Commitment to Staff from RCHLeadership
Golden Rules
Purpose: The purpose of this document is to make a public statement that we the RCH Nursing Leadership Teamare committed to serving the staff with the same level of commitment and accountability with which we serve our patients. Our nursing Leadership Team gives every staff member permission to hold us ACCOUNTABLE professionally to this set of rules
which we, your LEADERSHIP TEAM, have agreed to.
- We will always work to serve as an example of what we expect from our staff.
- We will treat you as important customers, and always return your phone calls or emails within the next business day we work.
- We pledge to follow through on any request or question you have of us.
Closing the communication loop with you is one of our most important responsibilities. Not all requests/suggestions will be granted or acted upon, however we are committed to following up with you as an individual and discussing the issue completely.
- We will communicate with and treat you and our fellow nursing leaders just as we would want to be treated or communicated with, displaying respect, care, professionalism, and self control at all times.
- We pledge to never belittle or reprimand anyone (including our team and other care teams) in front of others unless patients or other staff member’s well being is actively being threatened.
- We pledge to admit when we have made a mistake or error and do everything within our power to correct the situation and/or relationship.
- We agree to allow anyone on our team the freedom to respectfully and professionally disagree or carry a different point of view without that creating conflict or ill will. However, we will support “zero tolerance” for horizontal violence (gossip, back biting, back stabbing, etc.) in the workplace.
- We will be flexible with our breaks and lunches to be sure that we model the behaviors we expect from our staff.
- We promise that we will listen to all sides of a situation/issue without pre-judgment prior to making management decisions regarding those issues.
- We understand that everyone cannot always agree; we promise to never take the position that we are always right. That assumption on our part clearly stands in the way of free discussion of ideas, fact finding, and win–win solution seeking.