Reflection Assignments

Reflection Assignment #1: Your Phase 1 Rough Draft is due on Jan. 22. In this reflection assignment, apply the questions in the planning model (see the handout) to your Phase 1 document. What do you know about the purpose of this document that can help you make informed decisions about its content, style, length, etc.? Spend some time planning for your writing, and include in your reflection some commentary about how you intend to draft this document collaboratively. Include some commentary about your own concerns or contributions: how do you see yourself contributing to your group's writing efforts? What are your strengths and weaknesses in writing and how will those work in the context of your collaboration on this draft?

Reflection Assignment #2: Now that you have completed a rough draft of your Phase 1 report, you need to look ahead to your Phase 1 oral presentation. Follow the same instructions for planning this presentation as you did above: apply the questions in the planning model (on the handout) to your presentation. What do you know about the purpose of this presentation that can help you make informed decisions about its content, delivery, visuals, etc.? Spend some time planning for your presentation, and include in your reflection some commentary about how you intend to collaborate on it. How do you see yourself contributing to your group's presentation? What are your strengths and weaknesses in speaking and how will those work in the context of your collaboration?

Reflection Assignment #3: Reflect on the processes you went through revising your Phase 1 document between the rough draft date (Jan. 22) and the final due date (Jan. 31). What specific areas did you find for revision? What were the main problems: content? Organization? Writing style? Correctness? Documentation? Gaps in coverage? How did you become aware of those areas? How did your team work on the revisions: were some members more or less astute in pointing out areas of concern? How were the revisions made: did you divide up the task, work together on it all at once, or give it to selected team members to do? What general principles did this first team revision experience teach you about writing in industry? You might also reflect a little on the final draft: are there still some things you're uncertain about? If you were in a high-stakes industry setting, how would you go about finding out for sure whether your final draft is up to snuff?

Reflection Assignment #4: You have now done an oral presentation with your team. Think back on the way you prepared for and delivered that oral presentation. First, provide your own assessment of how it went. Discuss the processes involved in planning the presentation. Did your team decide to assign various tasks to its members? Were some people chiefly in charge of the actual presentation? Were there gaps in preparation? If so, what were they? What was your own role? How did you feel about the presentation itself? What were its major strengths and weaknesses? What areas of concern can you identify for further presentations--what do you and your team need to work on? Organization? Visual Aids? Delivery issues? Technical content? What strategies were useful for creating and delivering the presentation? If you could do this presentation over again, what sorts of changes would you make to your planning and delivery? What did this first presentation experience teach you about speaking to an industry audience?

Reflection Assignment #5: After watching your video of your design presentation, reflect on your overall presentation content and delivery. Identify two strengths of the presentation and two areas that need improvement. Consider the following: Is there a clear organizational structure? If so, what is it? What is unclear about the organization of the presentation? Was there a clear introduction and conclusion? Are the transitions effective in providing links between ideas? What kinds of transitions exist? Are there any “bumpy” transitions?

Reflection Assignment #6: Now that you have turned in a rough draft of the Phase II report, think about the process you went through in writing the draft. How did you work together to write the document? What process did you use? How was this process different than your Phase I process? Now look at your Phase II document and anticipate the revisions you will need to make. Where do you believe the document needs revision? Organization? Writing style? Correctness? Documentation? Gaps in coverage? Based on this assessment, draft a plan for revising this document that you can bring to your team. When you meet as a team, use this plan to begin your revision process.

Reflection Assignment #7: As you begin planning this presentation, consider the feedback you received from your Phase I presentation. What area does your team most need to focus on for the next presentation? What are the primary difficulties you face in presenting the content? What are your primary difficulties with the delivery of the presentation? What are some ways to better tailor this presentation to your audience? As you think about the “content” of the presentation, be sure to consider what is the MOST important information you want to present. Write 1-2 sentences for each part of the presentation (progress, areas of assistance, Phase III deliverables, time line). When you come together as a team, use these sentences to begin writing an outline.