John Sealey , Patient Rep, RMC Janet Royston , Patient Rep, SBMC Phyllis Smith, Patient Rep, RMC Evelyn Riches, Patient Rep, SBMC
John Mitchell, Patient Rep, SBMCElsa Gell, Patient Rep, SBMC
Clair Brown, Patient Rep, RMCAllison Scott, Receptionist/Carers Champion
Kathy Bartley, Practice Manager
Patricia Crick
1.Matters Arising from the Last Meeting
ECPs (Paramedics) working in GP practices – KB reported that interviews are due to take place on 14th November. Prior to this KB will be involved in the shortlisting process.
New services – The official launch of the Gardening Group took place yesterday at Redgate Medical Centre which was attended by 8 patients and representatives from Sedgemoor District Council, East Bridgwater Together Team, SASP and SUSTRANS. Bridgwater Press also attended to take some ‘official’ photographs of the launch. The gardening group will be meeting once a fortnight on a Tuesday between 11.30 – 12.30 pm. On behalf of the practice Kathy expressed her sincere thanks to Clair for her help and support with the launch event.
Repeat Prescription Ordering – The new ordering system for repeat prescriptions is now fully operational and no concerns regarding this system were raised by members of the group.
Newly appointed salaried GP, Dr Adrian Tyler joined the meeting and was introduced to the group. Adrian took up post at the practice in early October and is currently working 4 days per week across both practices. Adrian is a ‘generalist’ GP who has an interest in GP education.
Dr Mengu will be joining the practice next week as an additional salaried GP and she will be working 3 days per week.
3.Telephone Triage Service
KB reported that the telephone triage pilot at Redgate had now been operational for 1 month and during this time has been well received by patients and staff. The number of daily patient contacts (requests for urgent/same day appointments) decreased significantly during the first few days of operation, but has now returned to similar/slightly lower levels as previously. Patients are generally receiving a ring back within an hour by a clinician and offered a variety of treatment options, not necessarily an urgent appointment with a GP. This has led to a reduction in the number of urgent/same day access appointments being booked and these appointments are now beginning to be reutilised for routine/follow-up appointments.
During the pilot phase the practice will continue to ‘tweak’ and change the system as required. With the appointment of an additional practice nurse to back-fill Stewart’s time, the practice hopes to roll out a similar service at Somerset Bridge from February next year.
4.Feedback from SEAG meeting
Janet provided feedback following her attendance at Somerset Clinical Commissioning Group’s quarterly Engagement Advisory Group meeting held on 12th October 2016. One of the main discussion points of the meeting was the development of a five year sustainability and transformation plan (STP) for Somerset. The proposed plan will encompass may health and social issues including changing patient demographics, an increase in young people suffering from mental health issues, obesity, workforce development. Those attending the meeting were asked to consider what impact changes to health and social care services would have on the population and what additional support would be required to implement changes.
KB to append copy of the SEAG meeting notes.
5.Any Other Business
Flu vaccination campaign – KB reported that during the early stages of this year’s vaccination campaign uptake has been much better than last year. Additional vaccination clinics are scheduled during the next weeks and it is hoped that the practice will achieve all vaccination targets for patients in the ‘at risk’ groups this year. To improve take up further JM suggested reintroducing signs on consulting rooms to remind patients to ask for their vaccination during their consultation.
Action: KB to arrange for signs to be put up.
Update on Group Members – Due to personal reasons Mick has decided to resign from the Patient Group. Pat is feeling a little betterand has recently joined a knit and natter group as well as the Pilates group at Redgate. Pat hopes to return to Patient Group Meetings in the near future.
Promoting the PPG – Clair hopes to bring a draft poster to the next meeting.
Disabled Person Railcard – JR reported that people with hearing impairment are entitled to apply for a disabled person’s railcard which entitles the holder up to one third off 1st and 2nd class fares. The card holder can also take a ‘carer’ with them who is also entitled to one third off their fare. A copy of the front page of your NHS battery book or a copy of your dispensing prescription from a private hearing aid supplier is sufficient to prove eligibility.
DNA Profiling
JS reported that developments in DNA profiling may pave the way in the future for patients to be treated for health conditions according to their individual DNA profile. A number of large investment companies are already exploring this business opportunity.
6. Date and Time of Next Meeting
Wednesday21st December 2016, 10.30 am, Redgate Medical Centre