Reference number: R10/1325

Site address: Land adjacent to The Almshouses, Brockhurst Lane, Monks Kirby, Rugby

Description: Erection of a new dwelling house (resubmission of previously refused planning application R10/1325 dated 08/09/2010)

Case Officer Name & Number: Nathan Lowde 01788 533725

Description of Proposal

The proposal seeks the erection of a new dwelling house to land adjacent to The Almshouse, Brockhurst Lane. This property as proposed would be situated to the south-east of Almshouse. The proposed external square metre of the dwelling is approximately 154M2. This application forms a resubmission of previously refused planning application R10/1325 dated 08/09/2010). The previous application was refused for the following reasons.



The contemporary modern appearance of the development is considered unsympathetic to the Conservation Area and fails to take into consideration the qualities and local distinctiveness of the historical enviroment. It is therefore considered that the development fails to conserve or enhance the Conservation Area and as such conflicts with Policy GP1 as contained within the Rugby Borough Local Plan 2006 and PPS5: Planning for the Historical Environment.


Notwithstanding the information submitted in support of the application, in the opinion of the Local Planning Authority a local need for the proposed development has not been clearly demonstrated in this particular case in that it is considered that the applicant's present accommodation could be adapted to meet the specific need. The proposal is therefore contrary to Policy S3 and H14 of the Rugby Borough Local Plan, which seeks to control residential development outside the Rugby Urban Area.


In the opinion of the Local Planning Authority, the development is contrary to the Monks Kirby Parish Plan 2006 in that the proposal is not identified as a housing need in the housing needs survey which forms part of the plan which is itself a material planning consideration in accordance with Policy G16 of the Rugby Borough Local Plan 2006.

Description of Site

The site is located within Monks Kirby which is defined by policy S3 as a Local Needs settlement. The application site lies within the Conservation Area of Monks Kirby which incorporates a range of architectural styles with two definitive character areas; the eastern and western portion of the village. The site lies within the eastern area which comprises of a more random and varied built form. The application site is bounded by the south by agricultural land, to the east by The Revel C of E Primary School, and to the west lies The Almshouses a Victorian Gothic dwelling from four cottages to one dwelling in the 1970s. The Almshouses is where the applicant currently reside and the external square metre of the building measures 256m2.

Access to the site is off Brockenhurst Lane. This section is a single track approximately 3.3m wide with a footway of approximately 1.2m width.

Relevant policies and guidance

RBLPPolicy S3compliesRural Settlement Hierarchy

RBLP PolicyGP1compliesAppearance and design of development

RBLP Policy GP3 compliesProtection of amenities

RBLPPolicyGP16compliesParish Plan

RBLP PolicyH14compliesHousing development outside Rugby Urban Area

RBLPPolicyT3compliesAccess and highway layout

RBLPPolicyT5compliesParking facilities

PPS 1 Delivering Sustainable Development

PPS 5 Planning for the Historical Environment

RBC Affordable Housing Supplementary Planning Document

Third party comments

Neighbours – No Comments submitted

Parish Council of Monks Kirby – In support of the application which meets a local need and is compliant with the Village Design Statement.

Technical consultation responses

Highway Officer – no objection subject to conditions

Tree Officer – no objections subject to conditions

Environment Agency - No objection

Forward Planning – Occupancy condition required

WarwickshireMuseum– no comments received

WCC Ecology - Informative to be attached relating to protected species

Assessment of proposal

As the application site lies within the Local Needs Settlement the applicant have to demonstrate that there is an identified local need and that the proposed dwelling meets that housing need. In addition the application needs to demonstrate that this need can not be met by existing building stock within the area. As the site is within the Conservation Area the applicant needs to demonstrate that the design of the dwelling house reflects the historical conservation area.

Principle of Development - Local Need

The Rugby Borough Annual Monitoring Report of 2005-2006 identified the loss of a local service in the village (the post office and local shop) and it was therefore proposed to change the classification of Monks Kirby from a Main Rural Settlement to a Local Needs Settlement. As such it is necessary for the applicants to demonstrate a local need for the proposed development. The information submitted about the needs of the applicant specifically is useful in determining whether a local need has been identified.

Guidance in the Council’s adopted SPD ‘Affordable Housing‘, (paragraphs 4.6.1 to 4.6.6) sets out the criteria by which proposals for Local Needs Housing should be assessed:

  1. Where specialised types of housing for local people are required, the applicant must demonstrate how and why there is a particular need and the circumstances that justify a new dwelling
  2. Applicants must show evidence of the existence of a local need. This will involve meeting the criteria for local connection and a clear demonstration of a need that cannot be met through the existing housing stock or conversion.
  3. Where it is identified that the need cannot be met by their existing property the applicant will need to demonstrate that there are no suitable available properties to meet the identified need in the parish.

The information submitted to demonstrate this need includes:

  • Planning Statement
  • Occupational Therapy Assessment
  • Almshouse, Monks Kirby - Photographs

It is accepted that the applicants Mr and Mrs Wright meet the Local Needs criteria as set out with the Councils Affordable Housing SPD in terms of having an established local needs connection. It is also accepted as within the previous application that there are currently no existing, alternative, suitable and available dwellings within the village and within the Parish that meet the need identified by Mr and Mrs Wright.

