In Attendance
Phyllis Smith, Patient Rep, RMC Elsa Gell, Patient Rep, SBMC
John Mitchell, Patient Rep, SBMC Patricia Crick, Patient Rep, RMC
John Sealey, Patient Rep, RMC
Kathy Bartley, Practice Manager
Allison Scott, Receptionist/Carer
Michael Davies Alison Warne
Sue Boulton Julie Tompkins
1. Actions Arising from the Notes of the last Meeting
Health Awareness Event
KB confirmed that the Health Awareness Event would take place on Saturday 18th October. The date would coincide with a scheduled flu vaccination clinic.
Contact had been made with the following organisations to ask them to support the event:
Age UK Somerset (Ageing Well)
NHS Health Checks
Stop Smoking Service
Sedgemoor Health Walks
Zing Somerset
Lifestyle Hub – Health Trainers and Pro-Active Referral Scheme.
Dawn, HCA would be on hand to promote the importance of NHS Health Checks , share tips on healthy eating planning, weight management. BMI checks
Emma, Diabetes Nurse has been approached to provide advice regarding diabetes, coronary heart disease etc.
Carers Event
AS provided an update following the successful Carers Drop-In Afternoon held at Redgate Medical Centre during National Carers Week in June. The event was attended by 4 or 5 carers who were able chat openly about their experiences and receive information and support from Amanda Stone of Compass Carers.
It was suggested that a further drop-in event could be organised at Somerset Bridge Medical Centre in the New Year.
KB confirmed that the groups concerns about the general ambience and welcoming at Somerset Bridge Medical Centre had been discussed with staff and subtle changes had been noticed over the last few weeks by KB. Group members were asked to continue to be the ‘eyes and ears’ and to provide feedback (albeit positive or negative).
2. Friends and Family Test
From 1 December 2014, the Friends and Family Test (FFT) will be available in allGP practices. From mid September 2014 Redgate Medical Centre and Somerset Bridge Medical Centres will pilot the early implementation of the FFT. Patients attending any face-to-face consultation at the practice will be invited to provide annoymous feedback via a 'postcard' survey which will be available in the waiting area andprovided by clinicians at the end oftheir consultation.
The feedback gathered through the FFT is being used in NHS organisations across the country to stimulate local improvement and empower staff to carry out the sorts of changes that make a real difference to patients and their care.
The results of the FFT will be published at monthly intervals on both NHS England and NHS Choices websites.
3. Somerset Practice Quality Scheme – Practice Workplan
The Somerset GP community, together with Somerset Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) and the Local Medical Committee (LMC) have developed a local quality scheme to support alternative ways of working in primary care. Redgate and Somerset Bridge Medical Centres, along with Edington Surgery have signed up to the pilot Somerset Practice Quality Scheme (SPQS) in 2014/15. The practices have submitted a joint work plan for the coming year to the CCG for approval. The work plan includes:-
Working with other NHS and social care agencies – improve communication links with the Minor Injuries Unit.
Supporting CCG Long Term Conditions Framework – Implement Care Planning Training for staff, Improve structure of outpatient clinic letters, develop a seamless referral process to the Independent Living Team for all appropriate patients post hospital discharge.
Promotion and Integration of third sector organisations – Work with and host regular drop-in sessions within the practice for Age Concern, Citizen’s Advice Bureau, Dementia UK, MIND.
Maintain QoF Indicators and prevalence
Enhanced Patient Participation - Arrange joint meeting with Edington Surgery’s PPG to identify areas co working such as community hospital project, third sector organisations, health awareness sessions.
Members of the group were keen to meet with Edington Surgery’s PPG to share ideas. KB to contact Practice Manager at Edington Surgery to arrange a joint meeting.
4. Any Other Business
KB agreed to put together an Autumn Newsletter to include the scheduled Health Awareness Event, information about the Friends and Family Test and details of this year’s annual flu vaccination programme.
Proposed Change to October Meeting Date
It was agreed that the October meeting would now take place on Thursday 9th, instead of Wednesday 8th October.