Lesson Plan

Name: Taylor Fitzpatrick / Date: 3/24
Subject: English / Grade: Ages 8-9 (3rd Grade)
Virginia SOL: N/A / Start time: 8:00 am / Stop time: 8:25
Lesson Title: Reviewing Spelling Irregular Verbs Correctly
Objectives(What do you want students to know, do, or feel as a result of your instruction?)
1. / TSW enhance listening skills.
2. / TSW practice spelling irregular verbs orally.
3. / TSW understand the differentiation of present, past, and future tense verbs.
Critical vocabulary: / Present / Past / Future / Verbs
Clap / Try / Watch / Help
Worry / Plan / Give / Hop
Hope / Pop / Fly / Hurry
Materials/resources: / List of Words
Intro (how do you capture their attention and get them interested?):
First we will read an excerpt from the book, Kites Sail High by Ruth Heller. This is a very simple book, but as we read, I will ask the class to tell me a different tense of some of the irregular verbs. This will put them in the right mindset for our main activity.
Body (what comes after your interesting intro?)
We are already familiar with practicing spelling irregular verbs, so rather than doing repetitive bookwork I thought I would make the students have to use their listening and patience skills and play Sparkle. Sparkle is a game similar to buzz for math, or other similar games but for spelling. The class will stand behind their desks in a circle and I will tell them I want them to spell the present or past tense of a particular verb. Then, the first person will say the first letter of the word, and the next the second, and so on until the word is finished. Once the word is finished, the next person in line has to say, “Sparkle!” If anyone misses a letter, spells the word incorrectly, or so on, they will be out and have to sit down at their desk. To make sure they still participate, they have to write down the correct version of the word I am asking about. If everyone gets out, we will play again with everyone. This activity forces students to pay attention, listen, and practice the objectives at hand.
Closure (purposeful summary-help them remember today or anticipate tomorrow):
Write down one irregular verb in the present and past tense (hint: it only counts if it changes/varies in spelling!)
Assessment: (How will you assess if they have mastered your objectives? Be specific.)
I will be conducting this activity so I will be looking for trends in spelling mistakes and lack of listening.
Pre-assessment: (How will you know if your students already know what you are teaching?)
This is a review of lessons we worked on the previous week.
Are you differentiating lesson content, process, or product by readiness, interest, or learning profile? Explain below.
learning profile
For cooperative learning explain how you have insured:
positive interdependence-
individual accountability-
group processing-
social skills-
face-to-face interaction-

Reflections (So, how did it go? What will you change to make it better? Do it now or you’ll forget.)

Word Game List:

Past tense of Clap - Clapped

Past tense of Try - Tried

Present tense of Watched - Watch

Past tense of Help – Helped

Present tense Popped - Pop

Past tense of Give - Gave

Past tense of Hop - Hopped

Present tense of Hurried - Hurry

Past tense of Fly - Flew

Past tense of Plan - Planned

Present tense of Hoped - Hope

Past tense of Worry - Worried