¨ Children and development in the 1990s, a UNICEF Sourcebook on the occasion of the World Summit for Children, 29-30 Sept. 1990, United Nations, NY (no publication date)
¨ Development goals and strategies for children in the 1990s. A UNICEF Policy Review. UNICEF, NY, August 1990 (originally presented as Board paper E/ICEF/1990/L.5)
¨ Development Goals and Strategies for Children: Priorities for UNICEF action in the 1990s (E/ICEF/1990/L.5), UNICEF, NY, 13 February 1990.
¨ Discussion paper on planning and preparations for the WSC (E/ICEF/1990/12),UNICEF NY.
¨ First Call for Children (a periodical UNICEF publication providing news on UNICEF activities, including the Summit and Summit Follow-up through mid-decade – has been discontinued)
¨ First Call for Children (commemorative reprint of the World Declaration on the survival, protection and development of children; the Plan of Action for implementing the World Declaration in the 1990s; and the Convention on the Rights of the Child), April, 2000. (original printed in 1990; WSC Declaration and Plan of Action issued in A/45/625, annex) .
¨ GA Resolution 45/217, 21 December 1990 on the World Summit for Children
¨ Proceedings: “Protecting the World’s Children: A Call for Action”. The fourth international child survival conference, Bangkok, Thailand, March 1-3, 1990. Child Survival Task Force Meeting in March 1990 of Child Survival Task Force (the ‘Bellagio Group)’.
¨ Protecting the world’s children: an agenda for the 1990’s, March 10-12, 1988. (including the ‘Talloires Declaration’) Report issued by the Task Force for Child Survival (World Bank, UNDP, WHO, UNICEF, and Rockefeller Foundation), January 1989.
¨ Reference Book: Preparatory & reference documentation on the World Summit for Children, Compiled at UNICEF NY, July 1990.
¨ Report and Recommendations of the Executive Director on the Initiative of the Governments of Canada, Egypt, Mali, Mexico, Pakistan and Sweden to call for a World Summit for Children (UNICEF E/ICEF/1989/15), 1 December 1989.
¨ Report from Mohonk ’89: Children and development in the 1990s. Programme goals and operational strategies for UNICEF (22-25 October 1989), Planning Office, UNICEF, NY, December 1989.
¨ Report of the Executive Director: Overview of actions for children in 1989 (E/ICEF/1990/2), UNICEF, NY, 21 February 1990.
¨ Report of the Executive Director: Promises to keep (E/ICEF/1991/1, part I), UNICEF, NY, 7 March 1991.
¨ Revised goals for children and development in the 1990s (E/ICEF/1990/CRP.2), UNICEF, NY, 30 March 1990.
¨ Statement of agreement on the World Summit for Children (CF/WSC/1990/PC-001).
¨ Statements by Heads of State of Government at the World Summit for Children, United Nations, 29-30 September 1999, UNICEF, NY, December 1990.
¨ Strategies for children in the 1990s. (E/ICEF/1989/L.5), UNICEF, NY, 7 February 1989.
¨ Strategies for children in the 1990s. A UNICEF Policy Review. UNICEF, NY, May 1989 (slightly expanded versions of board paper E/ICEF/1989/L.5).
¨ Suggested themes and topics for the World Summit for Children. Suggestions by Governments; Suggestions by United Nations agencies and offices (CF/WSC/1990/PC-021/Rev4), 22 May 1990.
¨ The State of the World’s Children 1989 and 1990. (Published for UNICEF by Oxford University Press).
¨ The World Summit for Children, A UNICEF Contribution to the World Summit for Children, 1990. (A special Summit edition of The State of the World’s Children 1990), UNICEF NY.
¨ The World Summit for Children: Country-level opportunities and challenges (CF/EXD/1990-004).
¨ The World Summit for Children: Words and Images. UNICEF NY, Division of Communication (compiled press coverage of Summit - no date of issue).
¨ UNICEF annual report; 1990. (corporate annual report, UNICEF NY).
¨ UNICEF annual report; 1991. (corporate annual report, UNICEF NY).
