Report for 2012

Regarding the implementation of the UN Women Programme“Increasing Accountability in Financing for Gender Equality (FGE) - Partnership of EU and Spain“(2011-2015)

From May 2012 in the frames of the Programme implementation the following actions were achieved:

1Training “Financing of Gender Equality: global and national perspectives” was conducted on the 4-5th of August 2012 in Poltava, Ukraine. The main purpose of the training was to strengthen awareness of gender experts, representatives of non-governmental organizations and local governmental authorities regarding gender equality issues in the context of increasing effectiveness of donor’s assistance; strengthen participant’s capacity development on tracking gender equality financing by donors and national government; specification of lobbying strategy and influence channels for gender responsive budget implementation at the national level. 19 participants from Volyn ,Poltava, Zhitomir, Kharkov, Kherson, Khmelnitsky districts took part in the training.


- Strengthen accountability of gender experts, representatives of non-governmental organizations and local civil servants regarding gender equality issues in the context of increasing effectiveness of donor’s assistance;

- Strengthen capacity of civil society organizations, including women’s organizations, to monitor budget allocations and donors’ findings directed for gender equality issues;

- Strengthen capacity of civil society organizations, including women’s organizations and local governmental authorities on GRB;

- Development of lobbying strategy and identification of influence channels to introduce GRB at the local level in Ukraine;

-Assignment of GRB experts for further cooperation at the local level.

(Please kindly see enclosed programme of the training)

  1. UN Women programme supported the implementation of GRB lobbying campaign in four cities of Ukraine, more specifically:

1)Lobbying of gender budget initiative in Komsomolsk town, Poltava district “Gender budget as the improvement tool for family doctors working under the agreement conditions. Responsible party: Poltava regional center of the League of Social workers of Ukraine.


The job is held on adjustment of the budget programme passport “Ambulance & Policlinics Health Care to the Population” by means of corrections in the task №3 according to the requirements of GRB. The following gender indicators are going to be added:

-number of men and women receiving medical service (by age groups)

-Ratio of men and women receiving medical service to the total population (including age group)

-Ratio of men and women who receive medical services to the number population assigned to the territorial areas, (including age group);

-Percentage ratio of male and female in general (including age group)

-cost of providing ambulance & policlinics health care services for a single male or female patient (including age group)

-Percentage ratio of women and men working in ambulance & policlinics health care system (including doctors, nurses);

-Percentage ratio of women and men on the managerial level

-Cost of providing ambulance & policlinics health care services for male and female patients.

For the first time gender component is included to the forecasts for 2013, more specifically:

Financing cost of health care services for one man is 348, 67 UAH and for one woman is 393.13UAH.In primary health care: 131, 02 UAH – for one man; 147,20UAH for one woman.

Necessity of entering the adjusting factors is confirmed for the areas, where there are women with children under the age of one year. The following arrangements will give an opportunity to provide more fair payment to family doctors for high level first aid services and regulate their load / overload of patient care.

2)Gender mainstreaming into “City Target Social Programme on Educational Activities in Out-of-School Hours for 2013-2015”, Zhitomir, Ukraine. Responsible party: Zhitomir regional youth civic organization “Paritet”.


The following is proposed to be included into the programme:

-Necessity to take into account sex and age of children when providing services in the sphere of out-of-school-education. This is proposed to be included as one of the programme targets.

-Necessity to take into account gender mainstreaming in order to increase quality of service is planned to be considered as the way of solving problems.

-Gender indicator (percentage of girls and boys involved into activities in out-of-school hours) is included into assessing results programme;

- Conduction of gender-sensitive informational campaigns on children engagement into out-of-school hours activities is included into Programme Action Plan with financing (6000,00 UAH).

- Conduction of investigation regarding out-of-school hours services and children’s needs taking into account sex and age of the children .The investigation is included into Programme Action Plan with financing (7000,000 UAH)

As the result of GRB lobbying campaign, 13000, 00 UAH (1589, 63 USD) should be allocated by local government in Zhitomir.

3) GRB Lobbying campaign of aesthetic education programme in Chuguev city, Kharkov district. Responsible party: Kharkov regional civil organization “Regional gender resource center”.


Chapter 2 “Increasing of Quality of aesthetic education of schoolchildren in correspondence to youth’s needs” is recommended to be included to the project of Complex regional programme on cultural development in Chuguev city for the period from2013 till 2016:

-To use sex disaggregated data for modernization of aesthetic educational programmes taking into account needs of different sex and age groups of schoolchildren;

To conduct an audit in order to specify cultural needs of the youth (5000 uah)

To provide projects with consultative and scientific support. Increase a quality of services on aesthetics education of schoolchildren (20000,00UAH).