The Reason for Refusal Two on the previous application was on the basis that the application had failed to demonstrate that the existing house The Almshouse could not be adapted to meet the applicants needs. Within this revised application the Occupational Therapy Assessment identifies the ways in which the existing house fails to meet the applicants needs, both in terms of their medical conditions and as elderly people. The reports concludes be stating that it is the professional opinion of Ms Bennett that the existing house is completely unsuitable for a couple with medical conditions that the applicants have in the long term, because of the type of building the house is and also the medical conditions that this couple will have to face.

The existing property The Almshouse is a very large 5-bed house, with extensive garden area. The property is a gothic Victoria house, which contains timber windows, and importantly a narrow central staircase that has a number of 90 degree turns. The property is very large with long corridors/landing to access different rooms, many doorways would need to be widened to allow wheelchair access should the applicants be confined to a wheelchair. The Planning Statement submitted further shows that the existing house fails to need many of the Lifetime Homes Standards with the proposed dwelling being fully compliance with 16 of the Lifetime Homes Standards.

Based on the evidence submitted it is considered that the existing dwelling is unsuitable to met the needs of the applicants in terms of their medical conditions and as elderly people, and the proposed dwelling will meet their needs. It would also be costly to adapt the house to meet the needs of the applicant and would compromise the character and appearance of the dwelling house. As such it is considered that Reason for Refusal Two on the previous application has been addressed and overcome. It is therefore considered that the proposed development complies with ‘saved’ policies S3 and H14 as contained within the Local Plan 2006.

The Monks Kirby Parish Plan March 2006 identifies a need for 2 bedroom houses and housing for elderly in Monks Kirby. It is therefore considered that the Reason for Refusal Three has been addressed and overcome and as such it is considered that the proposed development is compliant with the Parish Plan and in accordance with ‘saved’ policy GP16 of the Local Plan 2006.

Design and appearance

Policy GP1 relates to design and appearance and requires, amongst other things, that developments be compatible with the scale and form of the existing building and surrounding area in addition to the scale, massing, form, orientation materials, design and appearance fitting in with the existing building and wider area.

Paragraph 33 of PPS1: Delivering Sustainable Development mentions that high quality and inclusive design is a key factor in making places better for people in terms of quality and character of the environment and private amenity.

Paragraph HE 7.5 of PPS5: Planning for the Historical Environment requires local planning authorities to take into account the desirability of new development making a positive contribution to the character and local distinctiveness of the historical environment. The consideration of design should include scale, height, massing, alignment, materials and use.

The proposed dwelling would not occupy a street front frontprint and would be largely screened from the street by The Almshouses and the detached garage associated with this property. As such the proposed dwelling house would not be prominent within the street scene.

The proposed dwelling house is clearly different to any of the other dwellings in the area in that it proposes a modern design. When considering applications for new development in a Conservation Area there is traditionally a presumption in favour of the use of traditional forms and materials. This proposal is for a contemporary C21st dwelling adjacent to a gothic Victorian dwelling. The issue here is will the proposed contemporary design enhance or preserve the conservation area or does it fail to respect the essential qualities of the Conservation area.

Within the emerging Monks Kirby Conservation Area Appraisal, it states that the Conservation Area accommodates a mix of styles. In terms of material red brick dominates. Windows and door lintels are of brick, often arched but with some rubbed brick lintels. Roofs are mainly slate or tile and often steeply pitched, with overhanging eaves.

As detailed within the Design and Access Statement it states that the main design features are the low eaves, the gables facing the road, choice of facing bricks and clay roof tiles to match the local environment.

The amendments to the previously refused scheme include:

  • Ridged gables have been provided to the dormer windows
  • The roof has been extended downwards on both the eastern and western elevations to enclose the ground floor single extensions
  • The amount of wooden cladding has been reduced
  • A decorative ventilation slit has been introduced on the north elevation of the garage gable.

It is considered that the proposed dwelling is more respondent to the surrounding environment and incorporates traditional features typical to this conservation area whilst maintaining a contemporary appearance. It is therefore considered that Refusal One for Refusal in respect to application R10/1325 has been overcome and the proposed dwelling is compliant with ‘saved’ policy GP1 and National Planning Policy PPS5.

Residential amenity

Policy GP3 relating to the protection of amenity states that permission will not be granted for developments that, amongst other factors, result in overlooking and loss of both privacy and light.

Taking into consideration the relationship of the proposed property in respect to Almshouse it is not considered that the development would impact upon the amenities of this neighbouring property in terms of loss of light or privacy.

Access and highway Layout

The section of Brockenhurst Lane where the access to the proposed dwelling would be off is single track lane. Site access is onto a private drive with serves The Almshouses. Following consultation with WCC Highway Authority it is considered that subject to conditions the access arrangements are considered acceptable. It is considered that sufficient car parking spaces would be provided on site and as such the proposed development complies with T3 and T5 of the Rugby Borough Local Plan 2006.


Approval subject to conditions

Report prepared by: Nathan Lowde 08 February 2011

Report Sheet