Reflective Student Learning Portfolio Rubric

Updated: Spring 2015



Please indicate the extent that the student has demonstrated each program outcome based on the overall contents of their portfolio by circling the cell that best represents what is evident in the learning.

I. Program Learning Outcomes / Advanced
3 / Proficient
2 / Emerging
1 / Not Met
1: Articulate the theoretical foundation of the student affairs/services profession and its research. / All relevant artifacts clearly identify and describe achievement of this outcome. / Most of the relevant artifacts clearly identify and describe achievement of this outcome. / A few relevant artifacts clearly identify and describe achievement of this outcome. / No relevant artifacts clearly identify and describe achievement of this outcome.
2: Integrate and apply student development and student learning epistemologies. / All relevant artifacts clearly identify and describe achievement of this outcome. / Most of the relevant artifacts clearly identify and describe achievement of this outcome. / A few relevant artifacts clearly identify and describe achievement of this outcome. / No relevant artifacts clearly identify and describe achievement of this outcome.
3: Evaluate how students come into the institution (i.e., characteristics and preparation) and propose strategies for engagement and retention. / All relevant artifacts clearly identify and describe achievement of this outcome. / Most of the relevant artifacts clearly identify and describe achievement of this outcome. / A few relevant artifacts clearly identify and describe achievement of this outcome. / No relevant artifacts clearly identify and describe achievement of this outcome.
4: Work strategically with varying leadership styles that are prevalent within a postsecondary context. / All relevant artifacts clearly identify and describe achievement of this outcome. / Most of the relevant artifacts clearly identify and describe achievement of this outcome. / A few relevant artifacts clearly identify and describe achievement of this outcome. / No relevant artifacts clearly identify and describe achievement of this outcome.
5: Identify one's own leadership strengths and identify areas in need of further development. / All relevant artifacts clearly identify and describe achievement of this outcome. / Most of the relevant artifacts clearly identify and describe achievement of this outcome. / A few relevant artifacts clearly identify and describe achievement of this outcome. / No relevant artifacts clearly identify and describe achievement of this outcome.
6: Identify ethical dilemmas in postsecondary leadership and propose multiple solutions for resolution. / All relevant artifacts clearly identify and describe achievement of this outcome. / Most of the relevant artifacts clearly identify and describe achievement of this outcome. / A few relevant artifacts clearly identify and describe achievement of this outcome. / No relevant artifacts clearly identify and describe achievement of this outcome.
7: Engage in meaningful outcomes-based assessment of collaboratively designed student learning and development. / All relevant artifacts clearly identify and describe achievement of this outcome. / Most of the relevant artifacts clearly identify and describe achievement of this outcome. / A few relevant artifacts clearly identify and describe achievement of this outcome. / No relevant artifacts clearly identify and describe achievement of this outcome.
8: Articulate and apply the foundational principles of diversity, social justice, and globalization. / All relevant artifacts clearly identify and describe achievement of this outcome. / Most of the relevant artifacts clearly identify and describe achievement of this outcome. / A few relevant artifacts clearly identify and describe achievement of this outcome. / No relevant artifacts clearly identify and describe achievement of this outcome.
9: Apply research to practice, particularly in a chosen area of specialization and focus. / All relevant artifacts clearly identify and describe achievement of this outcome. / Most of the relevant artifacts clearly identify and describe achievement of this outcome. / A few relevant artifacts clearly identify and describe achievement of this outcome. / No relevant artifacts clearly identify and describe achievement of this outcome.
10: Communicate ideas and concepts effectively in written & spoken word. / All relevant artifacts clearly identify and describe achievement of this outcome. / Most of the relevant artifacts clearly identify and describe achievement of this outcome. / A few relevant artifacts clearly identify and describe achievement of this outcome. / No relevant artifacts clearly identify and describe achievement of this outcome.
II. Reflection Criteria / Advanced
3 / Proficient
2 / Emerging
1 / Not Met
Alignment / All reflections clearly identify and describe achievement of student’s goals and relevant program student learning outcomes (or lack thereof). / Most of the reflections identify and describe student’s goals and relevant program student learning outcomes. / A few reflections identify and describe student’s goals and relevant program student learning outcomes. / No reflections identify and describe student’s goals and relevant program student learning outcomes.
Quality of Reflection / All artifact reflections illustrate the ability to effectively critique work and provide suggestions for constructive practical alternatives. / Most of the reflections illustrate the ability to effectively critique work and provide suggestions for constructive practical alternatives. / A few reflections illustrate the ability to effectively critique work and provide suggestions for constructive practical alternatives. / No reflections illustrate the ability to effectively critique work or provide suggestions for constructive practical alternatives.
