Recreational Boating Scheme
Questionnaire 2009
Management of recreational boating to minimise disturbance to marine wildlife has been taking place since 1992 when the Council established the Marine Heritage Coast. Code of Conduct information is provided at launch sites in the southern part of the County, and at a dedicated centre at New Quay harbour. A patrol boat was introduced in 2008.
We are now reviewing this management and would like your views on whether additional measures are needed, and if so, what? We would also like to know whether you think there are areas where boating could be promoted.
Please tick all the answers that apply. If you are not sure about an answer or have no strong feelings, leave blank. There is space at the end to expand on any answers if required.
1. How aware are you of the work that Ceredigion County Council is doing to encourage responsible recreational boating?
Yes / NoI am familiar with the current boating Code of Conduct
I have visited the ‘Boat Place’ wildlife and boating information centre in New Quay
I was aware that the Council runs a patrol boat during the summer
I have seen information panels at boat launch sites
I was aware that reckless disturbance of dolphins, porpoises and seals is a criminal offence
I was aware that much of Cardigan Bay is designated as a Special Area of Conservation
2. What information would you like to see (or not) at launch sites?
Yes / NoCode of conduct
Safety information
Wildlife information
Sensitive areas for wildlife highlighted
Areas where certain activities are promoted
Designated protected areas for wildlife (Special Areas of Conservation etc)
Other (please specify)
3. How else would you like to see this information put across?
Yes / NoAt the Cardigan Bay Boat Place in New Quay
By the Harbourmasters to mooring holders and people launching boats
Notice boards at boating clubs
Through the use of a patrol boat
Leaflets and posters at caravan parks, information centres and other tourist hotspots
Buoys to mark areas with speed restrictions
Other (please specify)
4. The map on the attached sheet shows areas that have been highlighted by scientists as particularly important for bottlenose dolphins. It has been suggested that it might be beneficial to strengthen protection at some or all of these sites. What further management (if any) would you like to see? Don’t just limit yourself to these areas if there are other sites you also think important.
Yes / NoMore speed restrictions (if so, where?)
No-stopping areas (if so, where?)
No go areas (if so, where?)
Areas where boating can be actively promoted (if so, where and what type of boating activity?)
Seasonal restrictions near cliff-nesting birds (where and what restrictions)
Seasonal restrictions near seal-pupping beaches and caves (where and what?)
Other (please specify)
5. Code of Conduct. How useful do you think the current Code of Conduct is? What changes (if any) would you like to see?
Yes / NoMore specific detail on how to behave around wildlife (maximum speeds, distances etc)
Less specific detail (general guidance on behaviour rather than specific maximum distances, speeds etc)
Would you like to see a standard code that applies to the whole of Wales?
Does Ceredigion still need its own specific code (to highlight particularly sensitive areas, for example)?
Do commercial trip boats need a separate code to recreational boats?
Do any activities (kayaking, angling, powerboating etc) require a specific code? (if yes, please specify which activities)
Anything else (please specify)
6. Further information.
My interests in the sea include / YesSailing
Personal watercraft (jetskis)
Rowing / canoeing / kayaking
Snorkelling / diving
Beach activities
Coastal walking
Wildlife watching
Other (please specify)
Please use this page to expand on any of your answers or to highlight any other areas of concern. Please give your name and email address if you would like to receive more information about responsible boating in Ceredigion in the future.