PROPOSED REVISION TO: REG 02.20.16 Grade Exclusion

Rationale: Revisions required to comply with UNC-GA Transmittal #83 Regulations Related to Fostering Undergraduate Student Success. Section 1 was revised to move the effects of grade exclusion from Section 1 Eligibility to Section 2 Effects. Section 2.1 was revised, for compliance with Transmittal #83, to include a statement that hours excluded through the use of grade exclusion will be counted in attempted hours for financial aid SAP and for tuition surcharge calculations.

Consultation Process:

9/13/13Provost and Executive Vice Chancellorauthorizes transmittal of PRR for review

N/A Council of Deans review, if applicable

11/21/13Academic Associate Deans review, if applicable

N/A Academic Department Heads review, if applicable

12/12/13Graduate Administrative Board review, if applicable

11/26/13Faculty Senate review, if applicable (Academic Policy Committee)

1/7/14Faculty Senate notification

3/03/14General Counsel review

3/20/14Provost approval

4/01/14EOM Discussion

8/11/14UC notification

Policies, Regulations and Rules / Authority
Provost and Executive Vice Chancellor
Undergraduate Grade Exclusion
PRR Subject
Courses, Undergraduate
Contact Info
Department Registration and Records(919-515-2572)

History: First Issued: August 23, 2011.

Related Policies:
NCSU REG02.20.06 – Course Repeat Regulation

Additional References:
First Year Course Repeat Policy
Listing of Approved Substitute Courses for the First Year Course Repeat Policy
Undergraduate Grade Exclusion Form
Course Repeat Without Penalty Policy


1.1 Undergraduate students may select up to two NC State courses with posted letter grades of C- or below to be excluded from calculation of their cumulative grade point average. Unsuccessful audits or credit-only attempts are not eligible for exclusion.

1.2 Grades excluded under previous university regulations (such as First Year Course Repeat or Course Repeat Without Penalty) count toward the maximum two courses allowed for exclusion.

1[MGJ1].3 Once a grade exclusion is applied to a course, the grade points and the credit hours attempted and earned on the course will be removed from the calculation of the cumulative grade point average and from the calculation of the total hours attempted.

1.4 The course title and grade for the course will be shown on the official record with a notation to indicate the grade was excluded from the computation of the cumulative grade point average.

1.5 Excluded courses cannot be used to satisfy degree requirements.

1.36 Grade exclusions must be posted prior to a student applying for graduation[MGJ2]. Grade exclusions cannot be invoked after a baccalaureate degree has been conferred upon the student by NC State.

1.47 Once a grade exclusion is posted, the student cannot remove the exclusion or change it to another course at a later date.

1.58 Grade exclusions cannot be applied to courses in which the student was found to have committed academic dishonestymisconduct.


2.1 Once a grade exclusion is applied to a course, the grade points and the credit hours attempted and earned on the course will be removed from the calculation of the cumulative grade point. Excluded courses and hours will continue to be counted in calculations of satisfactory progress for financial aid eligibility and for tuition surcharge[MGJ3].

2.2 The course title and grade for the course will be shown on the official record with a notation to indicate the grade was excluded from the computation of the cumulative grade point average.

2.3 Excluded courses cannot be used to satisfy degree requirements.

2.41 Grade exclusions will result in a recalculation of academic standing. Use of a grade exclusion does not retroactively change the status of the student’s semester academic honors or result in a refund of tuition or fees.

2.52 Students should be aware that many graduate and professional schools recalculate grade point averages in the process of considering an applicant for admission to such programs. This recalculation may include restoring the grades and cumulative grade point average effects of courses to which a grade exclusion has been applied.


[MGJ1]Moved under Section 2 Effects of Grade Exclusion

[MGJ2] SIS improvements in graduation clearance have eliminated potential to clear a student for graduation if degree requirements are unsatisfied due to late application of a grade exclusion. 11/21/13 Associate Deans recommended this sentence be removed.

Faculty Senate APC (11/26/13) recommended that the sentence be retained since students have their entire career to apply grade exclusions and requesting a grade exclusion after applying for graduation is likely to be used solely to elevate GPA.

[MGJ3]Last sentence added to bring REG into compliance with Transmittal 83 mandate to count hours from excluded courses in calculations for Financial Aid SAP and for Undergraduate Tuition Surcharge.