The Police Commission of the City and County of San Francisco met in Room 400, City Hall, #1 Dr. Carlton Goodlett Place, San Francisco, at 5:35 p.m., in a Regular Meeting.

PRESENT:Commissioners Renne, Orr-Smith, Chan, Keane, Marshall, Sparks, Veronese

Commissioner Renne welcomed those in attendance to the Commission’s first meeting at City Hall. She also welcomed Commissioner Keane who was out of the country at the time of the first Commission meeting.

Commissioner Keane responded by saying it was a long planned trip for his wife’s birthday.


Captain O’Leary, Risk Management, addressed the Commission and discussed General Order 8.11, the procedure on how the police response to and investigates cases of officers-involved shootings.

Commissioner Keane asked why the identity of officers involved in a shooting are not released to the public. Captain O’Leary stated that the general order was adopted in 1995 by the Police Commission.

Commissioner Keane then asked if it was adopted by the Police Commission, could this Police Commission change it. Captain O’Leary stated yes.

In response to a question by Commissioner Renne regarding document release, City Attorney Mariam Morley stated that upon request for documents, the department must respond within 10 days. If the request is an immediate response request, it must be responded to within 48 hours. Ms. Morley stated that she expects the Police Department will be seeking advise from her office.

In response to a series of questions from Commissioner Chan regarding requesting for medical treatment for either a police officer or the victim, Captain O’Leary stated that officers should request medical assistance immediately. Captain O’Leary stated response time from the Fire Department is reported to be within three minutes.

Commissioner Sparks asked about the summary report sent to the Commission after the conclusion of an officer-involved shooting investigation. Captain O’Leary stated that the Homicide Unit, after conclusion of its investigation, presents their investigation to the District Attorney (D/A). The D/A in turn will determine if any criminal violations occurred. The Management Control Division (MCD), who has been monitoring the investigation, would then investigate to ascertain if any department violations occurred and all of that will be in the summary report presented to the Police Commission and said summary report is a public document once submitted to the Commission.

Commissioner Veronese asked what is the time frame? Is it 3 months, 6 months, years or what? Captain O’Leary stated that each case its own merit, witnesses, or leads, and so cases could be closed in 9 months, some 18 months, and some cases goes beyond 18 months.

Commissioner Veronese asked City Attorney Morley if there was a statute preventing the release of officers’ identity. Ms. Morley stated that there is a statute 832.7 that does protect the personnel records of police officers and that the statute is not very clear which results in a lot of litigations over this issue.

Commissioner Orr-Smith asked Captain O’Leary to explain how officers’ statements are obtained. Captain O’Leary stated that officers has a constitutional right to remain silent. However, the Chief has a right to know what her officers did or did not do. So the first line of questioning comes from the Homicide investigator investigating the incident. If the officer refuse to answer questions put to him/her, that is when MCD steps in and compel the officer to answer. Now we are describing an act where someone perhaps is being forced to give a statement against their interest; that statement cannot be used against an officer in a criminal proceeding.

Commissioner Marshall asked if the summary report submitted to the Commission is the result of an internal investigation. Captain O’Leary stated yes.

Commissioner Keane asked, in addition to the summary report, do the Commission receive the underlying reports from Homicide and MCD. Captain O’Leary stated that the Commission would only receive the summary report, but if there were determination that misconduct had occurred, then the Commission will receive, in the form of evidence, showing that misconduct occurred. Commissioner Keane asked if it’s in the Commission rules that the Commission is entitled only to the summary and not the underlying reports from Homicide and MCD. Captain O’Leary stated no.

Commissioner Sparks asked if there were any public disclosure of information before the case is closed and passed on to the District Attorney or to the Commission, is there any point during the investigation where there’s an opportunity for any disclosure to the public. Captain O’Leary stated that a Public Records Act request (PRA) can be filed at any time. He informed the Commission that the ACLU has asked for documents. Commissioner Sparks asked if the Commission can have an update, during the course of the investigation, or a discussion relative to the investigation as it unfolds or is it only until the investigation is actually closed. Captain O’Leary stated that the Department has a duty not to make comments that would jeopardize a prosecution or a defendant in a case. Captain O’Leary stated that he would defer to the Chief of Police in this matter.

Commissioner Veronese asked if it’s accurate that the Police Department investigates and the Police Department decides, and then gives the Commission the summary without the evidence. Captain O’Leary stated that the district attorney also looks at the homicide investigation within the process as well as the investigation by OCC and MCD.

