Reducing Barriers to Community Wellness Seed Grant

Administered by the Alberta Recreation and Parks Association
Contact: Chantel Churcher, Project Officer
11759 Groat Road NW, Edmonton, AB T5M 3K6
Phone: 780-643-1252 | Fax: 780-451-7915
Applications will be accepted until October 31, 2017
Applicants will be notified by November 30, 2017
Applicants will receive cheques by December 31, 2017
Projects must be complete by December 31, 2018.
Final reports must be submitted within 30 days of project completion or by January 31, 2019.


  1. Confirm that your community is registered for the 2017 Communities ChooseWell program. You can do so online at
  2. Review the application guide available at The application guide will describe the eligibility criteria and provide helpful resources and comprehensive explanations for each section of the application.
  3. Read through the entire application form before filling it out.
  4. Review the checklist on the last page of the application form.
  5. Contact the Communities ChooseWell staff if you have questions regarding your application.


Community Name* / Town of ChooseWell
Lead Organization/Group (Cheque will be addressed to this group) / ChooseWell Wellness Coalition
Contact information for key project leader(s) / Primary Contact / Secondary Contact (if applicable)
Name / Chantel Churcher
Position / Program Officer
Organization / Alberta Recreation & Parks Association
Mailing Address / 11759 Groat Rd. NW
Edmonton, AB T5M 3K6
Phone Number / 780-643-1252
Email Address /


2.1 Barrier Identification

Identify the barrier(s) in your community that are impeding wellness*. How do you know that this is a barrier? Describe who is being impacted and why you believe it is important to address this barrier.

The Town of ChooseWell lacks a full grocery store. Residents are unable to buy fresh produce conveniently and several people have to drive out of town in order to purchase fruit and vegetables. This has been a long-standing problem in the town and this issue has often been raised and documented at Town Council meetings. The entire community is negatively impacted by the absence of a full grocery store; however, it is particularly burdensome for those who do not have the ability to drive out of town to purchase fresh foods. This includes people who are living on lower incomes who cannot afford to travel for groceries and those without cars or drivers licenses (including several senior citizens). It is important to address this barrier because it is difficult for residents in the Town of ChooseWell to follow a healthy diet as defined by Canada’s Food Guide, on a regular basis. Many people in our community seem to have unhealthy eating behaviours and poor nutrition, especially those who are most disadvantaged.

*This should reflect only the problem(s) that you are attempting to address through your proposed project.

2.2 Strengths, Assets, and Strategies

Identify the strengths, assets and/or current activities within your community that your project can build upon to address the barrier(s).

The Town of ChooseWell Wellness Coalition started in January 2015 and is comprised of local volunteers and businesses. This group works collaboratively to identify and implement strategies that will improve the community. A local County Councillor attends meetings on behalf of the government. We also have strong community support to implement this initiative – there are already a number of volunteers who have agreed to assist with maintaining the garden.


3.1 Project Name

ChooseWell Community Garden

3.2 Project Description

Describe your project! What is the purpose of your project? What do you plan to do with the grant? Explain if it is part of a larger project, and if so, describe the larger project. Define the population in your community that the project will mainly impact.

This project will focus on creating a centralized space for a communal garden that will be open to all residents. It will consist of building raised gardens, a seating area, and a community information bulletin board. Currently there is limited opportunity to share information, and the need for a community board has been researched and upheld. The information board will enhance a FaceBook information page that is currently only useful to those with internet – which is not readily available within the community, except via satellite and is costly. The Library offers free internet on days when it is open and it is very well used. The gardens will be built by some local students and families and will be led by an experienced senior. The intent of utilizing multiple groups for this project is to promote community engagement and to help foster a sense of belonging and ownership. Additionally, a communal area for gathering and visiting will be available. We will be building our gardens on the land of the local library. This location is currently grassed and a small flower garden has been installed; however, more funding is needed for expansion. Our plan is to plant fruiting trees and edible shrubbery which will not only help to provide food to local residents, but will also help with the beautification efforts of our town. As the garden grows, information and learning opportunities will be available. Information can be found on the community bulletin board and on our Facebook page. Community members will also have an opportunity to learn more about the food process through food preparation classes (ie. cooking, canning, preserving, etc.). Research tells us that communal gardening offers more than nutritional benefits – it’s a great way to promote social inclusion and strengthen community relationships.

3.3 Rationale

What is the rationale behind the proposed project and target population? Why do you think that this project will effectively reduce the barriers to wellness you have identified? What evidence supports your expectation? Why have you selected this target population?

There is an obvious need for better access to healthy, nutritious food in our community. This project is led by multiple volunteer organizations who are involved in many areas of the community, as well as a Health Promotion Facilitator from Alberta Health Services who understands the barriers and the evidence regarding creating sustainable initiatives. We believe that with community buy in already in place, this project will be very successful. Families, along with seniors, have expressed interest in better access to healthy foods and we feel a communal garden will help to address this barrier.

