported that they discussed doing a membership package (for example getting National CDE prep material CD’s for members and have a space on the web page for members only to have access); having the capabilities to upload and share materials online for member’s only.
The meeting was adjourned at 9:44 am.
Respectfully Submitted,
Megan Merrill
MAAE Secretary