Commissioner Orr-Smith inquired about the support system available to officers involved in shootings. Captain O’Leary stated that immediately there is a crisis intervention. Captain O’Leary stated that a member of the department is notified and brought to the officer so there’s an immediate resource made available to the officer. Commissioner Orr-Smith asked if any of those resources are available to the community for people who are victims of homicide by having witnessed such an event. Captain O’Leary stated that yes, the Department of Public Health can provide such resource.

Commissioner Marshall asked when the Captain uses the words “according to policy” in describing the summary report, how will the Commission know which policy may have been violated. Captain O’Leary stated that there’s an Administrative Format that states what the focus of the investigation is and the focus generally lists the possible policies that may have been violated.


Daniel Paez addressed the Commission regarding the Detoy matter and asked for justice and truth regarding the Detoy case.

Malaika Parker, Bay Area Police Watch, asked for a moment of silence for people that have been killed or abused by law enforcement agencies. She also read a list of names of people that have been killed by law enforcement agencies. She stated that officer-involved shootings are a trend and asked the Commission to prosecute officers involved.

Van Jones, Ella Baker Center, spoke against police shooting stating that no police officer has ever been disciplined for police shooting in over 10 years.

Meachelle Sheppard, Cammerin Boyd’s aunt, spoke on police misconduct and police involved shootings and asked for justice for Cammerin Boyd.

Jakana Imaki, Bay Area Police Watch, spoke on the issue of misconduct and police-involved shootings.

Mark Schlosberg, ACLU, spoke on police accountability, listing three points. He commended the Commission for asking questions. He also stated that the ACLU has requested the release of documents regarding this shooting. He stated that it is critical that OCC investigate this latest shooting incident and that conclusions should not be reached before the investigation has been completed.

Sandra Cooper, Idriss Stelley Foundation, thanked those who stood for a moment of silence when asked to rose.

Leroy Moore, People of Color with Disabilities, stated that for ten years he ha followed police shootings of people with disabilities and stated that this case should be taken federally as an ADA.

Shannon Altamoreno spoke on the issue of Sheila Detoy who was shot by police six years ago.

Bernie Scott spoke on the issue of police shooting.

Mark Solomon spoke on the issue of Prop H which resulted in the present Commission and stated that employees in the City should not be standing up for the death penalty.

Maria Castaneda spoke on the issue of police abuse and being a victim of domestic violence.

Inson Ho, went to school with Cammerin Boyd, spoke against the police shooting of Cammerin Boyd and asked for an outside investigation.

Unidentified spoke on the issue of more training for the police on cultural diversity in San Francisco.

Jack William, former city manager in Marin County, stated that the city needs to establish community service in the Bayview.

Karen, resident of Bayview Hunters Point, stated that since January 20th, 16 African-Americans were murdered in the neighborhood.

Alan Wong, student representative to the Board of Education, stated that the San Francisco Unified School District will be holding a youth summit on May 20th to discuss police issues at school during the school day.

Commissioner Keane requested two items be placed on the agenda for discussion: To discuss the possible repeal of General Order 8.11 that states an officer’s identity cannot be release when involved in a shooting. Commissioner Keane also requested that a report form the Chief and City Attorney on the status of the ACLU’s request for documents. Commissioner Keane stated that not releasing the identity of the officers involved in a shooting serves no public policy and in fact frustrates public policy. Commissioner Keane also stated that, in the future, command personnel shall not make statements justifying an officer’s action before an investigation is completed. He stated that this is unprofessional and suggested some sort of department discipline for command personnel making such comments before an investigation is completed.

Commissioner Sparks thanked the public for their comments and asked for a report from the Chief as to when, what type of information can be release to the public, and what time frame, without compromising the investigation.

Commissioner Orr-Smith asked the Department to review what can be released to the family of the person who was a victim in an officer-involved shooting incident.

Commissioner Marshall, responding to a statement made during public comment, expressed his disbelief that the case involving Sheila Detoy is six years old and still not completed and stated that the Commission must do something about this.


a.Review of Recent Activities

Chief Fong addressed the Commission and stated that the Commission had requested a report on three issues: (1) The effectiveness of Operation Impact where CHP officers were deployed to certain areas of the city; (2) a report on the Patrol Special Officers Program; (3) a report on the number of disciplinary cases that are within three months of the statute of limitation.