¨ UNICEF annual report; 1992. (corporate annual report, UNICEF NY).
¨ UNICEF Executive Board Special Session. Resolution submitted by the Chairman (E/ICEF/1989/CRP 34), December 1989.
¨ United Nations Children’s Fund - Report of the Executive Board (17-28 April 1989), ECOSOC Official Records, 1989, Supplement #12 (E/ICEF/1989/12). (UNICEF Executive Board discussion and decision 1989/5 on “Strategies for children in the 1990s”).
¨ United Nations Children’s Fund - Report of the Executive Board on the work of its special session held at United Nations Headquarters, from 18-19 December 1989. Special Session on the World Summit for Children (E/ICEF/1989-17), Includes decision 1989/31. Issued 20 March, 1990.
¨ United Nations Children’s Fund - Report of the Executive Board, 16-27 April 1990, ECOSOC Official records, 1990, Supplement #8 (E/ICEF/1990/13).
¨ Video productions: three videos supporting the Summit: ‘Today’s Children, Tomorrow’s World’ produced 3 months prior to the summit; the video ‘341’ shown at the Summit itself and in 35 countries after the summit; and a co-production, with BBC TA called ‘When the Bough Breaks’.
¨ Why a World Summit for Children? A UNICEF Perspective (compiled papers including Statement of SG (8 February 1990); ‘UNICEF’s perspectives’; ‘Children and development goals’; ‘WSC Discussion Paper’; ‘Government endorsements of the idea of a summit’; and ‘Note on the rationale behind the proposed World Summit for Children’. (also Why a World Summit for Children? A UNICEF perspective CF/WSC/GEN-00, 26 January 1990)
¨ World Summit for Children Updates (# 1-16, from 1 March 1990 – 1 April 1991and follow-up in September 1991 “A year after the World Summit for Children: Keeping the Promise”) (discontinued thereafter).
¨ World Summit for Children: Give Every Child A Future. A Contribution of United Nations Agencies to the World Summit for Children”, September 29-20, 1990. (Inter-agency Information kit prepared as a joint contribution of 15 UN agencies and organizations).
¨ Africa’s children, Africa’s future: Implementing the World Summit Declaration. UNICEF, NY, 1990
¨ Development goals and strategies for children in the 1990s. A UNICEF Policy Review. UNICEF, NY, August 1990 (originally presented as Board paper E/ICEF/1990/L.5)
¨ Development Goals and Strategies for Children: Priorities for UNICEF action in the 1990s (E/ICEF/1990/L.5), UNICEF, NY, 13 February 1990.
¨ Information note on monitoring child goals in the 1990s (CF/PROG/91-009), UNICEF, 10 May 1991.
¨ Interagency collaboration on the follow-up to the World Summit and goals and strategies for the 1990s (CF/EXD/1991-009).
¨ Operationalisation of mid-decade goals (CF/EXD/1993-008), UNICEF NY (including a number of annexes)
¨ Programme of action for achieving the goals for children and development in the 1990s: a UNICEF response to the Declaration and Plan of Action of the World Summit for Children (E/ICEF/1991/12), UNICEF NY, 22 March 1991
¨ Programme submissions for the 1992 and 1993 Executive Boards and preparation of the 1992 salesbook (CF/PD/PRO/1991-001), UNICEF, NY, 17 May 1991.
¨ Progress report on follow-up to the World Summit for Children (E/ICEF/1993/12), UNICEF, NY, 9 February 1993.
¨ Progress report on follow-up to the World Summit for Children (E/ICEF/1994/12), UNICEF, NY, 6 April 1994.
¨ Report from Mohonk ’89: Children and development in the 1990s. Programme goals and operational strategies for UNICEF (22-25 October 1989), Planning Office, UNICEF, NY, December 1989.
¨ Suggested guidelines for the preparation of the progress report on the implementation of the World Declaration on the Survival, Protection and Development of Children and the Plan of Action for Implementing the World Declaration……adopted by the World Summit for Children (E/ICEF/1991/17), UNICEF, NY, 11 July 1991. Annexes include an outline for the preparation of NPAs and UNICEF Executive Board Decision 1991/1): The Role of UNICEF in World Summit Follow-up.
