Amanda Garreaud
Reflection on Cooperation vs. Competition
I think this assignment reflects my performance towards my degree at SLCC. While writing this paper, I definitely had my own ideas about the subject. I am pro competition. I have always pushed my kids competitively. I feel that losing helps build character. While reading different opinions on this subject, I really started to rethink it. Especially with my focus being on elementary education, I read a lot about the problems that competition can bring into a classroom. I think that is part of the learning process at SLCC. To be open minded enough that when you hear or read an opposing opinion, you will look at it seriously and let it challenge what you already think. The more open you are, the more rounded you will become. I feel that is especially important in education. I know I will be working with all kinds of people. There will be different styles of parenting and other issues that I won’t agree with, but I will need to open enough to accept a difference of opinion.
I was very grateful that I decided to take this course during the summer. It really coincided with my psychology class. One focused on how the mind changes over the cores of a life time, the other was focused on our minds; from how the brain works to disorders of the brain. The concepts in both classes reinforced each other and it made a crammed with work, difficult semester a little easier.
Amanda Garreaud
Reflection on Big Lipped Parents
Writing this paper and thinking about how difficult it would be to be an immigrant really helped me grow as an education major. I have always felt very strong about the fact that people who come to this country should adopt our customs, including language. This assignment forced me to think about how that would feel. Part of who you are is where you come from. Should this girl and her parents abandon their life and customs to fit into our society? It was a hard question to answer.
My first answer was no, this girl should not be forced to follow customs she will never see or be around in our country. I considered her physical appearance and whether or not she would fit in; which made me ask myself, who judges what’s ok and if someone fits in or not? Very few of us native American, which mean we came to this country from somewhere else.
Again, this paper helped me to understand how important it is to be open to other customs and cultures. Also I really thought about how hard it would be to have to come to a school and not speak the language. We need sympathy and patience for these kids.