Totally, 25000, 00 UAH (3056, 98 USD) should be allocated by local government.

4) Implementation of the lobbying campaign on GRB “Iodine deficit problem solving among pregnant women in Lutsk”. Responsible party: Volyn regional civil organization “Gender center”.


The target of providing medicines to eliminate the pregnant women’s iodine deficit was incorporated in the Draft of Lutsk City Programme “Overcoming of Lutsk Citizen’s Iodine Deficit”.The Draft of the Programme was submitted for review of the Commission on Social Protection, Healthcare, Motherhood and Childhood of Lutsk City Council. The expected result – 4000 pregnant women will overcome iodine deficit. Plannedlocalbudgetallocations- 168000,00 UAH (20542,92 USD).

III.Conduction of official assistance monitoring for development. Responsible party: gender expert LaysaMagduk. The main target of the monitoring is to clarify the following:

-Existence of gender component in donor’s programmes;

-Gender issues integration level in donor’s programmes and projects;

-Volume of financing gender component;

-Quantity of gender indicators for domestic monitoring and work evaluation;

-Participation in evaluation of national programmes, which includes gender component;

-Participation in donors discussion on gender issues

Public disclosure of the monitoring results is planned for the end of February 2013.

4) Training “Monitoring of budgetary provisions and donor’s assistance. GRB implementation as a tool for increasing government and donor’s accountability for financing gender equality issues «was conducted on 9-10th of November 2012 in Lvov. The goal of training was to increase the capacity of gender experts, leaders of civil society organizations, including women’s organizations and local governmental authorities in order to provide effective financing of gender equality issues.

Training results:

-Increased capacity of civil society organizations, including women’s organizations regarding donors assistance and budget monitoring ,directed for gender equality issues;

-Increased capacity of civil society organizations, including women’s organizations and local public officials regarding gender budgeting;

-Results of the training were analyzed and companies experience on GRB at the local level was disseminated;

-Gender budget initiatives implemented by the Swedish Development Agency in the frame of Ivano-Frankovsk pilot project were examined;

Experience development and expansion of special purpose programme method on local Ukrainian budgets was examined under the frames of the project “ Strengthen local finance initiative (SLFI-2):implementation” supported by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID,2011-2015),Institute for Budgetary and Socio –Economic.

(Kindly see enclosed programme of the training)

5) Conduction of the Multi-Stakeholder Meeting on the 27-28 of November in Kiev

Accountability for commitments on gender equality and women’s empowerment in the context of global development and aid effectiveness frameworks and reform”

  1. The main object of themulti-stakeholder meeting is to provide an opportunity for cooperation among executive authorities,responsible for official aid coordination development and empowerment policy, donors and NGOs regarding common interest issues as well as commitments to increase investment in financing for gender equality priorities, increasing the volume and effective use of aid and domestic resources, introduction of gender statistics to implement national commitments on consolidation of gender equality and women’s empowerment. The participants of the meeting: Representative of Ombudsperson, Head of Department of the Rights of Child, Gender Equality and Non-discrimination, Secretariat of Parliamentary Ombudsperson, Ms. AksanaFilipishyna, representatives of the Ukrainian Parliament Commissioner for Human Rights, representatives of the Ministry of Social Policy of Ukraine, representatives of the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade of Ukraine, representatives of the Ministry of Finance of Ukraine, representatives of the main ministries and authorities of Eastern European and Central Asia countries, main donor’s organizations working in the sphere of gender equality and women’s empowerment, leading gender experts from Eastern European and Central Asia countries, heads of gender equality, women’s rights NGOs, UN Women representatives at the national and international level.

(Programme enclosed).

6. Three trainings “Integration of gender equality concept into the programmes of social-economic development and social initiatives of the president of Ukraine” were conducted for the employees of the Ministry of Social Policy, Ministry of Economic Development and Trade, Ministry of Finance of Ukraine, Ukrainian Parliament Commissioner for Human rights.

As the result the capacity of the employees was strengthen :

-mastering basic concepts of gender equality, awareness of the basic international and national normative legal documents and priorities of gender policy in Ukraine;

- Understanding of gender equality influence on the state and society development processes as well as for the quality of men and women life;

-getting knowledge and practice on gender integration and gender evaluation;

- mastering international and national experience on integration gender priorities into different spheres, projects, programmes of social-economic development;

-mastering practices of gender equality expansion into budgetary process, mechanisms of donor’s assistance coordination into economic and social development as well as governance at the national and regional level.

(Kindly see training programme enclosed).


Oksana Kisselyova,

UN Women, National Programme Coordinator.