HCA Board Members x 2
Time commitment: 2 days per month
Duration: up to 3 years
Location: London (a small number of meetings may be held outside London)
Remuneration: £12,000 per annum
Closing date: Friday 2nd October
The HCA’s Role
The Homes and Communities Agency (HCA) is the Government’s agency tasked with supporting and enabling places to deliver their housing needs and growth ambitions and the statutory regulator of the social housing sector in England.
The HCA is a Non-Departmental Public Body (NDPB) sponsored by DCLG. Since its creation, the HCA has undergone significant change in both its functions and form and has moved towards a significantly more commercial role.
The 2015 - 2020 Affordable Homes Programme will continue to offer grant to registered providers for development of affordable housing. However, the advent of new financial transactions programmes, especially Help to Buy and Build to Rent, means that the HCA is now responsible for the delivery and risk management of a major recoverable investments and guarantees portfolio which will grow to circa £24bn.
The role of the HCA as both delivery partner and regulator will continue to adapt to the rapidly evolving environment with housing a key priority for the new Government. An upcoming Triennial Review will carry out a root and branch review of the function and form of the Agency.
The core priorities of the HCA are:
- increasing the supply of affordable homes
- stimulating private investment in housing
- bringing surplus public land to the market
- supporting local economic growth
- maintaining investor confidence in the social housing sector through effective regulation
The Board meets 10 times a year, holding the executive team to account and providing strategic advice. There is also a separate Programme and Finance Committee together with a Project Committee (looking at individual deals), both meeting 11 times a year and an Audit & Risk Committee, meeting 5 times a year. Governance may change over time to support the new investment and land roles.
What the HCA Board does
The responsibilities of the Board include:-
· Establishing the overall strategic direction of the HCA to deliver the overall aims, objectives and the priorities approved by the Secretary of State in the Corporate Plan within the policy and resources framework agreed with DCLG.
· Holding the HCA’s management to account for the effective use of public funds, value for money and achieving Ministers’ priority objectives and targets.
· Setting strategy and risk management policy for the investment portfolio in line with the Department’s risk appetite, receiving regular reports on the performance of the portfolio and exercising a challenge function of the investment unit.
· Overseeing the delivery of the Agency’s public land role, plus programmes and projects to deliver housing.
· Enabling the Regulation Committee to discharge its regulation functions effectively, in accordance with the regulatory framework.
· Ensuring that the HCA’s affairs are conducted with probity and that high standards of corporate governance are observed at all times.
The HCA is a national agency with a current total headcount of around 950 operating out of London headquarters and 5 regional operating areas.
Job Description
Board Members have corporate responsibility for ensuring that the HCA fulfils the overall aims and objectives set out in the legislation and the priorities determined by the Secretary of State. Board Members will also have responsibility for ensuring that the HCA complies with any statutory or administrative requirements for the use of public funds and assets.
The role
Responsibilities of Board Members include:
· Establishing the overall strategic direction of the HCA within the policy and resources framework agreed with DCLG, through development of the Corporate Plan and the HCA’s contribution to driving economic growth;
· Holding HCA’s management to account for the effective use of public funds and driving value for money;
· Receiving and reviewing regular financial data and other performance information concerning the management of the HCA;
· Setting strategy and risk management for the investment portfolio, receiving regular reports on the performance of the portfolio, and exercising a challenge function of the investment unit;
· Overseeing the delivery of the Homes and Communities Agency’s emerging public land role, plus programmes and projects for housing and regeneration;
· Approving individual projects within delegated authorities;
· Enabling the Regulation Committee to discharge its regulation functions effectively and efficiently, in accordance with the regulatory framework;
· Working with HCA’s management to ensure the enhancement of the reputation of the Agency;
· Advising on the effective management of stakeholders;
· Ensuring that the HCA’s affairs are conducted with probity, and that high standards of corporate governance are observed at all times;
· Ensuring that the Board operates within the limits of its statutory authority and in accordance with the authority delegated from its sponsoring Department and with guidance issued by it;
· Complying at all times with the rules relating to the use of public funds and to conflicts of interest;
· Acting as a champion for the work and role of HCA at public events and meetings; and
· Acting in accordance with the seven principles of public life, full details of which are provided in Appendix 1.
Person Specification
The successful candidate can come from any sector though candidates are expected to be well informed about the HCA and the evolving external environment, market sectors and geographies in which it operates. A proven track record of dealing with Government would be highly beneficial. Due to the increasingly commercial environment in which the HCA operates the candidate should be able to demonstrate a high level of commercial and financial acumen.
Essential Criteria
· Evidence of strong business acumen;
· Substantial commercial background, ideally including experience of property and land;
· An understanding of the decision-making processes within public sector organisations
· Strong understanding of governance and risk;
· Strong analytical skills evidenced in regulation, finance or economic development.
Desirable Criteria
· Track record of ensuring effective governance for high profile organisations, and management of organisations, particularly during a process of change;
· An ability to work on an audit committee.
· A good understanding of current housing market issues, including the delivery of both private rented and affordable housing;
This post will attract a remuneration commensurate with similar, senior roles across the public sector, but also consistent with the Government’s commitment to ensuring public sector pay is reasonable and affordable.
For this role, the remuneration is set at £12,000 per annum for a time commitment of 2 days per month.
Period of Appointment
The appointment will be for up to three years.
The position is based in London with board meetings normally being held in London with the likelihood of a small number of meetings being held outside London.
