Education and Mindfulness Retreat:

Reducing Stress &Improving Learning

April 20-21, 2018

California Institute for Human Science, Encinitas, CA

Event Organizer: Karen Lim, Professor Emerita, English, San Diego City College


For full retreat details


1)Learn how to reduce stress and burnout through experiencing and practicing meditation, yoga and sound healing.

2)Learn how to raise student achievement by reducing the hidden learning disability of anxiety, stress, and trauma in their students.

Purpose: Heal the body, mind and spirit to better serve your students and clients; experts in their fields will teach meditation, yoga, and share the latest on brain research.

Dr. Janet Zadina, as founder and CEO ofBrain Research and Instruction, sheteaches and models best practices in educational neuroscience when presenting keynote speeches and workshops worldwide. Author of Multiple Pathways to the Student Brain, Six Weeks to a Brain Upgrade, and Six Weeks to a Brain-Compatible Classroom

Dr. Ji Hyang Padma, as Director of Comparative Religion & Philosophy Program at California Institute for Human Science (Encinitas, CA), she also leads retreats at Omega Institute and Esalen Institute.Her teaching draws on over twenty years’ experience, including fourteen years as a nun in the Korean Zen tradition. Author of Living the Season: Zen Practice for Transformative Times

Registration: Two days$275on/before March 30; Saturday only $195 on/before March 30

Partial proceeds will go to (teachers’ need-based classroom projects)


Register Now

CIHS, 701 Garden View Court, Encinitas, CA 92024 Ph:

San Diego--- Professor Emerita, Karen Lim taught for 26 years at San Diego City College in developmental education (reading and writing). As Co-Director of World Cultures Program at City, Lim bought Dr. Janet Zadina to campus to speak on “Brain Research and Learning.” After using her workbook Six Weeks to a Brain Upgrade: A Student’s Quick-Start Guide for Using Brain Research to Boost Learning, it transformed her teaching and curriculum.

"Students have many reasons why they cannot learn and focus and what we see in the classroom is just the tip of the iceberg," says Lim. "Complex issues in their personal life, all play a role in why students have trouble focusing on academics." Lim found that traditional education programs often ignored the students’ well-being, so she began to integrate mindfulness techniques in the classroom to help students cope with life. Lim changed her reading curriculum to offering life skills and problem-solving solutions to examine all aspects of a student’s mental and physical well-being, thus developing the whole person.

"This is only one part of the story," says Lim. "Equally important is teacher burnout and stress, an overlooked area in professional development programs." With changing curriculum standards, accelerated learning and teaching to the test, teachers have a hard time coping too. A teachers’ well-being and attitudes directly impact students in the classroom.

Given the changes that she saw in the classroom and in her own teaching, Lim was inspired to share her discoveries with her colleagues and others. She founded TEQAMS (Teaching Emotional Intelligence and Managing Stress) January 2017 to create professional development opportunities for teachers and students.

TEQAMS will be hosting it's first Education and Mindfulness Retreat on April 20-12, 2018 at the California Institute for Human Science (Encinitas). Aimed at providing the tools for educators to learn about mindfulness and education, the event will bring together bringing together several notable scholars and practitioners.

"We live in a chaotic time, but the classroom doesn't have to be," asserts Lim. "My hope is that educators will be renewed as they learn tools to deal with stress through meditation, yoga and sound healing, besides gaining knowledge on the latest on brain research."

Guest Speakers

 Dr. Janet Zadina, Educational Neuroscientist was a former reading teacher before becoming

Founder & CEO of Brain Research and Instruction. She is an international speaker and provides

keynote addresses throughout the United States.

 Dr. Ji Hyang Padma, Meditation Expert with over 20 years of experience, taught meditation at

Wellesley College, Harvard, and Boston University and led retreats at Omega and Esalen

Institute. For 14 years she was a nun in the Korean Zen tradition.

 Rebecca Norton, internationally recognized trauma-informed Yoga Teacher and Integrative

Coach, lived for four years at Sweetwater Zen Center in a Zen Buddhist Residential Intensive

Training Program.

 Carlos Calderon Granados, a natural healer from El Salvador spent 30 years in the Netherlands

honing his craft, now works at the Golden Door Spa in Escondido as an integrative massage


 Maria Theresa Harrison, a talented sound healer with crystal bowls, brings harmony to the body,

mind and spirit.


For more information, please contact: Karen Lim 858-229-6648