Recorded Webinar

Meet Your Instructor:

Dennice Raygoza (Graduate of California State University, San Bernardino with a Bachelor’s Degree in Business Administration) is a Senior Contracts Administrator with Omnitrans. With 10+ years’ experience in the public sector, Mrs. Raygoza provides contract administration and procurement compliance for the agency’s $196 million public works project.

About the Program:

This is a 120 minute web-based training (Webinar) on Developing Cost Analysis for Procurements. In this training, Mrs. Raygoza will discuss how to develop a cost analysis for your Agency’s Procurements, Agreements, Sole Sources and Change Modifications. The course will focus on Best Practices, meeting the Federal Transit Authority (FTA’s) most current guidelines (FTA Circular 4220.1F).

Course Highlights:

This course will cover:

·  Overview of a Cost Analysis

·  FTA Circular/Procurement Best Practices Manual/FAR on Cost Analysis

·  Developing a Cost Analysis

·  Costs: Labor, Material, Equipment, Travel, Overhead, Profit, Mark-Ups

·  Fair and Reasonable Pricing

·  Working with your project managers and construction management teams

Handouts will be provided electronically.

Continuing Education: This webinar is eligible for 1.5 continuing education contact hours.

Participation Requirements:

High-speed internet access with a web browser (JavaScript and cookies enabled) Computer sound card with speakers/headphones

Cost: A) $39 CAPPO Members

B) $169/person Non-CAPPO Member ($130 of registration fee may be applied to membership.

(if qualify).

(Refunds will be granted only in the case of emergencies)

Register in ONE easy step:

Complete the Recorded Webinar Payment Form (Page 2) and send to the CAPPO Office with payment.

Upon receipt of payment, you will receive an e-mail with password that you will use to connect to the training session.

Link to recorded webinar (password required):

Webinar Payment Form


Developing Cost Analysis for Procurements, Presented by Dennice Raygoza

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☐ $39 Member OR

☐ Non-Member ($169, I do NOT qualify for membership), OR

☐ Eligible Non-Member ($169, I qualify for membership so please apply $130 of the seminar fee to establish my CAPPO membership. I QUALIFY for the following type of membership:

☐ REGULAR or ☐ ASSOCIATE (see for details)

Fax this page for each participant to the CAPPO office @ (800) 334-4831. To pay by credit card, fill in information below.

Credit Card: Type: ______Number: ______Exp. Date ______

(Note: Refunds will be granted only in the case of emergencies and at CAPPO’s discretion)

CAPPO Reserves the right to cancel seminar due to low attendance. In the case of such, CAPPO will provide a full refund.

Send Registration Form and make payment to: CAPPO P.O. BOX Y, Yuba City, CA 95992

Phone: (800) 592-1970 Fax: 800 334-4831