Red Brush Ministry Opportunities – Take Action!
At Red Brush Christian Church we believe that it is God’s desire for us to mature through study as well as service. We encourage every Christian to be involved in some kind of ministry. There are many opportunities to serve the Lord. Please contact the person listed under the ministry if you would like to get involved!
1. FELLOWSHIP MEALS MINISTRY—A ministry for planning large meals for the whole church family on special occasions.
2. MEALS ON WHEELS MINISTRY—A ministry for delivering meals once a month to the shut-ins in Louisville. Keith & Susanne Woods 665-3234
3. (FIT) FIRST IMPRESSIONS TEAM—A ministry that ensures that visitors have a positive experience at our church. Teresa Lewis 662-2556
WELCOME CENTER MINISTRY—A ministry for welcoming visitors, giving gift bags, and answering questions for newcomers.
BAKERS BUNCH—Volunteers who bake bread & deliver it to the homes of first-time visitors.
GREETING TEAM—Volunteers who greet worshippers at the doors & hand out bulletins. Mary Drewes 723-2444
4. JOY BUNCHMINISTRY—A ministry of fellowship and service among senior citizens. Ron Payne 665-3280
5. WOMEN’S MINISTRY—A ministry to reach out and meet the needs of women in our church and community.
6. MEN’S MINISTRY “Men 4 Him”—A ministry of study, fellowship, and service with other men. Gary Barbee 665-3280
7. NURSERY—A ministry providing a safe and loving learning environment for our youngest Red Brushers. Ashley Czyzewski 665-3280
8. CHILDREN’S MINISTRY—A ministry overseeing our children’s church, children’s Sunday School classes, youth groups. Ashley Czyzewski 665-3280
9. JR. HIGH MINISTRY—A ministry for reaching out and planning events for Jr. High students. 665-3280
10. HIGH SCHOOL MINISTRY—A ministry for reaching out and planning events for High School students. 665-3280
11. HANDY–MAN MINISTRY—A ministry to provide practical help for widows and single moms. This is for people with talents in home maintenance and repair. Jeff Walker 665-4121
12. PRAYER MINISTRY—A ministry to encourage Christians in corporate and personal prayer lives. Darren & Cindy Bailey 665-4440
13. MISSIONS MINISTRY—A ministry to our foreign and stateside missionaries. Jordan Robey686-2162
14. SMALL GROUPS MINISTRY—A ministry designed to help adults get connected with each other in a small group setting. Gary Barbee 665-3280
15. VAN MINISTRY—A ministry for providing transportation for Sunday services and youth events. Steve Stortzum 335-1474
16. FACILITIES/OFFICE EQUIPMENT MINISTRY—A ministry of maintaining our property, buildings and office equipment. Bill Britton 665-3068
17. MUSIC MINISTRY—A ministry for leading hearts into worship. Jonathan Goodman
18. AUDIO/VISUAL MINISTRY—A ministry for those gifted in operating sound equipment and power point. Cody Johnson 686-2130
19. EVANGELISM MINISTRY—A ministry for involving Christians in personal evangelism through events such as the Fall Revival, VBS outreach programs. Dusty Elmore 665-3280
20. COMMUNION SERVERS—A ministry that schedules communion & offering servers for our Sunday services. Gary Barbee 665-3280
21. COMMUNION PREPARATION TEAM—Preparation of the communion trays for Sunday services and youth groups. Marge Daugherty 665-3159
22. MEALS TO THE SICK—A team providing meals for those recovering from surgeries or illnesses. Becky Payne 665-3280
23. FUNERAL DINNERS—A team which prepares a carry-in dinner for families who lost loved ones. Mildred Cox 665-4250
24. OUTREACH TEAM—A benevolent ministry reaching out by caring for needs. Becky Bailey & Andrea Elmore
25. WEB TEAM—A team that maintains the church website. Preston Johnson & Cindy Bruns 665-3212.