Record 5: Standard operating procedure for treating livestock
- Procedure for treated cows:
Before administering any medicine to an animal, the treatment must be entered in the T4C software. To do so, follow the steps below:
a)In the software, go to the FARM tab at the top left and the HEALTH tab at the top of the screen
b)Enter the animal’s ID number at the bottom left, and press ENTER (the animal’s chart will appear on-screen)
c)Then, in the page giving information about the animal, press on ADD –DIAGNOSTIC
d)Select the treatment to be administered to the animal
e)When this page appears, indicate the date on which milk pickup can resume and click on CONFIRM at the bottom right
f)Once this important step has been completed, you may proceed to treat the animal.
- Read labels and veterinary prescriptions. Follow label directions carefully. This will ensure that medicines are administered properly and according to the prescribed dosage. Pay attention to the injection site.
- Use only products approved for use in dairy cattle. Obtain a new written veterinary prescription for all treatments given extra-label and keep a copy of the prescription in the Prescription section of Register 8.
- A list of medicines and other products used on livestock is described in Record 9: Medicines and Chemicals used on Livestock.
- Store livestock medicines, needles, syringes and other products in the pharmacy in the office or in the refrigerator in the room holding the generator and toilet, according to label directions.
- Never store a bottle with a needle in the rubber stopper.
- Follow the procedure below when using syringes:
- identify the name of the product used
- protect the needle with the protective plastic cap
- discard the needles, syringes and empty medicine bottles in the pail used for this purpose, kept on the pharmacy counter in the office.
- Enter each administered treatment (medicines, pesticides) and the withdrawal dates for milk and meat in Record 10: Livestock Treatment Record, as well as in the automatic milk system program.
- In emergencies or problem situations, refer to Record 16: Corrective Action Plans.
- Note all problems that have occurred when treating an animal in Record 17: Deviation and Corrective Action Record.
- Instances where a broken needle remains in an animal’s muscles and cannot be removed must be noted in Record 11: Broken Needles.
- If by error, medicine is administered to an animal before it is entered in the system and the animal is milked, refer to Record 16: Corrective Action Plansplan and note the action taken to resolve the problem in Record 17: Deviation and Corrective Action Record.
Procedure updated on: ______