Recommendation is for 3 flag runners and 3 supporters for 6v6 War.
The 3 flag runners should be scouts / medics. Could also be demo at a stretch but it would be better to be faster classes - speed is essential at this map and as there is virtually no way to defend it really, apart from holding and clearing bases, it is extremely important that people do not stop flag running.
The order of bases to get is (for blue which is WoF usually) 1, 2,4,3,5
Always leave the enemy's nearest base (5) till last and get it cleared before going there – if 2 scouts go for 5 then leave 1 to cover any enemy losses which may come up while 5 is being captured.
Keep one person near our base to defend it - beware of enemy demomen as they can get in and blow our base up ... gets them loads of points.
The other 2 must support scouts by clearing annoying enemies, holding off enemy flag runners and clearing / holding bases.
People must NOT change from their appointed positions unless asked to. Communication and speed are essential on this map especially for a War situation - remember you only have 25 minutes and the enemy can score points just for holding bases.
Allocate people to positions before the war in the pre-war chat and make them hold them – if you are allocated as a scout, please remain so until re-allocated.
Base defenders may support attackers if desperation requires but they have a very important job which is ensuring enemies do not enter base and if they do, they do not get into Control room …
Remember – if you are returning, as a scout or otherwise, to your base and there is an enemy hiding outside the door, do not approach and let them in – fire until they or you die and then exit either through the stairs or the other door. Alert others of their presence – same applies for enemies inside our base who are waiting near the control room …
There is a huge document which Ram may or may not send to you guys with piccies and screen shots which I created this week to go up on site – Felder will get it up there when he has stopped having tests (i.e. this weekend) but in case you do not see it before Sunday, here goes a synopsis without screen shots :
Classes required :
DEFENSE : 2 x engineers and 1 x soldier / demo / HW (depends on player)
MID : soldier / HW
ATTACK : 2 x scouts OR 1 x scout and 1 x soldier – remember whoever is in soldier position MUST be demo to clear their grate on first time round – your roles will be allocated at the pre-war talk.
2 x engs should 1 sg either side of flag room but a little back from edge so that they cannot be hit by rockets etc from water area. OR one sg on side of fr and the other inside fr to the right or left but a little to the back (see ram for details).
Make sure engs have key bound for detdispenser, then build 1 x disp in doorway entry to fr and the other a little to the side of the lift at the other end of the fr area – 1 eng helps keep an eye out on this lift, the other helps HW/demo/soldier defend the 2 lifts on approach …
WATCH FOR CONC JUMPERS PLS. - if they fly over you your sg should get them as they drop down.
Also remember to keep restock level clear.
If enemy is coming through water – drop MIRVS and EMPs into water to get them as they come up.
Do not abandon defense – rely on midfield to slow enemy once flag has gone out of general fr area.
Midfield person’s role is to :
1-stop enemy from blowing grate as long as possible
2-warn def of incoming through water / main entrance
3-generally stop enemy as last resort of getting flag past midfield area
4-Not to leave midfield unless war leader asks you to …
5-If war leader asks – support either attack / defense in performing those roles
Preference would be given to soldier as they tend to be faster and be able to catch medics and conc jumpers more easily but if mid field wants to play demo / HW then that is fine …
The attack team really needs to be very adaptive – it largely depends on the strength and extent of enemy defence.
The initial sweep should be scout and demo – demo to blow grate and scout to try and get first cap while enemy is still organising themselves.
When demo dies, should return as soldier pref. to support scout, deal with enemies and sg etc – soldier should always support scout and sacrifice himself where necessary, but if scout dies and flag there – keep going with flag …
The attack team MUST work together – preferably in close communications – i.e. mobile or whatever on phone.
You must NOT attack separately if there is co-oriented enemy defence or you will waste valuable time dying and getting respawned. Make sure you meet at our entrance before launching into another attack.
If enemy def is too high – appeal to war leader and you should get midfield released to give you a hand.
If necessary, split up and go half through water etc .. leave it up to you guys – remember the more caps you get, the better our win will be .. LOL
As we have found out, a War is totally time driven and speed, communication etc is absolutely essential.
Do not waste time. Do not attack separately and do not leave your appointed positions unless instructed ..
You will have 1 War Leader – Ramirez in this case – he will make the call on attack, defence etc. Appeal to him if you need help anywhere – watch the screen for messages etc.
If we are losing badly – Ramirez may call for an all out attack to attempt to regain some caps – keep a look out on the screen, remember the map is only 25 minutes long!!!!!