The South African Waste
Managers Employers Association
Registration LR2/6/3/538
May 2008
A refreshed and motivated committee undertook to be committed and make a meaningful impact in 2008 for the SAWMEA members.
Our constitution was formed on 18 October 2002 in terms of the Labour Relations Act No 66 of 1995.
E - News May 2008 / Our 2008 objectives are:
- To regulate relationships between employers, employees and unions.
- To develop and implement strategies: setting up a chamber in the TETA, develop standards specific to the waste management industry and ensure appropriate skills development of our employees.
- To establish a self regulating body of our own industry, having our own chamber at the bargaining council to be able to have a Wage Agreement and working conditions specific to our waste management industry instead of being a drop in the ocean of the road freight association.
- With the assistance of the Institute of Waste Management, pool funds, expertise and resources to assist the members.
Adam Edge has been appointed by SAWMEA as the Business Development Manager to assist in the new membership drive. Existing and potential members can expect a call from Adam in the near future as he attempts to grow our membership and fill our coffers with the much needed revenue to continue our cause (please be nice to him). SAWMEA has been involved over the last few years in the new Waste Management Bill, working on behalf of the industry employers in an effort to make it more practical and user friendly, we need your membership to allow us to continue our effort. Some of our other objectives include:
- The promotion of the interests of our members
- The support or opposition of legislation thatmayaffectour members
- The furthering of the interests of our members by co-operating and negotiating with any association, chamber commission, institute, forum or authority
- The representation of our members at any government level
Objectives of the Association:
Our four pillars!
- To regulate the relationship between employers and employees and between employers and any Trade Union or Federation of Trade Unions representing such employees.
- To develop and implement strategies, action plans and specific interventions to further and protect the interests of the employers body in terms of the Skills Development Act.
- To become a self-regulating body that will establish standards of compliance to ensure a positive, legally compliant industry that will further our joint business aims and lead to self-governance in actions instead of having it externally imposed.
- To service and further the collective interest of employer bodies to assist them.
On the 18th of April 2008, the Institute of Waste Management of South Africa held its annual golf day. The South African Waste Management Employers Association (SAWMEA) took advantage of this opportunity to re-launch themselves in an effort to gain exposure and possible membership by sponsoring a hole. The SAWMEA hole was clearly one of the most fun holes on the day; with raffle tickets for sale and complimentary team photos (who knows if anyone actually got their pictures!). The raffle was a great success, being a booze hamper, everyone in the right ‘spirit’ bought in. Mike Cameron from Waste Watchers walked away with more than just a smile on his face when he took 1st place in the raffle. The raffle raised R 2 500.00 for SAWMEA and we would like to thank EnviroServ, Waste Giant and re-ethical environmental re-engineering for their donations and making the raffle possible. On a more serious note, SAWMEA would like to invite all their previous and existing member companies to revisit their commitment to the association and to invite other waste management and related companies to consider joining SAWEA’s ranks.
SAWMEA has developed a Code of Conduct for waste operators in order to regulate the waste Management Industry and the occupation of the waste operator.
Failure to adhere to the Code of Conduct will result in disciplinary action and sanction against the member of SAWMEA, in accordance with the improper Conduct Enquiry Procedure accepted by all member of SAWMEA.
(Copies available from Gail Smit on 011-675-3562)
The annual general meeting of SAWMEA will be held on 8 October 2008 at WASTECON in Durban this year. All interested parties are invited to attend; membership forms will be available at WASTECON, as well as at the AGM. Could all current members please ensure that they are represented at the AGM so that we are able to conclude any business at hand and ratify any items that require voting? Should you have anything you would like to place on the agenda, please mail the heading as well as a short description of what you want discussed to Gail Smit at by 30 June 2008. The new committee will also need to be appointed and voted in at the AGM.
We look forward to seeing you there.
Who to Contact
Dirk van Niekerk
Kobus de Meyer
John Gibb
Susan Mac Donald
Henry Smal
Nardus Blokland
Katia Duarte
Gail Smit / 083-777-0318
082-563-5926 /