Reconstruction of dynastic communications of Rurikovich in IX-XI centuries

According to our early researches, in particular the report Byzantium origin Rurikovich [1], we represent below Table No. 1, Genealogic tree of Rurik from Emperors of Ancient Rome.

Rurik had Bulgarian name Lachin (Lachyn), was the son Khagan Urus Aydar (797-855) and the grandson of Emperor Constantine VI Blind (has died about 805 or 811), Bulgarian a name Khagan Karandjar board (787-805). It is obvious, that Bulgarian name Karandjar contains a word the Kara – dark, black, therefore coincides with the Byzantium nickname of Emperor Blind.

Table No. 1. Genealogic tree of Rurik is from Emperors of Ancient Rome.

1. Tash-Bash, son of Kubar (7-157), Flavius Titus Vespasianus (was born 17.11.9, death, probably, in 184 or 157, Emperor of Rome), wife is Flavius Domitilla.
2. Shada Banat, Aga Ruja, Prusa I (224-272), Russ, Flavius Constantius Valerius Chlorus (was born, it is probable in 120, has died in 306, Emperor 305-306), the wife concubines Sacred Elena (230-327).
3. Kubar-Baris, Prusa II (272-305), Flavius Valerius Aurelius Constantine (was born, probably, in 250, has died in 337, Emperor 306-337).
4. Balamir, Nalamber, Budimir (Khagan 363-378), Emperor Flavius Valens (364-378).
5. Arbat, Alp-Biy, Alp-Abay (Khagan 378-402), Flavius Theodosius Great (Emperor 378-395), time of a life (346-402).
6. Mubdzuk, Flavius Arcadius (Emperor 395-408), time of a life (377-405).
7. Attila (Khagan 406-453), it Flavius Aetius, it Theodosius II (408-450).
8. Irnik (Khagan 463-489), Zenon Isaur (474-491). Empire of Attila.
9. Masgut (Khagan 489-505), Empire of Attila.
10. Mundro, Rean, Tatra Banat (Khagan 505-520), Anastasias I (491-518), Empire of Attila.
11. Boyan (Khagan 535-590), Avarian Khaganate.
12. Askal (Khagan 590-593), Avarian Khaganate.
13. Alburi (Khagan 593-602), Avarian Khaganate.
14. Kubrat (was born 570, Great Khagan 605-665), it Heraclius (610-641) Flavius Heraclius Augustus, Great Bulgaria. His younger brother is Shambat, VII century, Great Khagan of Duloba, Great Khagan of Great Bulgaria.
15. Bath Bayan (Great Khagan 665-683), Constantine IV (668-685), Great Bulgaria.
16. Sulabi (Great Khagan 700-727), it Justinian II Rinotmet (685-695, 705-711), Great Bulgaria.
17. Aiar, the Avar (Khagan 727-759), it is Leo III Isaur (717-741), Great Bulgaria.
18. Karandjar (Khagan 787-805), it Constantine VI Blind (780-797).
19. Rus Aydar (Khagan 805-855), Theophil (829-842).
20. Rurik (822-879/882), Khagan Lachin (Clear falcon), Lekapen(os), Emperor Constantine

The present research is devoted to studying of dynastic and patrimonial communications of Princes Rurikovich in IX-XI centuries on the basis of Russian, Byzantium and Bulgarian [2] chronicles. During this period of the annals were conducted without division of historical characters into an accessory to this or that state. All elite of the medieval world has consisted from ethnic Ugrian Russ – Flavius, conducting the origin from the Patriarch of Emperor Titus Vespasianus Flavius with Bulgarian name Tash Bash and come each other close relatives.

Let's note that in Bulgarian the annals [2] Great Bulgaria is the Dnepr Bulgaria, the Volga Bulgaria and the Central Asian Bulgaria named simply Power. We understand it as the fact of existence from the middle of VII century up to the middle of XVI century of the huge state in territory of former Russian Empire from Carpathian Mountains in the West, up to Ural Mountains in the east, and from Baltic in the north up to Pamir Mountains in the south.

In our work historical dates can differ from true for some years as very difficultly to join dating’s epoch Russian, Byzantium and Bulgarian chronicles.

