2016Chapter Officer Application

Chapter Officer Application

Please type, print, and collect appropriate signatures. Complete applications are due by 2:45 PM Monday, May9th. Interviews will be held Monday, May 16th immediately after school in official dress.

Applicant's Name: Click here to enter text.

Address: Click here to enter text.City: Click here to enter text.Zip: Click here to enter text.

Phone #: Click here to enter text.Cell # Click here to enter text.Do you text? ☐Yes☐No

Grade: Click here to enter text.Age: Click here to enter text.

Agriculture classes planned for the coming year: Click here to enter text.

Which chapter office is your highest preference? Choose an item. Which is your second?Choose an item.

If you aren’t elected to a position of your preference will you consider another position? Briefly explain.

Click here to enter text.

If elected to serve as an FFA officer, you will be a representative of your FFA Chapter and your school. You will also be a role model for other FFA members. Please obtain signatures from each of the following individuals, indicating that they feel you will be a good candidate and recommend you for FFA office:

FFA Member: FFA Member:

Teacher: Teacher:

School Administrator (Principal or AP):

Counselor: Semester GPA: Cumulative GPA:

Applicant Questions

1. Briefly state the qualities you possess that qualify you for a chapter officer.

Click here to enter text.

2. If you were elected to a chapter office, what would be your main goal for the chapter?

Click here to enter text.

3. It will be required for Chapter Officers to compete in a speaking contest, which contest would you like to compete in? (Impromptu-Sophomore only, Prepared, Extemporaneous, or Job Interview)

Click here to enter text.

4. What other commitments do you have in the year that would compete for your time?

Click here to enter text.

5. What do you believe the most important responsibilities of a chapter officer are?

Click here to enter text.

6. What ideas or changes do you want to implement to the FFA chapter and what would be the result?

Click here to enter text.

7. On a Chapter Officer team there are six different personalities. How would you assist in molding this group into one complete team, instead of six different personalities?

Click here to enter text.

8. State in 30 words or less why you want to be a chapter officer. This statement could be placed on an official ballot!

Click here to enter text.

I, , hereby approve of my son/daughter,

, running and possibly becoming a Wildomar-Elsinore FFA Chapter Officer for the 2016-2017school year. I have read this application and certify my student’s responses aretrue. I realize that he/she is responsible for their officer duties and will uphold them to the best of their ability.

I further understand my child is required to be at all executive committee meetings, on time, or will fall subject to the penalties associated with absence and tardiness. I am aware that repeated absences (no more than two, without prior written notice) from official officer functions will result in my student's early dismissal from the officer team.

I understand that officer’s are expected to be leaders in and out of the classroom and therefore must keep all course grades at a C or better to participate as a officer. I am also aware that suspension results in immediate termination from office as we encourage our officers to be role models. I will work to support his/her officer team by helping with the FFA booster club.

Parent/Guardian Signature: ______Date: ______

I certify the responses on this application are my own, and are true and accurate. I understand I am responsible for my duties as a chapter officer and will uphold them to the best of my ability. I further understand I am required to be at all executive committee meetings, on time, or will fall subject to the penalties associated with absence and tardiness. I am aware that repeated absences from required functions will result in my being dismissed from the officer team early. I also understand that I must maintain a C or better in all my classes to participate on the executive committee in any way.My presence at the leadership camp is mandatory!

Applicant Signature: ______Date: ______

Description of Officer Responsibilities

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2016Chapter Officer Application


· Preside over meetings according to accepted rules of parliamentary procedure.

· Appoint committees and serve on them as an ex-officio (non-voting) member.

· Coordinate the activities of the chapter and evaluate the progress of each division of the Program of Activities.

· Represent the chapter in public relations and official functions.


· Assume all duties of the president if necessary.

· Develop the Program of Activities and serve as an ex-officio (non-voting) member of the POA committees.

· Coordinate all committee work.

· Work closely with the president and advisor to assess progress toward meeting chapter goals.

· Establish and maintain a chapter resource file.


· Prepare and post the agenda for each chapter meeting.

· Prepare and present the minutes of each chapter meeting.

· Place all committee reports in the designated area in the Official FFA Chapter Secretary's Book.

· Be responsible for chapter correspondence.

· Maintain member attendance and activity records and issue membership cards.

· Keep the Program of Activities wall chart up-to-date.


· Present monthly treasurer's reports at chapter meetings.