Commander Shinn reported on the joint police operation with the CHP named “Operation Impact” and stated that the operation started May 3rd and ended May 5th. It involved 16 to 32 CHP officers. CHP officers were deployed in high crime areas in the Bayview, Mission and Ingleside Police Districts and resulted in five felony arrests, 55 misdemeanor arrests, 72 towed vehicles, 521 vehicle citations and 154 warnings. Commander Shinn stated that having the CHP in the area freed San Francisco police officers to do proactive policing in the high crime areas and that he consider the program very successful. Commander Shinn stated that the department received both compliments and complaints. Some complaints are that the police was operating as an armed camp and that the CHP were only stopping cars that they noted were in violation of traffic and vehicle code violations.

Commissioner Marshall asked was the theory behind the operation was to patrol violent areas. Commander Shinn stated the idea was to patrol the corridors leading into areas that are experiencing violence and homicide.

Commissioner Sparks asked if the public were advised prior to implementing the program. Commander Shinn stated no, the community was not advised because they didn’t want to alert those causing crimes and violence.

Commissioner Veronese asked how was the department evaluating the success of this program. Commander Shinn stated that one way was the low rate of calls for A and B calls for services. Both were drastically down during the three days and word got around quickly that the police are everywhere.

Commissioner Marshall stated that if word got around that the police were out in force, then it seemed to also work if the community was advised prior. Commander Shinn explained that this was a pilot program and can be adjusted to meet community concerns.

Commissioner Sparks asked if the department plans to conduct this program again. Commander Shinn stated that the department would like to conduct such a program again, but it would depend on the CHP’s willingness to volunteer their services again.

Commissioner Chan asked what would lead to a person’s car being impounded. Commander Shinn stated he could not answer the question directly, but in general cars are impounded if (1) the person is arrested, (2) the driver has no driver’s license, and (3) the vehicle is not registered.

Commander Puccinelli reported on the Patrol Special Officers program. Commander Puccinelli stated the program is where a private citizen can purchase an area, called beats, where they can seek customers to provide private security. The Patrol Specials are allowed to wear a uniform and carry a weapon. There are 23 patrol special officers operating 30 beats, 18 assistant patrol specials who work for one of the 23 patrol special officers.

Commissioner Veronese asked for a list of names and owners of beats.

Commissioner Chan asked who defines boundaries. Commander Puccinelli stated that they are defined per the sale contract of each beat.

Captain O’Leary reported on the responsibilities of the Risk Management Unit which supervises the Management Control Division (MCD), EEO Unit, and Legal Division. He stated there are 10 cases within the 90 days of the statute of limitation, seven are currently being investigated by MCD, and three are on hold due to criminal investigations.

Commissioner Renne stated that the Commission will not stand for cases not being heard because of the statute of limitation.

Commissioner Sparks requested for a report regarding an overview of the tracking software for disciplinary cases.


Unidentified, regarding Operation Impact, complained about helicopters flying low over the community and stated that she doesn’t believe the program is effective.

Mary Bowle, Co-director of Green Earth Alliance, stated concerns regarding chronic violations like overcharging by the SFPD and suggested that the department consult with the community regarding Operation Impact.

Eric Allen stated that he’s shocked that there’s no advance notice regarding Operation Impact and suggested that the public be notified.


a. Review of Recent Activities

Ms. Jean Field, for Director Kevin Allen, commended the Commission for looking into the issue of officer-involved shootings. She stated that, under Chief Fong, the department has been very cooperative in dissemination of information to the OCC. She also stated that the OCC did receive a complaint regarding the shooting of Cammerin Boyd.

Commissioner Keane asked if the OCC were able to get reports generated by the Homicide and MCD investigation. Ms. Field stated that head of the Homicide Unit has forwarded materials to the OCC investigators.

Commissioner Chan asked, of the cases pending with the OCC, how many involved officers response to mental health crisis. Ms. Field stated she will look into it. Commissioner Chan also asked about cases involving language issues and Ms. Field will get that number for the Commissioner.

Commissioner Sparks asked for a detailed outline of the OCC report to be included with the Police Commission agenda and also directed the same request to Chief Fong.


Mark Schlosberg, ACLU, stated that it’s good to hear that the document exchange is going well with the Department and the OCC.


Commissioner Renne asked Commissioner Orr-Smith to work with Lt. Geeter and the City Attorney’s office as far as the schedule and venue for the district community meetings.