According to the annals [2] senior brother Rurik (Bulgarian name Lachin/Lachyn, a God name Constantine (822-979/882) was Gabdulla Djilki (820-882), Bulgarian Khagan (855-882). Khagan Djilki has accepted an Islam and supported Moslems. Rurik in 860 in capital of Khazars Khaganate Itil is Equal Apostles Sacred Cyril and Methodius [3, 4] was baptized with name Constantine. The proof of Christianity Rurik is recently found patrimonial arms of Prince as falcon which head is topped with cross. In turn younger brother Urus Aydar second son Constantine of VI Blind named Basil Macedonian (805-886), Emperor of New Rome (866-886) was. Senior son Basil Macedonian and cousin of Rurik is Prophetic Oleg known in New Rome as Emperor Leo Philosopher/Wise (866-912) was, and the younger cousin Emperor Alexander Great (880-913) was.

We shall prove a solvency of our hypothesis according to which the sort of Byzantium Emperors Lekapenos, rule together with comes from the Macedonian dynasty, was it come Rurikovich. To tell more truly, it come from Urus Aydar as in Byzantium Lekapenos named both descendants of Rurik, and the descendants of his senior brother Djilki who has accepted Christianity.

Rurik long years have been married to the sister Khazars Khagan Isaac. In this marriage there were no children. In 869/870 Rurik married again sister Prophetic Oleg – Leo the Philosopher by name Enviga (Elena or Eudokia), the cousin. The same year (it is possible in 870/871) only heir Rurik-Lachin named Igor (870/871-945/948) was born. Sort Rurik has received in Byzantium name Lekapenos in honor Bulgarian name Lachin [3]. In Latin transcription name Lachin enters the name as Lachyn, and at Byzantines as Lekapen(os).

Traditional history (TH) asserts that in 869 Constantine (ostensibly son Basil) has been betrothed with Irmengard and became Co-Emperor Basil Macedonian. In ten years on September 3, 879 Constantine has died. Gold coins of that time – Solidus with the image of pair Constantine and Eudokia were kept. Time of a marriage of Constantine and years of his board are identical to years of marriage Rurik and sisters Prophetic Oleg. Dates of death also is coincides. On this basis we confirm, that Constantine it not son Basil Macedonian, and his nephew Rurik – Lachin. In fact brother of Basil – Urus Aydar has died in 855, and honor to be Emperor of Rome by the right has got Rurik. It is not surprising, that Basil has chosen to itself in Co-Emperor the close relative actively participating in restoration on a throne of New Rome of dynasty Flavius – Russ in the middle of 860th. On the annalistic data of a team of Princes Ascold and Dir participated in military operation on return throne, and then were christened in Tsar Grad (Constantinople) in 867 right after Basil Macedonian's accession [3].

Dating’s of death Rurik – Lachin on Bulgarian annals [2], volume I, page 43 and to Russian annals differs a little. Bulgarian considered, that Lachin has been compelled to run from Europe in Itil in 882 together with two wives where has soon died from burning. His son Igor have transferred to care to a court yard of the uncle – to the successor of throne of Great Bulgaria Khagan Almysh as in the same year senior brother Rurik by name Khagan Gabdulla Djilki has died.

Under official version TH Emperors Lekapenos occur from peasants, as them Co Basil Macedonian. TH has written down all these people in ethnic Armenians. We can explain such decision of historians only propensity to communistic imaginations when commoners could to become Emperors easy. Fortunately, equality in the past was not also Emperors in New Rome could become only Flavius – descendants of legendary Emperor Titus Vespasianus Flavius, the founder of the Sort of Russ – Flavius.

It would be desirable to note specially, that the Byzantium chronicles after IX century have undergone to censorship and cleaning, as a result of which the basic chronicle of Empire became the annals of Greek Theophanous written on rule of the Greek woman of Empress Irina (blinded in 797 her son Constantine Blind, ethnic Ugrian Russ), and also the chronicle of the Greek of Continuer Theophanous. Chronicles Theophanous reflected sight and political will of the Greek party of Tsar Grad – Constantinople. We shall take into account this feature at the analysis of the Byzantium annals.

