Questionnaire for Cemetery Restrictions
Styles of memorial permitted. ( circle permitted styles)
Flush Bevel Slant Slant on Base Monument
Is bronze or bronze on a granite base required? Yes / No
Size requirements.
Single grave marker
Max. length (left to right) ______
Max. width (front to back)
Max. height (ground to tallest point) ______
Two Grave marker.
Max. length (left to right) ______
Max. width (front to back)
Max. height (ground to tallest point) ______
Three grave marker.
Max. length (left to right) ______
Max. width (front to back)
Max. height (ground to tallest point) ______
Foundation cost or Setting fee.
Foundations are figured in a few standard ways.
Flat fee: Single ______Double______
Per square inch charge: ______psi
To calculate cost {Length x Width x cost } ______x ______x ______= $ ______
If cemetery requires a border/margin around marker add it to length and width prior to calculating cost.