This Disclosure is made in accordance with the ANU Intellectual Property Policy effective 1 July 2010 which can be found at http://policies/policies/intellectual_property/policy
The primary identification of the commercial potential of intellectual property (IP) lies with the researcher or inventor. Disclosure of the IP allows the University to protect it and to take steps to exploit it for commercial profit. The staff of the Office of Commercialisation work closely with researchers to develop and capture value from their IP.
Early disclosure of IP is preferred since its commercialisation is a long process and prior public disclosure can block IP protection and subsequent commercialisation pathways.
The Confidential Invention Disclosure may also be used to confirm the priority date for an invention in the event of disputes over patenting.
Upon completion please submit this form to
If the Disclosure is submitted electronically, a hardcopy of this Disclosure has to be signed before the Office of Commercialisation will process this Disclosure. The Business Development Manager can collect this hardcopy when meeting with the researchers for the first time.
Before you submit this form:
Has the document been completed and signed by all the contributors? Please have all signatures witnessed by an independent person (not a contributor to the invention).
Has all appropriate supporting material been included?
Have you kept a copy for your records?
Identify all people who have contributed to the development of the technology. If there are more than three people, please copy this page and attach it to the form.
A person is deemed to be an inventor if they contribute significant creative input into an invention, while a contributor is someone who has made a significant contribution to the development of the technology that has led to the invention. Please identify both contributors and inventors.
Full Legal Name:University ID: / Position:
Department or School: / College:
Residential Address: / Phone:
Signature*: / Date:
Witness Name: / Witness Signature:
Full Legal Name:
University ID: / Position:
Department or School: / College:
Residential Address: / Phone:
Signature*: / Date:
Witness Name: / Witness Signature:
Full Legal Name:
University ID: / Position:
Department or School: / College:
Residential Address: / Phone:
Signature*: / Date:
Witness Name: / Witness Signature:
* By signing this Disclosure, you confirm that you participated in the development of the technology and concur that the Commercialisation be proposed to the University.
Intellectual property
Title: …………………………………………………………………………………………………………
Please give a brief, but thorough, description of the technology – attach supporting information such as papers in preparation, grant applications, drawings, diagrams, specifications etc.
What stage of development is this technology at? (type X where appropriate)
idea / industrial prototypepreliminary results / clinical/field trials
animal or laboratory models / product
bench prototype
What potential commercial applications do you see for your technology?
Please list any grants/organisations that funded the development of this intellectual property and the year in which funding was received.
Did the development of this technology utilise data or materials from any of the following (type X on all that apply)
MTA (Material Transfer Agreement) / Biological Materials (e.g. human blood, tissues & cell lines)Disclosure and Publication
Has this technology been confidentially disclosed to any third party? If so, under what arrangement? (type X on all that apply)
NDA (Non-Disclosure) Agreement / Others (Please Specify)Has the technology been described, in whole or in part, in a publication* or do you intend to publish in the near future? Please attach copies of any publications or drafts.
Disclosure / Yes / No / Date of DisclosurePublication
Oral presentation
Poster session
To an industry representative
Other public dissemination
(journal paper, conference paper/poster, thesis, news story, scientific meeting, collaborative discussions etc)
Prior art
A standard part of the Office of Commercialisation’s evaluation processes involves conducting a broad patent search to locate relevant prior art. The Office will work collaboratively with researchers to conduct this. Researchers are welcome to begin this process and the Office would welcome any preliminary feedback which can be listed below. Searches can be undertaken online at: or