3.4 Project Goal and Outcomes

What is the overall goal of the project? What will be different as a result of your project (outcomes*)?

Project Goal(s):
To build a communal garden, with a communication point and a gathering space.
What will be different as a result of your project (outcomes)? List as many outcomes as needed.
1)Increased access to fresh, nutritious produce.
2)Increased community spirit.
3)Increased skills and capacity within individuals and the community.

*Refer to the Application Guide, Section 3.4, for more information about writing outcomes.

3.5 Social Wellbeing

Describe how your project will help to improve social wellbeing in your community.

This garden will offer a space where people can come together and socialize; ultimately helping to build relationships with other residents. Having access to a welcoming environment where individuals can come and engage in recreation activities – whether this involves working on the garden, enjoying the fresh fruit/veg, or taking in the scenery from our seating area, will give residents an opportunity to create new friendship and strengthen existing ones.

3.6 Work Plan

In the first column, clearly describe each activity that you will undertake as part of your project. In the second column, state when the activity will occur during the next year.

Activity / When
Purchase supplies and build community bulletin board / November 2017
Gather volunteers to assist through planning meetings, construction, and maintenance / Ongoing, November 2017 – May 2018
Prepare the site for gardens and building / April 2018
Purchase supplies for raised garden beds / April/May 2018
On-site building and planting / May – June 2018
Maintenance (weeding, watering, etc.) / May 2018 - Ongoing

3.7 Partnerships

Who is involved in this initiative? List the individuals, groups, and/or organizations who have committed to working together.

Collaborator (name, position, organization if applicable) / How are they involved in the project? / Is this a new partnership?
Patrick McQuarrie, Chair, Recreation Society / Planning, organizing / No
Lisa McLaughlin, Town of ChooseWell Economic Development / Planning, Volunteer / No
John Doe, Manager, Local landscaping company / Planning, volunteer / Yes


4.1 Evaluation

How will you evaluate your project activities to determine if you were successful in achieving your goal and outcomes?

In order to evaluate the success of this project, our plan is to survey local residents using a pre/post method. We will also talk to residents who use and volunteer at the garden to obtain their feedback.

4.2 Sustainability

How will the momentum of your activities be sustained after your project is complete? How will the project’s activities contribute to creating long-term change in your community?

As the gardens are being built on the Library’s property, they will be in charge of maintaining the greenspace around the gardens and sitting area. The volunteer organizations will be in charge of maintaining the garden. Local residents can also assist with maintaining the gardens on ‘open’ gardening days.
The library is a very popular venue within our town and it sits perfectly in our downtown core. We feel this community garden will also help to bring more people to library,


5.1 Reducing Barriers to Community Wellness Grant Distribution

How much will your activities cost? Outline how the grant will be spent. What other costs and sources of revenue do you anticipate?

Expenditure Item/Activity / Total Cost / Amount to be covered by Reducing Barriers to Community Wellness Grant
Sign board / $500 / $500
Raised flower beds / $1000 / $1000
Fruit Trees & Shrubs / $750 / $500
$ / $
$ / $
Total Expenses / $2250 / $2000

*Please note that requests for food items should follow the Alberta Nutrition Guidelines for Children and Youth (see )

5.2 Alternate Funding

What other funding sources will support the proposed activities?

Expenditure Item/Activity / Alternate Funding Source / Value
Fruit Trees and Shrubs / Library/Donations / $250
Rock and landscaping (materials) / Library Society / $200
Equipment Rental (ie. bob cat) / Donated by local business / $1500
Total / $1950

5.3 In-Kind Contributions

If you will receive any in-kind contributions, please specify them here.

Expenditure Item/Activity / In-Kind Contribution / Value
Building materials for garden beds / $500 / $500
Planning / $400 / $400
Total / $


Please note that all projects receiving grant funding are required to submit a final report within 30 days of completing the proposed activities and no later than January 31, 2019. A report template will be provided.


☑My community is registered for the 2017 Communities ChooseWell program.

☑My proposed project meets the eligibility criteria described in the application guide.

☑I have reviewed my application and ensured that I have completed each section and addressed all of the prompting statements in the Application Form and Guide.

☑The activities for which I am applying will reduce barriers to wellness through physical activity and/or healthy eating.

☑I agree to submit a final report of the project activities and expenses as outlined above.

Applications will be accepted until October 31, 2017
Applicants will be notified by November 30, 2017
Applicants will receive cheques by December 31, 2017

Submit your application by email to , or send to Alberta Recreation and Parks Association via mail or fax.

All applications must be received by midnight (MDT) October 31, 2017.

The Communities ChooseWell Reducing Barriers to Community Wellness Seed Grants are administered by the Alberta Recreation and Parks Association, on behalf of the Communities ChooseWell program. Communities ChooseWell is funded by Alberta Health.

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