Behavior and Discipline
Aberdeen Elementary is focused on a school environment that is safe, nurturing, and builds good character. Our program will help students learn appropriate behaviors through weekly school meetings, classroom meetings, and communication with families.
DISCIPLINE CODE WITH CONSEQUENCES: Students may receive a pink slip for the following infractions. The consequences apply to any location: halls, playground, lunch room, classroom, or on the way home. Pink slips will be communicated to parents by phone calls home and U.S. Mail.
Teasing: Name calling, insulting, or other behavior that hurts other’s feelings or makes them feel bad about themselves.1st time: 15 second intervention (warning)
2nd time: Pink slip / Exclusion: Starting rumors, telling others not be friends with someone, or other actions that would cause someone to be without friends.
1st time: 15 second intervention
2nd time: Pink slip / Physical Contact: Hitting, pushing, grabbing, kicking, tripping.
Aggressive Play:
Running, Pushing, wrestling, fake fighting.
Note: Students will be suspended if they are involved in serious fights. / Bystander Involvement:
Encouraging or acting upon other students’ inappropriate behavior.
Disruptive Behavior:
Any action that interferes with the learning of others.
Classroom teacher will follow the room behavior plan. Pink slips for this will occur after the teacher has given student repeated opportunities to change behavior. / Disrespectfulness:
Defiance, attitude, uncooperativeness. / Disregard for Safety Rules: Inappropriate use of playground equipment.
15 second warning, student will receive pink slip if behavior does not change / Profanity: Cuss words, obscene words or gestures.
Profanity that is directed will result in a pink slip.
Other: 15 second intervention 1st.
Consequences for Pink Slips:
FIRST TIME / SECOND TIME / THIRD TIME / INTERVENTIONOne (1) time out at lunch recess; student calls home. / Two (2) time outs at lunch recess; student calls home. / Three (3) time outs at lunch recess; student calls home. / Staff and parents meet to discuss options. This may include a behavior plan, classes only, suspension, etc.
More severe behavior including fighting, sexual harassment, cheating, stealing, or vandalism will result in a conduct report, additional time-out at recess, or a suspension.
Note: Kindergarten teachers and supervisors will use more immediate, brief consequences with kindergarten students. Severe behavior, however, may lead to more severe consequences, including suspension, depending on the behavior.
Please refer to GRPS student code of conduct for levels of discipline.