¨ The role of UNICEF in the implementation of the Convention on the Rights of the Child (E/ICEF/1991/L.7), UNICEF, NY, 6 February 1991.
¨ UNICEF’s reporting obligations regarding Summit follow-up actions (CF/EXD/1991-011).
¨ Implementation of General Assembly resolution 45/217 on the World Summit for Children – Report of the Secretary-General (A/49/326), 19 August 1994.
¨ United Nations Children’s Fund - Report of the Executive Board (17-28 April 1989), ECOSOC Official Records, 1989, Supplement #12 (E/ICEF/1989/12). (UNICEF Executive Board discussion and decision 1989/5 on “Strategies for children in the 1990s”).
¨ United Nations Children’s Fund - Report of the Executive Board (22 April – 3 May 1991), ECOSOC Official Records 1991, Supplement #12 (E/ICEF/1991/15), and Executive Board decisions 1991/10 on the role of UNICEF in World Summit for Children Follow-up; 1991/10; and 1991/13 on ensuring child survival, protection and development in Africa.
¨ United Nations Children’s Fund - Report of the Executive Board (26 April – 7 May 1993), ECOSIC Official Records, 1993 Supplement no. 14 (E/ICEF/1993/14). UNICEF Executive Board decisions 1993/13 on Universal ratification of the Convention on the Rights of the Child by 1995; and 1993/16 on UNICEF/WHO Joint Committee on Health Policy.
¨ Executive Board of the United Nations Children’s Fund – Report on the first, second and third regular sessions and annual session of 1994) ECOSOC Official Records, 1994, Supplement no. 14 (E/ICEF/1994/13/Rev.1)
¨ We the children: end-decade review of the follow-up to the World Summit for Children – Report of the Secretary-General (A/S-27/3), 4 May 2001.
¨ Medium-term plan for the period 1992-1995 (E/ICEF/1992/3), UNICEF NY, 13 May 1992.
¨ Medium-term plan for the period 1994-1997 (E/ICEF/1994/3), UNICEF, NY, 30 March 1994.
¨ 1995 MID-Decade Goals Reader, UNICEF NY, 5 August, 1994
¨ UNICEF/WHO Joint review (JCHPSS/96.3)
¨ Report of the Greenwich Consultation (CF/EXD/1991-001, 18 Jan. 1991) , including a Discussion Paper for the December 1990 Greenwich Consultation on ‘Implications of the World Summit for Children for Country programming’ prepared by the Planning Office, NY December 1990.
¨ An overview of NPA decentralization in developing countries: basic data, Innocenti Occasional papers, DLG 6, C. Castillo and C. Akehurst, UNICEF International Child Development Centre, Florence, July 1994.
¨ Executive Board of the United Nations Children’s Fund – Report on the first, second and third regular sessions and annual session of 1994) ECOSOC Official Records, 1994, Supplement no. 14 (E/ICEF/1994/13/Rev.1)
¨ Implementing the convention on the rights of the child through national programmes of action for children, Robert J. Ledogar, Senior Planning Officer, UNICEF, Author’s proof for The International Journal of Children’s Rights, 1993.
¨ Implementing the Convention on the Rights of the Child: Resource mobilization in low-income countries, James Himes, ed. UNICEF International Child Development Centre, Florence, 1995.
¨ Next steps on summit follow-up and national programmes of action (CF/EXD/1991-014) UNICEF, NY
¨ NPAs, Diagnosis and prognosis, Internal UNICEF-EPP paper by Aung Tun Thet , (n.d.)
¨ Programme of action for achieving the goals for children and development in the 1990’s. A UNICEF response to the Declaration and Plan of Action of the World Summit for Children (E/ICEF/1991/12), UNICEF NY, 22 March 1991.
