Mrs. Luisi’s Newsletter

Pumpkin Delight Room 22

October 3, 2017

Newsletters: I will be sending home periodic newsletters to help keep you informed about what is happening in our classroom and at school in general. I also plan to upload the newsletters to my website.

Parent Teacher Conference Sign Ups: At the PDS Open House there was an opportunity to sign up for both the fall and spring parent teacher conferences. As the days approach let me know if you have any unforeseen conflicts so that we may arrange a different time to meet.

Communication: Communication is important. Any concerns or questions please write me a note, leave a message with Mrs. Green our school secretary (203-783-3531), or email me. Note that I do not always get a chance to look at email throughout the day so if it is important a written note given to me by your child works best. My email is .

Reading: We have all been enjoying reading True….sort of by Katherine Hannigan. It is a wonderful story of childhood, family and friendship. Ask your child to tell you about Delly, the main character. She is a lot of fun!

We have been launching our reading for the year, finding just right books to read and setting up our reading community so everyone is learning together. We will begin a unit on Character shortly.

Homework: Homework has begun in earnest! It is not optional. It is beneficial as it provides the necessary practice to improve in essential skills. Please help your child remember each night to check their planners and take home folders. Mathematics is usually given Monday – Thursday. Spelling will most likely begin next week. I am awaiting new books. All students and families have read and signed the 30/20 Reading Club note – be sure your child is reading at least 20 times for 30 minutes and writing a 5th grade sentence for each night they read every month. Also, the book they are reading must coincide with their book report for that month.

Spelling: Monday through Thursday they will have homework in spelling as well as being responsible for studying the words for a quiz on Friday.

Mathematics: Continue to practice multiplication and division facts. Quiz them while you prepare dinner and they set the table; while driving them to soccer or dance practice; on your way to the grocery store or getting ready for school in the morning or bed at night. Anytime you can fit in a few math facts is beneficial!

If you are having a memory lapse on a mathematical topic while trying to help with homework visit: Type in the subject of the math inquiry and they will refresh your memory. It is great!

Science: The moon log for science continues to be filled in each night for the next couple of weeks. Try to step outside and actually view the moon when possible. It means much more to see the real moon rather than depend on the internet. The moon log allows your child to observe the entire lunar cycle while recording their observations.

Writing: There will also be periodic writing homework in their writer’s notebooks. Our first project will be a memoir. Discuss some fun memories with your child to help them remember, especially the details that make the story interesting and fun!

Assignment Pads: Remember to check your child’s daily assignments. Each day they should be writing down their daily assignments and any long term project reminders in their planners that the PDS PTA purchased for them.

Book Reports: September’s book report was due October 2. Most of the students have completed the assignment! October’s Book Report was also home October 2 along with a Book Choice Paper that needed to be signed by you and your child. I will also sign it after I have okayed their book choice for October.

Any $$ Coming to School: Please send any money to school in a sealed envelope/plastic baggie with your child’s name and the purpose of the money written on the outside.

Backpacks: Please check your child’s backpack for notes and assignments each day. There are important papers that need to be filled out and returned to school occasionally. Remind your student that it is ultimately their responsibility to show you! (They love to blame the forgetfulness on parents!) Remember Friday Folders come home on Fridays and need to be returned on Mondays, thanks!

Book Orders: I have set up online book ordering at You can choose to order on line or a paper flyer will also be coming home each month.

Online Ordering Information

Web address:

Class Activation Code: GLDTV

My Website:

My website has some general information on curriculum as well as specifics for book reports and other projects.

Please visit it if you have a question.

Yours in learning,

Mrs. Luisi