Igor Rurikovich – Lachinovich on our reconstruction was born in 870. In conformity with Russian annals Prince Igor was lost in 945 or 948. Dates of birth and Igor's death coincide with similar dates of Emperor Romanos I Lekapenos (870-948), that completely confirms our hypothesis. TH asserts that Igor was at war with Romanos I in 943-944, however actually Igor was at war with Tsar Grad for preservation of the Title of Emperor Romanos I and never "double" met on fields of battles.

In 903 Igor Rurikovich, it Ugyr Bulgarian chronicles, it Emperor Romanos I Lekapenos of the Byzantium annals married the distant relative from the Bulgarian city of Pliske by name Olga, Bulgarian name Uldjai.

According to our reconstruction by the first child in a marriage there was daughter Elena given in 919 in marriage for the cousin of Emperor Constantine VII Porphyrogenitus in the age of 16 years. As a result of this certificate Prince Igor in 920 in the 50 years has received Title of Co-Emperor of New Rome by name Romanos I Lekapenos (Emperor 920-944). We shall notice, that daughter Hadicha [2] also was at cousin Igor is Bath Ugyr / Igor, senior son Gabdulla Djilki. Therefore there is probability of that wife Constantine Porphyrogenitus is Hadicha/Elena, but other data do not confirm such hypothesis.

Igor and Olga have found sons during 904-910. We know about two sons Glebe and Svyatoslav which date of birth are forged by an official history. For example, it agrees TH Svyatoslav was born in 942 that is in 40 years of marriage of Igor and Olga. It is ridiculous to imagine small Svyatoslav on horse in 3 years, throwing a spear in fight with enemies as asserts TH.

Let's note that in the Russ-Byzantium contract 945 are mentioned Volodislav, Sacred Prince Vladimir becoming in consequence Equal Apostles [5]. In the same place Igor Sluda's nephews and Prasten Akun are mentioned. Abundantly clearly, that Igor's nephews could be only relatives on the part of senior brother Rurik by name Djilki. Under the text of Prince Vladimir represented at negotiations Uleb which we identify with Bek (Prince) by name the Talib (cousin Vladimir).

Let's note related communication Rurik – Lachin with cousins Equal Apostles Cyril and Methodius [4]:

1. Kubrat (570-665, Heraclius August Flavius) – Bath Bayan – (Bath Timer) – Sulabi – Avar – (Tat Utyak) – Karandjar (Constantine of VI Blind) – Russ/Urus Aydar – Rurik/Lachin (822-979/882).

2. Kubrat (570-665, Heraclius August Flavius) – Kubar – Bilig – Idik – Kelbir – Sabine – Eget – Tarhan – Methodius/Banju (827-869) and Cyril/Constantine (815-885) it Baksan/Kushtan.

Let's note that Bulgarian names Rurik, Methodius and Cyril were accordingly Lachin, Banju and Baksan/Kushtan. At Bulgarian Cyrillic’s referred to Kashan’s (Kushan’s) letters [2], volume 3, page 98. Name Kushan’s the letter has taken place, probably, on behalf of Cyril in Bulgarian versions Kushtan.

Let's present below family tree to younger branch Khagans to Great Bulgaria going from Khagan Djilki and Prince Rurik/Lachin [2]:

3. Urus Aydar – Gabdulla Djilki - Almysh – brothers Gazan, Yalkau Michael Arslan also Mal.

4. Urus Aydar – Rurik (Lachin) – Igor – Glebe and Svyatoslav.

Further, up to Vladimir and his mother Malusha:

5. Urus Aydar - Gabdulla Djilki – Almysh – brothers Gazan, Yalkau Michael Arslan also Mal – Uleb/Talib (son of Gazan), Diu-Baryn/Dobrynya (the son of Mal) and Malusha (the daughter of Mal).

6. Urus Aydar – Rurik (Lachin) – Igor – Elena, Glebe and Svyatoslav – Vladimir (son of Glebe adopted Svyatoslav).

Thus, envoy Vladimir is Uleb had to it the cousin, and Malusha, mother of Vladimir, was to it the cousine. Details of these patrimonial communications Ugrian are shown Russia in Figure No. 1, taken of the book [2] and updated by the author.

