Why read this book?

Galatians was written by Paul to the Christians in Galatia, a Roman province in the central part of what is now Turkey. Experts believe this was written less than 25 years following Jesus’ ministry on earth. Paul was writing because false teachings had infiltrated the church that he helped start. This book offers a “spiritual health check – a clear explanation of what it means to be saved by faith” (The Quest Study Bible, 1604).



Example prayer: Lord, please teach me how this passage can apply to my life today. Please allow me to remember what I read and memorize so I can be better equipped to follow You. Amen.

Read Galatians 1: 1-10. Paraphrase these verses, and note encouraging or thought provoking verses.

- What does Paul mean in vs 1?

- How does Paul explain Jesus in the opening 5 verses?

- What is Paul saying in vs 6-10?

- What false doctrine are we competing with today?

-What is the Gospel that you have accepted?
(John 14:6, Ephesians 2:8,9; Titus 3:5; John 1:12).

- Meditate on verse 10.

- Are you trying to make yourself and your friends happy, or are you really trying to honor


- What do you need to rid your life of in order to fully honor God?

- Memorize Galatians 1:10.

Example prayer: Lord, thank You for saving me by Your grace and by nothing I did or will do. Please help me know the difference between what the world says is normal, what my friends say I should do….and help me honor You. Keep me from pleasing others and help me follow You instead. I want to be Your servant! May I honor You today. In Jesus’ name, Amen.



Example prayer: Lord, please teach me how this passage can apply to my life today. Please allow me to remember what I read and memorize so I can be better equipped to follow You. Amen.

Read Galatians 1: 11-24. Paraphrase these verses, and note encouraging or thought provoking verses.

- How did Paul receive the gospel? Vs 11,12.

- Paul gives his testimony. Write out how he was before he followed Jesus and

where Jesus took him once Paul accepted him.

- How did you receive the Gospel?

- How do you know it’s something not from man?

- Write out your testimony, like Paul did. Look at where you were, and where

you are now with Christ (even if you were a child when you accepted Him).

- What do people say about you? (vs 23,24).

Example prayer: Thank You for changing my life and making me more like You. Let people see You in me and may the people who don’t know You see something different in me, and those who do know You praise You for how I live. Thank You for Your forgiveness and mercy. In Jesus’ name, Amen.



Example prayer: Lord, please teach me how this passage can apply to my life today. Please allow me to remember what I read and memorize so I can be better equipped to follow You. Amen.

Read Galatians 2:1-10. Paraphrase these verses, and note encouraging or thought provoking verses.

- As Paul continued to preach the Gospel, people verbally attacked him and tried

to discredit his ministry? Are people doing that to you? If not, are you sharing

the Gospel enough and living in a manner worthy of the calling you have


- Look at vs 6. Paul says that though seemingly important people tried to inhibit

his ministry, he was encouraged by the way God looks at people. If God looks at

the heart, how does God see you?

- Read 1 Samuel 16:7b, Psalm 139:13,14a, Jeremiah 9:23,24a,

Matthew 10:29-31, Philippians 2;3-5, and 1 Peter 3:3-4.

-Are you competing with the world? Are you trying to fit in? Look at your

heart and allow God to evaluate you.

- Memorize Matthew 10-29-31.

Example prayer: Lord, thank you for loving me and creating me the way I am. Thank you for making me for Your purpose. Please remind me of Your love toward me when I get discouraged. Help me remember how You look at people, and cause me to see them the way You do. Amen.



Example prayer: Lord, help me understand what it means to be crucified with You. Please allow me to remember what I read and memorize so I can be better equipped to follow You. Help me evaluate myself honestly knowing You love me regardless. Amen.

Read Galatians 2: 11-21. Paraphrase these verses, and note encouraging or thought provoking verses.

- Why did Paul confront Peter?

- How have you been hypocritical? Do you ignore people you know to be

Christians because they don’t fit in with your other friends? How can you

change this behavior?

- What does verse 16 mean? (“the Law” refers to old testiment regulations –

Leviticus is full of them if you are interested in reading about how impossible it was to keep the law perfectly).

- Read and mediate on verse 21. What does it mean to be crucified with Christ?

- How are you living as if Christ is living in you? What does that mean?

Example Prayer: Lord, I don’t want to live a hypocritical lifestyle. Help me love everyone and accept everyone as You do. Give me friends that will call me out when I am a hypocrite. Thank you that we need to be saved by You and not the law. Help me memorize Galatians 2:21 Amen.



Example prayer: Lord, help me understand faith today. Please open my eyes and heart to what you are going to teach me today. Amen

Read Galatians 3:1-14. Paraphrase these verses, and note encouraging or thought provoking verses.

- Notice vs. 3, 6, 11 and 12. Explain these verses and how they relate to each


- Are you “trying to attain your goal by human effort?”

- How can you live by faith?

- What does vs 13 mean? (Deuteronomy 21:23). Why do you think Jesus chose

to die this way?

- How do we receive the promise of the Holy Spirit?

- What is faith? (Hebrews 11:1)

- How can you live this out? All we have to do is have faith in Him. Faith never

wavers or has doubts – w/o faith, you can’t trust anything. Trust Him who gives

you faith to believe in Him!

Example prayer: Lord, faith is so hard to understand. Please teach me more about it as I think about what I read today. Thank You for making it so easy to come to You. Thank You for being real and loving me. Amen.
