Redox reactions – demonstrations
  1. Magnesium burning in oxygen.
/ 5. H2S + KMnO4
  1. Sulphur burning in oxygen
/ 6. H2S + FeCl3
  1. Volcano experiment (Ammonium dichromate)
/ 7. Chlorine water displacing iodide ions
  1. Preparation of H2S
/ 8. Nitric acid and copper
1 / Magnesium burning in oxygen gas
1.1 / Write down a balanced equation- record observations below the equation e.g. colour, appearance of product
1.2 / Write down the oxidation number of each element in the balanced equation.
1.3 / Which substance is oxidized?
1.4 / Which substance is reduced?
1.5 / Name the reducing agent.
1.6 / Name the oxidizing agent.
2 / Sulphur burning in oxygen
2.1 / Write down a balanced reaction equation- record observations below the equation e.g. colour, appearance of product etc.
2.2 / Write down the oxidation number of each element in the balanced equation.
2.3 / Which substance is oxidized?
2.4 / Which substance is reduced?
2.5 / Name the reducing agent.
2.6 / Name the oxidizing agent.
3 / Volcano experiment
3.1 / Write down a balanced reaction equation- record observations below the equation e.g. colour, appearance of product etc.
3.2 / Write down the oxidation number of each element in the balanced equation.
3.3 / Which substance is oxidized?
3.4 / Which substance is reduced?
3.5 / Name the reducing agent.
3.6 / Name the oxidizing agent.
4 / Preparation of hydrogen sulphide (H2S)
4.2 / Write down the oxidation number of each element in the balanced equation.
4.3 / Which substance is oxidized?
4.4 / Which substance is reduced?
4.5 / Name the reducing agent.
4.6 / Name the oxidizing agent.
5 / H2S bubbled through acidified KMnO4 solution
5.2 / Write down the oxidation number of each element in the balanced equation.
5.3 / Which substance is oxidized?
5.4 / Which substance is reduced?
5.5 / Name the reducing agent.
5.6 / Name the oxidizing agent.
6 / H2S bubbled through FeCl3 solution
6.2 / Write down the oxidation number of each element in the balanced equation.
6.3 / Which substance is oxidized?
6.4 / Which substance is reduced?
6.5 / Name the reducing agent.
6.6 / Name the oxidizing agent.
7 / Chlorine water added to potassium iodide solution
7.2 / Write down the oxidation number of each element in the balanced equation.
7.3 / Which substance is oxidized?
7.4 / Which substance is reduced?
7.5 / Name the reducing agent.
7.6 / Name the oxidizing agent.
8 / Nitric acid (concentrated) poured onto Copper turnings or filings
Write down a balanced equation- record observations below the equation e.g. colour, appearance of product
8.2 / Write down the oxidation number of each element in the balanced equation.
8.3 / Which substance is oxidized?
8.4 / Which substance is reduced?
8.5 / Name the reducing agent.
8.6 / Name the oxidizing agent.