Let's place in the Table No. 2 names and years of board Khagans of Great Bulgaria (Dnepr Bulgaria, Volga Bulgaria and Central Asian Bulgaria), since Urus Aydar. We shall notice that originally Aydar was the Christian (Leo), but then has accepted an Islam. This certificate it has scared away itself attention TH. Governors of Power in VII – IX centuries adhered are Tengriism or Uniform God which at Russ Princes referred to Vedic. Thus governor who became Emperor of New Rome, necessarily were christened and became Christians. On the contrary, Khagans of Powers after change of Christianity Khagan Urus Aydar on an Islam have been obliged to be just Moslems. Therefore in IX-XVI centuries Tsars of the Volga Bulgaria adhered to an Islam. Thus the belief of Tsars and Khagans simultaneously kept adherence Vedic/Tengriism and to Christianity or an Islam.

For the further analysis we shall reduce all data on Constantine Blind's– Karandjar descendants through his children Leo/Urus Aydar and Basil I Macedonian in the Table No. 3. In this table we shall show all descendants of this sort of Russ – Flavius, including, accepted an Islam and Christianity, and also names and years of a board / life Co-Emperors to the Macedonian dynasty by nickname Lekapenos.

Let's notice, that official version TH believes [7-9], that all representatives of the Macedonian dynasty and dynasty Lekapenos (it is considered, that Macedonians and Lekapenos close relatives) are ethnic Armenians. This idea was picked up by the Armenian researchers as she consoles their imaginations about greatness of Armenian people. To refer on nobody known settlement in Cappadocia, Meliteny under name Lakapa for substantiation of an origin of Emperors Lekapenos unworthy the scientist. Thus TH asserts, that Basil Macedonian was the Armenian who is born in Macedonia and taking place in captivity at court yard of the Bulgarian Tsar Krum. Basil badly spoke in the Greek language, but very well spoke in unknown language. TH have decided, that this language Armenian. Actually Basil's native language is language of Russ.

Table No. 2. Names and years of board of Tsars of Great Bulgaria–Power in IX-XI centuries.

No / The main governor
(years of life) / Years
of board / The co-governor
(years of life) / Years
of board
1 / Urus Aydar (797-855) / 819-855
2 / Gabdulla Djilki (820-882),
son of Urus Aydar / 855-882 / Rurik/Lachin (822-879 /882), son of Urus Aydar / 862-
3 / Bath – Ugyr (Igor) Mumin
(?-895), son of Gabdulla Djilki / 882-895 / Igor Rurikovich/
Lachinovich (870-945/948) / 882-
4 / Almysh Djafar (?-925), son of Gabdulla Djilki / 895-925
5 / Hasan Gazan (Kazan, Azan) Mumin (?-930), son of Almysh Djafar / 925-930
6 / Michael Yalkau Baltavar (?-943), son of Almysh Djafar / 930-943
7 / Mohammed (?-976), son of Michael Yalkau Baltavar / 943-976
8 / Talib/Uleb Mumin (?-981), son of Hasan / 976-981 / Talib/Glebe (?-981),
Minister of Power / 960-976
9 / Timar Mumin Bandjak (?-1004), son of Mohammed / 981-1004
10 / Masgut (?-1006), son of Mohammed / 1004-1006
11 / Ibrahim (?-1025), son of Mohammed / 1006-1025
12 / Azgar (?-1061),
son of Masgut / 1025-1028,
13 / Ashraf (Sharaf) khan Baluk (?-1061), son of Timar / 1025, 1028-1061
14 / Adad Mosca (?-1076), son of Azgar. Has based Moscow in 1072. / 1061-1076
15 / Adam (?-1118),
son of Baluk / 1076-1118

Byzantium’s A.A. Vasiliev [10] has assumed that Basil comes from Armenian-Slavic family. This assumption is based [11] that the Macedonian dynasty is formed by ethnic Slavs on statements of the Arabian sources. Modern historians reject this version, as unworthy attention.

