Intermediate draft proposals of the Learning Network on ESF TNC 2014-2020
Paper for the meeting of the Ad-hoc Group on Innovation and TNC, BXL, 26 June 2013
Table of contents
2Summary of Common Framework – proposals and key aspects
3General timetable for the Common Framework until 2015
4Common themes
5The method(s) of project selection
6Thematic Networks – nature and tasks
7TNC Advisory Group – nature and tasks
- Paper on TNC post 2013 – “Proposals of the Working Group on Transnational Cooperation post 2013”
- Indicative timetable for coordinated calls
- Common framework overview – responses from Ad-hoc group and TNC Network members
In order to prepare for ESF transnational cooperation (TNC) in the programming period 2014-2020, a Working Group on TNC post 2013 (WG) was established. Proposals based on work conducted over a period of a year and a half and feedback obtained from a significant number of Member States (MSs) at TNC related Learning Seminars (the most recent in London in September 2012) were positively received by the Ad-hoc Group at its meeting in December 2012. In essence, the proposals foresee optional institutionalised collaboration (informally termed the “Common Framework”)[1] between MAs around a limited number of common themes.
The WG’s work has now been taken up by the newly established Learning Network on ESF TNC 2014-2020 (LN); it is the intention that implementation modalities (including terms of reference for key bodies) are finalised towards the end of 2013 and submitted to the Ad-hoc Group for approval at its meeting in autumn 2013 (prior to approval/endorsement by the ESF Committee).
The aim of this paper is to apprise Ad-hoc Group members of the LN’s progress to date and to gain confirmation that the LN is moving in a direction broadly acceptable to MSs; this should help to build consensus and avoid surprises towards the end of 2013. The paper covers the aspects of the Common Framework considered most important by the LN; these have been fully discussed internally and are “closed” from the side of the LN, input having been solicited on relevant points from Ad-hoc Group members. The paper drafted for the meeting of the Ad-hoc Group held in Brussels on 11 December 2012 (Proposals of the WG on TNC post 2013) is attached for reference, together with the indicative timetable for coordinated calls.
On a final note, the Ad-hoc Group is requested to take a decision on whether gender equality should be assigned its own common theme (see section 4 below).
2Summary of Common Framework – proposals and key aspects
Proposals for the Common Framework can be summarised as follows:
- Participation in the Common Framework to be entirely optional, though there will need to be rules of procedure approved by the ESF Committee;
- Common themes to cater for the focus and priorities of MS OPs, in particular the investment priorities which prove most popular; once MS preferences have been declared, the themes to be proposed by the EC and endorsed by the ESF Committee;[2]
- An EU-level platform to be established comprising 1) the bodies involved in its implementation (the EC, EC Technical Assistance (EC TA), Thematic Networks, a TNC Advisory Group, participating MSs), and 2) tools (an EU-level partner search database and a central website);
- 2coordinated calls to be launched over the programming period, their timetable and parameters being agreed at EU-level, with the individual calls themselves being launched and projects selected by national and/or regional MAs; TNC partnerships to be developed either prior to submission of applications or after MAs have conducted a formal or informal selection process previously – support for finding partners to be provided by the EU-level partner search database and EU-wide partner search fora; any EU-level monitoring, dissemination/mainstreaming and evaluation to be the responsibility of the EC and, possibly, Thematic Networks.
The LN considered the following aspects of the Common Framework to be “key”, and thus prioritised them so that they were “closed” from the side of the LN in the 1st half of 2013:
- The common themes
- The method(s) of project selection
- Thematic Networks – nature and tasks
- TNC Advisory Group – nature and tasks
Each of the above is covered by a specific section below. In this context, please note that EC TA to be hired for the Common Framework (arguably the most crucial component of the EU-level platform) is being organised by the EC; the LN has provided input for the drafting of the terms of reference.
3General timetable for the Common Framework until 2015
The general timetable for the preparation and implementation of the Common Framework until 2015 (i.e. related to the 1st round of coordinated calls) is presented in the table below.[3] It should be noted that:
- Where the EC is indicated as responsible, it will usually be supported by the EC TA;
- Thematic Networks and the TNC Advisory Group will meet regularly over the period; the chair for the former and the secretariat for both will be provided by the EC TA.[4]
Target / Tasks/responsibilities
By end 2013 /
- Common themes and implementing modalities for Common Framework prepared by the LN and EC, agreed by MSs via ESF Committee (or equivalent) – to include terms of reference for Thematic Networks and the TNC Advisory Group.
- Tender for EC TA launched
1Q 2014 / Organization of launching event in conjunction with the larger event anticipated by the EC for launching ESF in the next programming period. To present the Common Framework in a plenary session, convince the unconvinced, finalise membership of Thematic Networks, present a detailed implementation timetable for coordinated synchronized calls and lessons learnt from the Mobility Network; to include capacity building workshop(s) on technical issues. EC and LN responsible for content, presentation and facilitation.
