Region 1 B1 Letter of Intent to Implement:

The NH 1115 Medicaid Waiver initiative is a NH initiativeto create greater integration of primary care and behavioral health care for Medicaid Beneficiaries.To achieve this end, a core goal of the Region 1 Partnership for Integrated Care, is to help all Integrated Delivery Network partners in primary care and behavioral health care practices achieve ‘Coordinated Practice Designation’ as defined by NH DHHS/SAMHSA by December 31, 2018.

The Region 1 Partnership for Integrated Care, serving Upper Valley, Greater Sullivan, and Greater Monadnock Public Health Regions will be providing funding, project management, quality improvement coaches and other supports to help our primary care and behavioral health practice partners achieve these levels of integrated care. As a Region 1 IDNB1 partner practice, we are now asking you to complete brief letter of intent to help us create a schedule of project work, and to understand the allocation of Integrated Delivery Network resources needed to support practices in this transition.

We recognize that many future factors may change your responses. This is a Letter of Intent, not a Letter of Commitment. Our Region 1 Partnership for Integrated Care staff will work closely with you throughout this period to gain better understanding of your need and readiness.

  1. During which period do you anticipate being able to initiate work toward becoming a ‘coordinated practice’ or ‘integrated practice?’

□Wave 1

□Wave 2

□Wave 3

  1. What is your level of readiness to engage in this integration work from a standpoint of:1 –Ready Now, 2- Almost Ready 3- Not Ready (Please BOLD your selection)
  2. Executive Leadership: 1 2 3
  3. Medical Director/Clinic Readiness 1 2 3
  4. Primary Care Workforce Readiness 1 2 3
  5. Behavioral Health Workforce Readiness 1 2 3
  1. What do you anticipate will be your most significant barriers to achieving primary care/behavioral health integration? (Please BOLD your selection)
  2. Other clinic change initiatives commanding leadership time/effort.
  3. Freeing enough clinical/administrative leadership time to champion this work
  4. Lack of readiness/caution of clinical team members to engage in this work.
  5. Are there particular readiness issues you can describe?
  6. Lack of appropriate behavioral health workforce to support this work.
  7. Lack of case management services to support this work.
  8. Lack of capacity to bring project management/quality improvement capabilities to this work.
  9. Caution re: financial viability of integrated care services.
  10. Other (please describe):
  11. Other (please describe):
  12. Other (please describe):
  1. What types of resources will you need from the IDN in order to begin working on integration projects? (Please BOLD your selection)
  2. Funding for an internal champion to have release time to lead this work
  3. Project Management/Quality Improvement Coaching
  4. Recruitment/Training of Behavioral Health Clinicians
  5. Training in BH Integration Practices for Clinical Team Members
  6. Other (please describe):
  7. Other (please describe):
  8. Other (please describe):