¨ Progress at mid-decade on the implementation of General Assembly resolution 45/217 on the World Summit for Children – Report of the Secretary-General (A/51/256), 26 July 1996.
¨ Progress report on follow-up to the World Summit for Children (E/ICEF/1992/12), UNICEF, NY, 22 May 1992.
¨ Progress report on follow-up to the World Summit for Children (E/ICEF/1993/12), UNICEF, NY, 9 February 1993.
¨ Progress report on follow-up to the World Summit for Children (E/ICEF/1995/15), UNICEF, NY. 7 April 1995.
¨ Realizing rights through National Programmes of Action for Children, Robert J. Ledogar, Senior Planning Officer, UNICEF NY, in Implementing the Convention on the Rights of the Child: Resource mobilization in low-income countries, ed. James R. Himes, UNICEF International Child Development Centre, Florence, 1995, 55-68
¨ Review and analysis of National programs of Action as they relate to nutrition, Nutrition section, UNICEF, NY, 1993 (Internal document, cited in Tadesse 2001).
¨ The Children here: Current Trends in the decentralisation of national programmes of action, UNICEF, C. Castillo ICDC, Florence, 1995.
¨ The role of UNICEF in the implementation of the Convention on the Rights of the Child (E/ICEF/1991/L.7), UNICEF, NY, 6 February 1991.
¨ We the Children: End-decade review of the follow-up to the World Summit for Children, Report of the Secretary-general (A/S-27/3), 4 May 2001.
¨ World Summit for Children-inspired programmes of action for children in the 1990s: an assessment and lessons learned. Prepared as part of the World Summit for Children End-Decade Review, by Admassu Tadesse, UNICEF NY, August 2001 (UNICEF Staff working papers, EPP series, draft, limited internal circulation for comment)
UNICEF programme evolution, documentation , reporting, evaluations and related
¨ 1998-2000 programme priorities (CF/PD/PRO/98-003), 30 April 1998 (also CB’s memorandum to staff of 19 February 1998 – Looking ahead (CF/EXD/MEM/1998-2000).
¨ A consultation on UNICEF programme priorities to the year 2000 and beyond – NY, 23-24 September 25 (CF/EXD/IC/1995-011).
¨ Follow-up action required on the multi-donor evaluation of UNICEF (CF/EXD/1993-007)
¨ Follow-up to the multi-donor evaluation of UNICEF: General programme strategy (E/ICEF/1995/6), UNICEF, NY, 18 January 1995. (and Executive Board decision 1994/A/8 on follow-up to the multi-donor evaluation)
¨ Management review: issues concerning the UNICEF mission (E/ICEF/1995/AB/L.11), 25 April, 1995.
¨ Medium-term plan for the period 1990-1993 (E/ICEF/1990/3), 5 March 1990.
¨ Medium-term plan for the period 1992-1995 (E/ICEF/1992/3), 13 May 1992.
¨ Medium-term plan for the period 1994-97. (E/ICEF/1994/3), 30 March 1994.
¨ Medium-term plan for the period 1996-1999 (E/ICEF/1996/AB.L.10). 23 April 1996
¨ Medium-term plan for the period 1998-2001. (E/ICEF/1998/13), 8 July 1998.
¨ Medium-term strategic plan for the period 2002-2005 (E/ICEF/2001/13), 7 November 2001.
¨ Positioning UNICEF for the twenty-first century: the impact of management excellence, 1995-1998 (E/ICEF/1998/AB/L.5).
¨ Progress report of the management excellence programme in UNICEF (E/ICEF/1996/AB/L.3), 15 December 1995, and (E/ICEF/1996/AB/L.6), 26 February 1996.
¨ Report of the Executive Director: Overview of actions for children in 1989 (E/ICEF/1990/2), 21 February 1990.
¨ Report of the Executive Director: Promises to keep (E/ICEF/1991/2 (Part I), 7 March 1991.
¨ Report of the Executive Director: Towards a new order for children (E/ICEF/1992/2 (Part I), 8 April 1992
¨ Report of the Executive Director (E/ICEF/1993/2 (part II), 19 March 1993.