1Q-3Q 2014 /
- Preparation of coordinated calls (Thematic Networks responsible for content, TNC Advisory Group for common parameters);
- EC TA if not operational, contracted (by end June 2014)
- Preparation of the partner search database and updating of TNC website by EC TA
3Q 2014 / EC sends letters to MSs inviting them to take part in the first round of coordinated calls, with information on the content of calls, timing etc.
2015 /
- MSs launch individuals calls and pre-select projects
- Pre-selected projects upload information into the partner search database (structure of information prepared by LN), MSs may validate information uploaded
- Partner search fora held for each common theme and for a maximum of 100 people each; priority to be given to “orphans” (i.e. projects without partners)
- MSs select projects, conclude contracts
- EC TA tomonitor MSs launching individual calls (role to be proactive and reactive), report to EC and TNC Advisory Group, advise MAs if needed, update of website, technical maintenance of TNC database, preparation of partner search fora (pre-matching projects, preparing agendas and facilitating the events(together with the thematic networks), organising logistics, registration, premises)
post 2015 /
- MSs monitor projects, take part in meetings of Thematic Networks
- EC TA to 1) help with dissemination and mainstreaming of projects results (e.g. organisation of events/round tables, inviting thematic experts, guiding Thematic Networks on use of knowledge, dissemination of information outside the ESF circle, research); 2) help Thematic Networksto promote mutual learning; 3) monitor/evaluate (based on data from MSs ) – e.g. simple technical monitoring of projects twice a year, conducting case studies on/evaluating results of projects suggested by MAs, on-going evaluation of projects in order to improve the 2nd round of coordinated calls
4Common themes
A list of the 6 common themes proposed by the LN is presented in the table on the next page,[5] with an indication of example issue areas each might cover. This list has been developed on the basis of input received from a wide variety of stakeholders, not only at LN meetings, but also via the Learning Seminars held on TNC in 2011 and 2012, which brought together many MSs and MAs, as well as feedback from Ad-hoc Group members. Please note that the wording of the common themes deliberately does not match related investment priorities, since MAs requested that it was made clear that participation in the former was not to be limited by the restrictions imposed for the latter (which might discourage participation in the Common Framework);[6] indicating example issue areas per common theme should also serve to clarify that this is the case.
The LN noted that:
- Gender equality was not included as a specific common theme since it was only put forward by 1 member state. However, given the fact that it should be addressed not only “horizontally”,[7] but also “vertically”, the Ad-hoc Group is requested to take a decision on whether it should be assigned its own common theme.
- Since social innovation is essentially horizontal in nature (i.e. projects cannot solely concern social innovation per se, but have to be linked to certain content – e.g. a specific investment priority), it should not comprise a common theme. Nevertheless, there are good reasons for promoting mutual learning and exchange of best practice in this area; it would seem appropriate, therefore, that MSs and the EC should consider ways in which this could be achieved (e.g. through a Learning Network).
- Given that institutional capacity building projects are unlikely to involve calls for proposals, it is unsuitable for inclusion in the Common Framework (since the Common Framework is primarily a mechanism for facilitating the matching of partners who have responded to national calls for proposals). However, MSs and the EC should give some thought as to how projects in this sector could be encouraged and mutual learning facilitated (e.g. via twinning of institutions in different MSs, establishing a Learning Network).
Common theme / Example issue areas
Active Labour Market Policy / - Employability and labour integration
- Labour mobility
- Employment services – improvement of and access to
- Gender equality
- Social innovation
Inclusion / - Active inclusion in the labour market
- Access to services (e.g. transport, health, welfare, housing, etc.)
- Combating discrimination, such as Roma
- Fighting against poverty
- Local community development
- Gender equality
- Social innovation
Youth employment / - NEETs
- Recent graduates
- Mobility measures
- Apprenticeships
- Gender equality
- Social innovation
Learning and skills / - Combating/addressing early school leaving
- Vocational Education and Training
- Apprenticeships
- Accreditation (of prior learning)
- Lifelong learning
- Transitions within and between school and work
- Gender equality
- Social innovation
Adaptability / - Active ageing
- Quality of working life (including work-life balance)
- Work organisation (e.g. flexible forms of employment)
- Anticipation (e.g. of future structural changes)
- Investment in employees (e.g. upskilling/reskilling)
- Green jobs
- Gender equality
- Social innovation
Social economy / -Social entrepreneurship (including outreach, start-up support, coaching/mentoring, social franchising)
- Financial instruments to support social entrepreneurship
- Gender equality
- Social innovation
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5The method(s) of project selection
3 options with regard to project selection were outlined in the paper drafted for the December 2012 meeting of the Ad-hoc Group (including the advantages and disadvantages of each). The first involved a 1-step procedure where applicants indicated partners in their proposals. The second entailed a formal 2-step procedure, with some kind of contractual relationship being concluded with successful applicants after the first step in order to finance their searching for partners (partners not necessarily being indicated in their proposals); once they had identified partners and formalised partnerships, the initial contracts would either be extended or followed with a 2nd contract. The third option comprised a half-way house between options 1 and 2.