Actually the Macedonian dynasty and Lekapenos were not Armenians or Slavs, and belonged to an ethnic group Ugrian Russ, Haplogroup N. Language Ugrian Russia was Russian. We have proved it in the book [12] and other numerous works. The mess Armenian occurs to a word from wrong translation of word Urmanian which means an accessory to New Rome. In annals of Russia and Djagfar Tarihy the word Rome is meant Urum and by the Roman – Urman, Urmanian. So Prince Urmanian means not Prince Norwegian, but Prince Romanian. Urmanian and Armenian in annals were written practically equally. Greatness of the state of Armenia of the ancient world to Middle Ages has completely died away. Thus earlier we have shown in the works, that the word Normans means literally New Romans.

For example, Prince Prophetic Oleg in chronicles name Prince Urmanian, that Tsar of New Rome [6] means. In this fragment wife Rurik Ephanda (Enviga, Eudokia) refers to as the sister of Prince Urumian, i.e. brother-in-law Rurik of Prince Prophetic Oleg.

« (26) Rurik have few wives, but it is most love Ephanda, daughter of Prince Urman; (27), and she that give birth to son Igor, give to it promised hailstones with Ijora (city) in marriage »

Besides the stone in Bulgaria [13] on which Oleg name Emperor – Theodor Olgu Tarkan has been found:

«Лето 6412 [904 г.] от сътворението на света, индиктион 7.

Граница на ромеи и българи

при Симеон, архонт от Бога на българите,

при Теодор Олгу таркан и

при Дристар комита»

Thus, our hypothesis about Prophetic Oleg's identity and Leo IV Philosopher completely proves to be true. The ethnic accessory of a sort of Russia – Flavius has been determined as a result of genetic analyses at the end of XX century – ethnic Ugrian Russ, Haplogroup N. the fact of is widely known what even Ivan Terrible named itself Ugrian Russ. Genetic aspects of the present research are resulted below.

Prophetic Oleg's armed attack with teams of Russia to Tsar Grad in 907 has been caused Oleg's by aspiration – the Lion Philosopher (Wise) to return a throne to itself and the illegitimate son after the fourth marriage and a birth of long-awaited successor Constantine VII Porphyrogenitus in 905.

The first Lekapenos, given the name of dynasty, was Rurik with Bulgarian name Lachin. We already spoke, that Rurik in christening became Constantine and in 869-879 has found the status of Co–Emperor of New Rome, younger cousin Leo Philosopher – Prophetic Oleg. This relationship was brightly showed in the military help of Russia to Emperor Basil Macedonian when with the help of teams of Princes Ascold and Dir is Basil has returned throne of New Rome to the Sort of Russia – Flavius in 867. And earlier, in 830th Vikings from Russ have helped Basil to return to itself an imperial throne of the city of Prusa – capital of province Bithynia.

We confirm that Co-Emperor of New Rome in 969-979 was Rurik-Constantine, and not son Basil Macedonian, but his nephew. The gold coin Solidus those times on which Emperor Basil Macedonian is represented, on one party, and on other party Co-Emperor Constantine and Empress Evdokia is known. TH speaks, that on coin Basil, and on the back his son Constantine and the stepmother of the last Eudokia is shown. We believe that Constantine it Rurik-Lekapenos, and near to it wife Rurik – Enviga or Eudokia on Byzantium like. Rurik had to Basil the nephew, and Eudokia was the daughter (all Basil had three daughters – Anna, Elena and Maria). At accession of the girl changed the names. From here in the annals name Eudokia – Enviga/Ephanda has appeared. The coin confirms our hypothesis. Empress Efanda is represented more on the size, than Rurik-Constantine to reflect Basil's greatness and his daughters.

On the basis of merits of the father, son of Rurik is Prince Igor Rurikovich/Lacapinovich, also began to achieve the status of Co–Emperor of New Rome. On our hypothesis, first child Igor and Olga was daughter Elena Lekapenos who has been born in 903. Elena has given in marriage to absolutely young Emperor Constantine VII Porphyrogenitus in 919. As a result of palace intrigues Igor Rurikovich (years of birth and Igor's death completely coincide with Emperor Romanos I Lekapenos) becomes Co-Emperor Son-in-law Constantine Porphyrogenitus.