End-of-Learning Alignment / End of learning reflections describe student’s achievement of program learning outcomes, professional goals, and personal goals. Illustrative examples are used throughout to support claims of outcome achievement. / End of learning reflections clearly describe student’s achievement of program learning outcomes, professional goals, and personal goals. Some examples are used to support claims of outcome achievement. / End of learning reflections describe student’s achievement of program learning outcomes, professional goals, and personal goals. Examples are not used consistently to support claims of outcome achievement. / End of learning reflections describe student’s achievement of program learning outcomes, professional goals, and personal goals. Examples are not used to support claims of outcome achievement.
Quality / End-of-learning reflections illustrate the ability to effectively critique work and provide suggestions for growth and improvement. / Most end-of-learning reflections illustrate the ability to effectively critique work and provide suggestions for growth and improvement. / Some end-of-learning reflections illustrate the ability to effectively critique work and provide suggestions for growth and improvement. / End-of-learning reflections do not illustrate the ability to effectively critique work and provide suggestions for growth and improvement.
Post-Graduation / Student is able to make clear connections between learning and personal and professional growth in the program to their immediate post-graduation plans. / Student is able to make some connections between learning and personal and professional growth in the program to their immediate post-graduation plans. / Connections between learning and personal and professional growth in the program and student’s immediate post-graduation plans are marginally connected. / Connections between learning and personal and professional growth in the program and student’s immediate post-graduation plans are unclear are not connected.
Self-Evaluation / Student portrays an excellent self-evaluation of personal strengths and weaknesses. / Student portrays accurate consideration of personal strengths and weaknesses. / Student portrays somewhat superficial consideration of personal strengths and weaknesses. / Student portrays lack of interest in personal strengths and weaknesses.
III. Portfolio Delivery / Advanced
3 / Proficient
2 / Emerging
1 / Not Met
Organization/Ease of Navigation of Written Portfolio / Portfolio is organized in accordance to instructions and is easy to navigate. / Portfolio is mostly organized in accordance to instructions, except for a few parts. Portfolio is mostly easy to navigate. / Portfolio is not organized in accordance to instructions, except for a few sections. Portfolio is difficult to navigate, but possible. / Portfolio is not organized in accordance to instructions. Portfolio is impossible to navigate.
Writing Mechanics / The text has no errors in grammar, capitalization, punctuation, and spelling. APA formatting guidelines are consistently applied. / The text has a few errors in grammar, capitalization, punctuation, and spelling that require minor editing and revision. There are some minor errors in APA formatting. / The text has several noticeable errors in grammar, capitalization, punctuation, spelling, and/or APA formatting. Major editing and revision are needed. / Major editing and revision are needed. Noticeable errors in grammar, capitalization, punctuation, spelling, and/or APA formatting are found throughout the portfolio.
Oral Presentation Delivery Mechanics / Presentation was very organized, engaging, and delivered professionally. PowerPoint or other visual aids are well integrated into the presentation and facilitate (rather than dominate) the delivery of content. / Presentation mostly was organized, engaging, and professional. PowerPoint or other visual aids are used appropriately and facilitate (rather than dominate) the delivery of content. / Presentation was effective but could be improved with respect to organization, engagement, or professionalism. PowerPoint or other visual aids could have been better integrated into the presentation. / Presentation was ineffective overall. Significant improvement in organization, delivery, and professionalism is needed. PowerPoint and other visual aids were poorly integrated into the presentation.
Oral Presentation Delivery Style / Student consistently appeared extremely poised and confident during the presentation. / Student appeared poised and confident during the presentation. / At times during the presentation, student appeared to lack poise and confidence. / Student clearly lacked poise and confidence during the presentation.
Responses to Committee’s Questions / Student’s responses to questions were very thoughtful and meaningful.Student answered the committee members’ question confidently, accurately, and with poise and humility, yet with empowerment. / Student’s responses to questions were thoughtful and meaningful.Student mostly answered the committee members’ question confidently, accurately, and with poise and humility, yet with empowerment. / Student’s responses to some of the questions lacked depth.Student showed very little ability to answer the committee members’ question confidently, accurately, and with poise and humility, yet with empowerment. / Student showed no ability to answer the committee members’ questions confidently, meaningfully, accurately, and with poise and humility, yet with empowerment.
IV. Outcome and Feedback / Pass / Pass With Revisions / No Pass
Outcome of Portfolio Defense
Required Revisions (if applicable)
Overall Comments and Feedback

V. Final Questions for Reviewer. Please select one option for each of the questions below:

1)Overall, this students’ portfolio does ____ / does not ____ represent the type of learning we expect from one of our students.

2)If I had a position available at my institution that met this student’s interests and qualifications, I would ____ / would not ____ hire him/her.