· Maintain a neat and accurate Official FFA Chapter Treasurer's Book.

· Serve as chairperson of the earnings and savings committee.

· Help advisors maintain accurate records of all FFA fundraisers.


· Release news and information to local and regional news media by updating chapter’s social media.

· Publish a chapter newsletter.

· Send local stories to area, district and state reporters.

· Send articles and photographs to FFA New Horizons and other publications.

· Work with local media on radio and television appearances and FFA news.

· Serve as the chapter photographer and bring a camera to all FFA Events.


· Assist the president in maintaining order.

· Keep the meeting room, chapter equipment and supplies in proper condition.

· Bring paraphernalia to all Chapter Meetings, Banquets, and the Opening and Closing Ceremonies Contest.

· Welcome guests and visitors.

· Keep the meeting room comfortable.

· Take charge of candidates for degree ceremonies.

· Assist with special features and refreshments.

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2016Chapter Officer Application

Wildomar-Elsinore FFA Chapter Officer Application


1. I will enroll in at least one Agricultural class. Ag Class ______YESNO

2. I will enroll in the Agriculture Leadership 7thperiod classYESNO

if offered in 2016-17.

3. I’m willing to change my personal schedule so that I can attend all YESNO

officer meetings, regularly scheduled meetings and planned activities

4. I am willing to miss work and other personal activities to ensureYESNO

quality leadership programs sponsored by the Wildomar-Elsinore

FFA Chapter

5. I will have my officer part memorized by the first scheduled meeting!YESNO

6. I will attend the officer retreat during the summer-date TBD.YESNO

7. I will maintain a minimum 2.0 GPA, cannot be failing any classYESNO

8. I will participate in a Section Public Speaking Contest (Impromptu, YESNO

Prepared, Extemporaneous, or Job Interview)

9. I will participate in a CDE team or complete a Section Proficiency


10. I will forgo the use of tobacco, alchol and drugs and cursing while YESNO

involved in all official and unofficial activities.

11. I will keep my family informed of what I am/our team is doing.YESNO

12. I will wear appropriate clothing to all events. I will obtain and wear YESNO

official dress to all FFA functions as appropriate.

If you answered ‘NO’ to any of the above questions, a detailed explanation will need to be submitted with this application.

The spirit and enthusiasm in which an officer completes their duties require a yearlong commitment. In the same spirit in which a person makes this commitment, an officer that is not meeting his or her duties will be asked to resign from their office.

As an officer you will be representing the Wildomar-Elsinore FFA Chapter and Elsinore High School. Any incidents that violate the Wildomar-Elsinore High School Code of Conduct will result in consequences outline in the handbook.

I accept this responsibility. ______Date ______

Officer Signature

Expectations of the Chapter Officers

  1. This is YOUR organization NOT the Ag Teachers'!
  2. Your number one priority and focus as a chapter officer is to serve the needs of the members of your chapter.
  3. The success of Chapter Officers is evaluated by team performance, not necessarily on individual performance. Learn how to help each other to become better leaders.
  4. Learn how to effectively win friends and influence those with differing viewpoints.
  5. It is expected that each Chapter Officer be a positive role model for the members of the chapter. (Suspensions, probations, and repititious disciplinary action is unacceptable.)
  6. It is expected that each Chapter Officer strive aggressively to achieve and maintain academic success.
  7. NEVER… tell members or friends how important YOU are!
  8. NEVER… use the word "I" or allow your individual ego to interfere with the functioning of the team.
  9. Conduct yourself in a dignified and professional manner at all times.
  10. Always be courteous and respectful to all members and advisors 100% of the time.
  11. Be discreet! Keep our business within the group. Communication is key… to air likes, dislikes, and other issues.
  13. When you need help… ask for it!
  14. NEVER wait until the last minute to complete your assignments.
  15. Give 100% effort!
  16. Be enthusiastic at all times. (You never know who is watching!)
  17. Learn how to be an effective leader and still have fun.
  18. Remember: "The task ahead of you is never as great as the power behind you!"

I have read and understand the "Expectations of the Chapter Officers." I understand they apply to me in my pursuit of a position on the Chapter Officer Team. I further understand that failure to comply to the expectations may result in my early dismissal from the team.


Student SignatureDate

I have read, and understand, that the "Expectations of the Chapter Officers" listed above apply to my child who is pursuing a position on the Chapter Officer Team.


Parent/Guardian SignatureDate

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