
16th January 2017

Dear Parents/ Carers,

OAA High Adventure Trip 2017

As you are aware your son/daughter is currently studying GCSE Physical Education, as part of the practical specification there is an opportunity for students to participate in a wide variety of activities, some of which require the students to use alternative facilities.

Therefore, I am delighted to inform you that your child has been selected to attend the Outdoor Education High Adventure Trip.

This fantastic opportunity, which has been highly subsidised by the Academy, will allow the students to gain vital practical scores that will significantly contribute to their overall grade in GCSE PE. Although this trip represents Kirk Balks inaugural visit to High Adventure Outdoor Education, please be assured that the entire visit, activities and accommodation will be organised and supervised by outdoor adventure specialists with years of experience. During the course of the trip your child will undertake some challenge experiences, such as; Indoor Rock Climbing and Track Cycling.

To secure a place for your child on this trip please complete and return the attached reply slip and medical form, along with the initial deposit of £11 by Friday 24th February. The preferred method of payment is online using the Squid system. To access the new Squid portal with the trips option go to: To access this new website, follow the same log in process and use the same log in details that you use for dinner money, and then select the trip purse and look in available offers for this trip. If you have not used the Squid system before contact the finance department in school for your child’s log in details and any help you require. Parents who cannot pay online can pay by cheque or cash (in a sealed envelope) to the student finance office.All cheques should be made payable to Kirk Balk Academy.

The total cost for this trip is £81 and payments will follow the schedule below:

•Initial Deposit of £11 by Friday 24th February

•Instalment 1 of £14 by Friday 31st March

•Instalment 2 of £14 by Friday 28th April

•Instalment 3 of £14 by Friday 26th May

•Instalment 4 of £14 by Friday 30th June

•Final payment of £14 by Friday 14th July

NB: If you wish, you may also pay £81 in one instalment (the full cost of the trip).

Although the final itinerary won’t be confirmed until nearer the date of the trip current details are as follows:

Arrival Date and Time:Monday 23rd October 2017 – arrive 9am

Activity Programme: GCSE PE – Track Cycling and Indoor Climbing

Departure Date and Time:Wednesday 25th October 2017 – depart 5pm

Transport Details

A coach will depart school at 7:30am on Monday 23rd October. Students must ensure that they arrive at school at least 15 minutes earlier than the departure time. Upon our return it is essential that a parent or guardian be available to pick up your child they will not be allowed to make their own way home. Expected arrival back to the Academy will be approx 6:30pm Wednesday 25th October.

The price of this trip includes:

  • Coach transport to and from the High Adventure Site
  • 2 nights accommodation including meals
  • Indoor Rock climbing with fully qualified outdoor adventure specialists
  • Track Cycling with fully qualified outdoor adventure specialists

Please note: As we are arriving before lunch on the first day students will be expected to bring a packed lunch. Students will also be required to bring a mug for drinks.

With the nature of the trip being Outdoor Adventure Activities, the students will also be required to bring the following kit from the list below;

  • 2 x Large towels
  • Indoor footwear (such as trainers)
  • 1 pair of outdoor footwear (that will get wet/dirty)
  • Re-useable drinks bottle
  • Comfortable indoor clothes
  • 2 tracksuit bottoms or similar (NOT JEANS)
  • 2 Sweatshirts
  • 2 T-Shirts
  • Socks & underwear
  • Gloves & hat – cold weather items
  • Gloves – required if doing GCSE mountain biking
  • Toiletry bag – Shampoo, soap, toothpaste & brush
  • Pyjamas/similar
  • Tupperware box for packed lunch
  • Small ruck sac/day bag
  • Medication (clearly labelled)
  • Bin bags/carrier bags for wet clothes
  • Torch & batteries
  • Warm jacket

Waterproofs can be provided by High Adventure so don’t go out and buy any.

We must now draw your attention to the following criteria. You will need to sign on the reply slip for each of these points to say that they have been acknowledged and have your full agreement.

  • Your child must not have any unauthorised absences or family holidays during term time from now up until the trip.
  • Your child’s attendance at school will remain above 95% during the year. Genuine absences due to illness will need to be discussed with your Head of House.
  • Your child must not display poor behaviour or receive any exclusion’s from the Academy.

Failure to comply with any of the above criteria may unfortunately result in your child being removed from the trip at any point. It may also not be possible to return any payments already made up till this point.

Please complete and return the slip, medical form, and the initial deposit of £11.00 by Friday 24th February.

If you have any other queries with regards to the trip please do not hesitate to call the PE department.

Yours faithfully

Miss K Shepherd Miss D Stockley

Head of Girls PE Assistant Principal

OAA Reply Slip

In order to secure a place on this GCSE PE trip please complete and return this slip along with the initial deposit of £11.00 and agreeing to the following criteria by Friday 24th February 2017

Student Name: ______Form: ______

  • My child will not have any unauthorised absences or family holidays during term time from now up until the trip.

Signed (Parent/Carer) …………………………………………Date ……………………

  • My child’s attendance at school will remain above 95% during the year. (Genuine absences due to illness with medical evidence will be reviewed on individual merit.)

Signed (Parent/Carer) …………………………………………Date ……………………

  • My child will continue to meet the expectations of the Academy’s behaviour policy.

Signed (Parent/Carer) …………………………………………Date ……………………

  • I also acknowledge and understand the payment schedule explained in the letter and agree to meet the required dates for payments.

Signed (Parent/Carer) …………………………………………Date ……………………

  • Finally, I understand that any outstanding payments for music lessons and/or unreturned library books will be cleared prior to my child participating on the trip.

Signed (Parent/Carer) …………………………………………Date ……………………