While a majority of LN members prefer option 2, it is now apparent that taking a prescriptive approach on this issue will lead a number of countries to decline to participate in the Common Framework.[8] It is therefore suggested that option 2 is indicated as the preferred method of project selection in the implementation modalities proposed for the Common Framework, with detailed reasoning explaining why this is so. However, at the same time, it should be made crystal clear that the other options are also possible, provided that certain conditions are met with regard to the number of projects put forward for the partner search fora (and the related section of the partner search database).[9] Obviously, in such cases, it would be up to the MAs concerned to make suitable arrangements on their side, not only in connection with the conditions indicated above, but also, if they wished, with regard to offsetting any disadvantages faced by potential applicants from their country (e.g. establishing a facility to finance activities related to partner search; in the case that they could only attend partner search fora after signature of contract, allowing for new TNC partners in a project during implementation; allowing national projects to be expanded during implementation to include a TNC component; timing project selection so that potential partners in other MSs are assured that financing for domestic partners is firm - e.g. by ensuring their selection under option 1 finishes at the same time as the first step in the selection process under option 2).
6Thematic Networks – nature and tasks
The LN proposes the following modalities for Thematic Networks:
- To be established for each common theme and cover the full implementation period of the Common Framework (i.e. from 2014 to 2021/2022)
- Financed under the contract concluded for the EC TA (including travel related costs of members – maximum 2 per MSs, and of relevant stakeholders invited)[10]
- Scope, modalities and terminology to be clear and realistic (i.e. not over-ambitious)
- To meet at a minimum twice a year
- Led, convened and chaired by the EC TA (on behalf of the EC), which will also provide the secretariat function; strategic oversight and decision making will be ensured by participating MSs
- Membership compulsory if an MS/MA wishes to participate in the Common Framework for a given theme (1 representative from an MA, 1 expert)
- Membership open to MSs/MAs not participating in the Common Framework for a given theme; these MSs/MAs, however, to have no voting rights on issues related to the Common Framework for the theme
- Key role in the organisation of coordinated calls, in particular focusing the relevant common theme according to members’ mutual interests and providing expertise in fields relevant to the theme concerned (e.g. for partner matching and facilitation of partner search fora)
- Coordination with relevant national and EU level programmes and previous initiatives (e.g. the present Learning Networks)
Each Thematic Network shall:
- Ensure adequate technical expertise; relevant EC technical staff shall be invited as a matter of course
- Ensure proper involvement of relevant stakeholders; representatives of relevant social partners and civil society shall be invited as a matter of course, including European level bodies covering particular sectors; costs for participation to be covered under the contract concluded for the EC TA
- Ensure links to relevant national networks in participating MSs (where they exist)
- Ensure linkages with relevant initiatives under the flexible approach
- Define and communicate to the EC TA what information is required from the latter’s monitoring/evaluation activities and duly consider and follow up information received;
- Contribute to the EC TA’s dissemination and mainstreaming activities, including input for the central website and inclusion of project results in policy
Members of each Thematic Network shall decide among themselves:
- To what extent its activities shall include mutual learning, exchange of best practice and (e.g. technical support for advice/papers developed by EC);
- How best to structure the performance of activities and ensure technical expertise (in particular where a Thematic Network covers a broad common theme, such as “inclusion”), for example, through the establishment of subsidiary working groups.
- How best to involve policy makers (with a view to building political momentum for the dissemination and use of project results) - e.g. by inviting a policy maker to give a speech
7TNC Advisory Group – nature and tasks
The LN proposes the following modalities for the TNC Advisory Group
- To cover the full implementation period of the Common Framework except the first year (i.e. from 2015 to 2021/2022)[11]
- Financed under the contract concluded for the EC TA (including travel related costs of members)
- In principle, to meet quarterly, in BXL, and with 1 of the meetings each year to double as a coordination meeting for Thematic Networks
- Led, convened and chaired by the EC, with EC TA supplying the secretariat function; MS and the EC together agree on the agenda and if needed on background papers that will be then prepared by the EC TA
- Membership compulsory for all MSs involved in the Common Framework
- Membership open to MSs not participating in the Common Framework; these MSs, however, to have no voting rights on issues related to the Common Framework
- To be the forum in which interested MSs/MAs come together to discuss TNC issues in general (including anything connected with the flexible approach) and the Common Framework in particular
- Steers the Common Framework, including oversight of its rules of procedure, developing the timetable and common parameters for coordinated calls, approving proposals for the partner search database and central website, and verifying that the services provided by the EU-level Platform (e.g. partner search database) are adequately serving the purposes for which they were designed
- Provides advice to the EC, EC TA and TNs on coordinated calls, particularly on issues of a horizontal nature (e.g. partner search, eligible expenditure)
- Coordination with relevant national and EU level programmes and previous initiatives (e.g. the present Learning Networks)
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[1] Alternatives will be 1) the “flexible” approach, whereby TNC is implemented as during the current period, and 2) the “combined approach” – a mixture of the Common Framework and the flexible approach.
[2] It is understood that a formal proposal from the EC will not be possible prior to the new ESF Regulation entering into force.