

Although her parents love walking in the rain, Baby Duck does not-until Grampa shares a secret with her.
--- Conversation Questions---
(1) / List the characters.
(Answer) / Mr. And Mrs. Duck, baby Duck, Grampa Duck.
(Follow Up) / Have you ever seen real ducks?
(2) / Recall what Baby Duck didn’t like to do.
(Answer) / Walk in the rain.
(Follow Up) / Can you tell me why?
(3) / Tell where Baby Duck and her parents were going.
(Answer) / To Grampa’s.
(Follow Up) / What were they going for?
(4) / Name the two things Grampa gave Baby Duck.
(Answer) / A red umbrella and matching boots.
(Follow Up) / Whom did they belong to?
(5) / Find what Baby Duck and Grampa did after breakfast.
(Answer) / They went out and played in the rain.
(Follow Up) / Do you remember Baby Duck’s new rain song?
(6) / Name the main character in our story.
(Answer) / Baby Duck.
(Follow Up) / What did she not like?
(7) / Imagine you were Baby Duck. Would you like walking in the rain?
(Answer) / Any logical answer.
(Follow Up) / Have you ever played in the rain?
(8) / Guess how you would react if Grampa gave you the boots and umbrella.
(Answer) / Any logical answer.
(Follow Up) / Do you have rain boots or an umbrella?
(9) / Relate to a time you had to go out in the rain.
(Answer) / Any logical answer.
(Follow Up) / Do you like playing in the rain?
(10) / Explain what tradition means.
(Answer) / A families custom; something they have always done.
(Follow Up) / Does your family have a tradition.
1. / Draw all of the characters from the story. Label them.
2. / Write a short story about Baby Duck not wanting to go out in the snow. Write how Grampa could solve that problem.
3. / Make your own song about rain. Tell if you like it or dislike it and why in your song.
4. / Write a thank-you note to Grampa from Baby Duck.
1.  Show students an umbrella and pair of rubber boots. Ask them if they know when these can be used. “Today we will read how these two things help Baby Duck change his mind about going out in the rain.
2.  Have some toy ducks or pictures of real ducks. Ask the students if they think ducks like being in the rain. “Today we will read about a duck who didn’t like walking in the rain.”
3.  Copy and color page 1. Ask the students why they think Baby Duck in so upset. “Today we will read In the Rain with Baby Duck.”

Book Title: In the Rain With Baby Duck

Author: Amy Hest
/ Illustrator: Jill Barton
ISBN: 1-56402-532-2 / # of Text Pages: 13 AR: 1.0 LEX: N/A
Building Oral Vocabulary
1 / tradition / 4 / muttered / 5 / dawdled
Prediction Questions
5 / Will she complain about anything else?
14 / What will be in the bag?
20 / What will they do?

This resource is provided by THE LEARNING CORPS—Barren County Board of Education, an AmeriCorps project funded in part by the Kentucky Commission on Community Volunteerism and Service and the Corporation for National and Community Service.