Red Bank Catholic Music Program

RBCHS Choir Contract

Mr. Shawn T. Mack, Director of Music/Conductor

Timothy DiDomenico, Student Assistant Conductor

Christopher Mallamaci, Student Manager of the Choirs

Dear Parents and Students,

It is hard to believe that we are gearing up for another full semester of exciting performances at RBC! I was very pleased with the way things went last semester and I cannot wait to get this term started as conductor of our choirs. As with everything, commitment is extremely important for ensemble performance. Therefore, I am giving you the schedule of events and rehearsals for the entire semester with the contract. This contract will be strictly and fairly enforced throughout the year. If the contract is broken, the student forfeits the right to their seat in the ensemble so please make an informed decision when signing this contract. We are preparing for another wonderful semester of performances, including a trip to sing at Carnegie Hall in New York City again! I was honored to conduct these choirs last year, and I cannot wait to do it again.

Thank you,

Shawn T. Mack

Director of Music/Conductor

By signing this paper I acknowledge that my child ______and I have read and understand the rules, regulations, and schedule of the RBCHS Choir.

Student Name (Print)Student EmailStudent Signature

Parent Name (Print)Parent EmailParent Signature

RBCHS Choir Rules and Regulations

  1. All new students must purchase the appropriate concert attire through the school.
  2. There is an $85 charge for concert attire.
  3. Ladies: Black dress, necklace and earrings.
  4. Men: Tuxedo shirt and pants, bow tie, and black vest.
  5. For regular Tuesday/Thursday rehearsals you are allowed 3 absences per semester. THESE ABSENCES INCLUDE TECH WEEKS, DOCTOR APPOINTMENTS, ETC.
  6. There are NO EXCUSED ABSENCES from rehearsal.
  7. If you are absent from school it does not count against you.
  8. If you are Involved in another RBC program, please see Mr. Mack to make arrangements if possible.
  9. In case of absence, please let your section leader know you will not be at rehearsal.
  10. Be on time.
  11. If you are up to 15 minutes late to rehearsal without a pass from extra help it counts as a late. 2 Late=1 absence.
  12. If you are more than 15 minutes late to rehearsal without a pass from extra help it counts as an absence.
  13. Cell Phones must be OFF and AWAY in the Cell Phone Box during Rehearsals
  14. 1st offense-warning
  15. 2nd offense in same rehearsal-you will be dismissed from rehearsal and it will count as an absence.
  16. All Tech week rehearsals are MANDATORY.
  17. Failure to appear results in immediate dismissal.
  18. You are responsible for your music.
  19. Everyone will receive a copy of the music to keep. You can write in it, highlight, and mark your music however you need to. If you lose it DO NOT take someone else’s music! Random music checks will be done by section leaders during rehearsals.
  20. Use the restroom BEFORE Rehearsal begins.
  21. If it is necessary to use the restroom during rehearsal take a buddy.

Thank you for your cooperation and understanding as we continue to move forward together!

By signing the underlying addendums you hereby understand that you are committed to these MANDATORY Performances. THIS IS A PERMISSION SLIP.

Addendum A: Rehearsal for Carnegie Hall

I hereby give my child, ______permission to attend the rehearsal at the Crowne Plaza Hotel in New York City Saturday, November 22nd, 2014 8:30-4:00. Bus departs RBC at 6:00 AM.

Parent Signature: ______Date: ______

Addendum B: Carnegie Hall Performance

I hereby give my child, ______permission to attend the Carnegie Hall performance Monday, November 24th, 2014 12:00-12:00.

Parent Signature: ______Date: ______

Addendum C: Christmas Concert and Rehearsals

I hereby give my child, ______permission to be involved at the Christmas Concert AND Tech Week Rehearsals the week of December 8th, 2014 at RBC.

Parent Signature: ______Date: ______

Addendum D: Christmas Prayer Services

I hereby give my child, ______permission to attend the Christmas Prayer Services Friday, December 19th, 2014 during school.

Parent Signature: ______Date: ______

Red Bank Catholic High School Choir

Schedule of Events Fall 2014


Regular Rehearsal: 9th, 11th, 16th*, 18th, 23rd, 25th, 30th

*Freshman Convocation for Chamber Choir 7:00 PM.


Regular Rehearsals: 2nd, 7th, 9th, 14th, 16th, 21st, 23rd, 28th, 30th*

*Rehearsal is MANDATORY: Dr. Barfoot will be conducting rehearsal 10/30.


Regular Rehearsals: 4th, 11th*, 13th, 18th, 20th

*Half-day: Rehearsal will be held 1-3; chamber 3-4.

FULL REHEARSAL: Saturday, November 22nd, Rehearsal for Carnegie Hall (Addendum A)

PERFORMANCE: Monday, November 24th, Carnegie Hall Performance (Addendum B)


Regular Rehearsals: 2nd


  • Tuesday, December 9th, 3:00-6:00 PM—Set up & Choir Dress
  • Thursday, December 11th, 6:00-9:30 PM—Final Dress Rehearsal
  • Friday, December 12th, 6:30 PM Concert Call Time Concert at 8:00 PM

PERFORMANCE: Friday, December 19th, Christmas Prayer Services (Addendum D)

Chamber Choir Contract Addendum


PERFORMANCE: Tuesday, September 16th, 2014 Freshman Convocation 7:00 PM (Addendum E)


PERFORMANCE: Wednesday November19th, 2014 Junior Ring Mass 7:00 PM (Addendum F)

By signing the underlying addendums you hereby understand that you are committed to these MANDATORY Performances. THIS IS A PERMISSION SLIP.

Addendum E: Freshman Convocation

I hereby give my child, ______permission to attend the Freshman Convocation Tuesday, September 23rd, 2014 at 7:00 PM. Call time is 7:00 PM.

Parent Signature: ______Date: ______

Addendum F: Junior Ring Mass

I hereby give my child, ______permission to attend the Junior Ring Mass Wednesday, November19th, 2014 at 7:00 PM. Call time is 6:00 PM.

Parent Signature: ______Date: ______