Conflicts of Interest
As with any public appointment, it is important that the highest possible levels of probity and integrity are maintained. To that end, we ask that you give details of any business or other interests or any personal connections which, if you are appointed, could be misconstrued or cause embarrassment to the Corporation or DCLG. These could include financial interests or share ownership, active connections within a field of expertise in which the Corporation will work, membership of societies, activities, associations or employment of a partner or friend in the particular field in which the Corporation will operate.
Any statements you make will be treated confidentially and we will contact you to discuss any potential conflicts that might arise ahead of the sift process to
explain what might be required if you are successful and check that you still wish your application to be considered.
Please note that you cannot be a Board member of a Registered Provider Chair of the HCA Board. If you are currently a Registered Provider Board member you would need to resign that position before taking this position.
The successful candidate would need to uphold and adhere to the Seven Principles of Public Life (see Appendix 1).
To be eligible for employment you will need to be either a UK national or a national of another European Economic Area Member State, or a Commonwealth citizen and have the right to work in the UK. Swiss nationals
are also eligible. In addition, if you have dual nationality you will be eligible as long as one of the nationalities meets the requirements.
Security clearance
Before the appointment of the successful candidate can be confirmed, you will be subject to a Basic Disclosure Scotland check and Counter Terrorist Check.
Selection Process
This process is being managed by the Department for Communities and Local Government. Any queries regarding the process should be directed to Gayle Springett at or 0303 444 4129.
The panel will be
1. Chair – Peter Schofield - Director General Neighbourhoods, Department for Communities and Local Government
2. Emma Lindsell/Isobel Stephen - Director for Housing, Department for Communities and Local Government
3. Independent Panel Member – John Hirst
All appointments are made following an open competition conducted in accordance with The Code of Practice published by the Commissioner for Public Appointments.
The Commissioner regulates and monitors appointments to public bodies to ensure procedures are fair, open and transparent and based on merit. More information about the role of the Commissioner and his Code of Practice is available from -
For further information, see Appendix 2.
How to apply
All candidates are required to complete and submit the following:
· A copy of your CV (no more than 3 pages)
· Covering letter explaining how you meet both the essential and desirable criteria for the role (no more than 3 pages)
· Political Activity Questionnaire (Appendix 4 of this document)
· Other Relevant Information Declaration Form (Appendix 5 of this document)
· Diversity Monitoring Questionnaire (Appendix 6 of this document)
· Guaranteed interview scheme form (Appendix 7 of this document)
Your completed application should be returned by noon on Friday 2nd October preferably by email to
or alternatively in hard copy to:
Gayle Springett
HCA Sponsorship Team
3rd Floor, Fry Building
2 Marsham Street
Political Activity Questionnaire – Appendix 4
The Political Activity questionnaire is for monitoring purposes only, and will not form any part of the selection process.
Other Relevant Information Declaration Form – Appendix 5
Any appointee to a Public Body could find that matters or incidents which previously attracted no attention could become matters of public interest once the person concerned holds a public appointment.
Diversity Monitoring – Appendix 6
The Department for Communities and Local Government is committed to providing equal opportunities for all and welcomes applications from candidates irrespective of race, age, disability, gender, marital status, religion, sexual orientation, transgender or working patterns.
Please complete the Diversity monitoring form and return it with your application. Please note the form will not be treated as part of your application. The data will be treated in the strictest confidence, and will be used for monitoring and statistical purposes only.
Guaranteed Interview Scheme – Appendix 7
DCLG uses the guaranteed interview scheme to help widen employment opportunities for disabled people. Applicants with disabilities who meet the
criteria, as stated in the person specification and submit a completed 'Guaranteed Interview Scheme' form will be guaranteed an interview.
Information on how we will handle your personal information is contained in Appendix 3.
Applications can be accepted in alternative formats. This candidate brief can be made available in different formats. For further information please contact
Gayle Springett on 0303 444 4129 or
If at any time during the appointments procedure you have reason to question how your application was handled you should first address your concerns to the administration team
If after investigation by the Department, you remain dissatisfied, you may take your complaint to the Commissioner for Public Appointments. Details on how to make a complaint can be found on the Commissioner’s website at: Complaints should be lodged within 12 months of the appointment being made.
The Seven Principles of Public Life
Holders of public office should act solely in terms of the public interest. They should not do so in order to gain financial or other benefits for themselves, their family or their friends.
Holders of public office should not place themselves under any financial or other obligation to outside individuals or organisations that might seek to influence them in the performance of their official duties.
In carrying out public business, including making public appointments, awarding contracts, or recommending individuals for rewards and benefits, holders of public office should make choices on merit.
Holders of public office are accountable for their decisions and actions to the public and must submit themselves to whatever scrutiny is appropriate to their office.
Holders of public office should be as open as possible about all the decisions and actions that they take. They should give reasons for their decisions and restrict information only when the wider public interest clearly demands.
Holders of public office have a duty to declare any private interests relating to their public duties and to take steps to resolve any conflicts arising in a way that protects the public interest.
Holders of public office should promote and support these principles by leadership and example.
The Selection and Recruitment Process
The Appointments Team will deal with your application as quickly as possible and will advise you of the likely timetable at each stage. After the closing date for applications:
· the panel will assess candidates’ CVs and supporting letters to determine who it believes best meet the criteria for the role, and who will be invited to interview. The panel will rely only on the information you provide in your CV and letter to assess whether you have the skills and experience required. Please ensure that you provide evidence to support how you meet all of the essential criteria