# Reforming the Industrial Revolution pp. 734-740Name:
- The Growth of Capitalism
- Laissez-faire:
- Based in the ideas of French Economic philosophers of the Enlightenment.
- Government regulations interfered with wealth production.
- Adam Smith: wrote The Wealth of Nations about a free economy (free markets) and the 3 laws of economics.
- Law of Self-Interest-
- Law of Competition-
- Law of Supply and Demand-
- Capitalism: An economic theory based on the beliefs laissez-faire economics, Adam Smith and other economists.
- Capitalism:
- Thomas Malthus-
- Laissez-faire thinkers opposed government efforts to help workers such as the minimum wage/improved (regulated) working conditions. They felt such regulations would lower profits and interfere with the production of wealth.
- Socialism:
- Jeremy Benthem: introduced the idea of Utilitarianism in the late 1700s
- Utilitarianism:
- Government should promote the greatest good for the greatest number of people.
- In general, an individual should be free to pursue his/her own advantage without interference from the state.
- John Stuart Mill:
- Wanted government policies that would lead to a more equal division in profits.
- Wanted
- Give
- Governments
- Socialism:
- The government
- Government control of factories, mines, railroads and other key industries would end poverty and promote equality.
- Public (government) ownership
- One way to change
- Communism-
- The Communist Manifesto:
- Human society has always been divided into Haves and Have Nots who are at war.
- “Haves”=
- “Have Nots”=
- The wealthy controlled all the means of production while the poor labored under terrible conditions.
- Marx believed that Capitalism would soon destroy itself.
- Factories would drive small artisans out of business leaving just a few in control of all the wealth.
- The proletariat would revolt
- Workers would share
- Workers would control
- Eventually,
- Pure Communism:
- No personal property would be needed or allowed- all goods and services would be shared equally.
- 1900s-
- Pure communism never emerged in these revolutions only dictatorship.
- Why didn’t workers revolt worldwide as Marx had expected?
- Marx and Engles
- Failed to account for the influences of
- The gap between the rich and poor widened but not in the way Marx expected because conditions for the poor improved because of the development of unions and government reforms.
- Labor Unions and Reform: Working people grew tired of long hours, dangerous working conditions and low wages. By the 1800s, they became more interested in politics and reform.
- Unions:
- Unions
- Collective bargaining:
- Unions
- Strike:
- Skilled workers
- Governments in both the US and Britain passed laws outlawing unions.
- Workers joined unions anyway and they eventually became legal.
- Other Reforms.
- Governments began to investigate child labor and working conditions.
- Factory Act (England) 1833- made it illegal to hire children under 9 years old. Kids 9-12 couldn’t work more than 8 hours. Kids 13-17 couldn’t work more than 12 hours.
- 1842- Mines Act-
- Unions eventually joined