June 11, 2012
ATTENDANCE: Lori Lund, Lin Metzger, Carrie WachterMorris, Samantha Lowe, Julie Presley, Lisa Crick, Mark Friedmeyer, Robin Tew, Julie Baumgart, Amanda Culhan, Brandi Oliver, Hannah Sasser, Camille Blunt, Kathy Renie, Sarah Altman, Bonnie Crawford, Jennifer Brodar.
We began with an executive session at 9:45 am. We discussed the future of the planner. From our member survey results, it was determined to not have a printed copy of the planner this year.
Carrie Wachter-Morris called the meeting to order at 10:00 am. We began with getting to know our fellow committee members. We broke out into our four committee groups: Conference committee, Level representatives and professional development committee, Legislative/Advocacy committee, and Communications committee.
Each group shared a summary of their BHAGs (Big Hairy Audacious Goals). The conference committee asked if there was any interest in having a silent auction again. They also shared that registration would move to the atrium of the Marriott East.
After our lunch break 12:00 – 1:00, we reconvened with an ISACA Name Bingo activity.
The second committee, legislative/advocacy gave their goals as staying up to date on REPA, continuing meetings with lawmakers, getting comments from people running for state positions this year through a survey, Day on the Hill will be either 2-18-13 or 2-25-13.
The third committee, level representatives and professional development shared that their goals were keeping the ISCA website updated, making sure everyone knows how to get on learning connection, be aware of the level guidebooks, how to renew your license through LVIS,
The fourth committee shared their goals for the website. They wanted to change the tabs and realign the links that are found under each tab. We would like a calendar feature on the website. We would like to get a copy of the electronic version of the ISCA planner so we can place parts of it on the website instead.
Camille Blunt from member services asked for input on her customer service.
We reviewed the minutes from the April board meeting. Mark Friedmeyer moved to accept the minutes as corrected. Julie Baumgart seconded the motion. Motion passed 100%.
Lin Metzger explained the budget report dated 7/1/11 through 6/30/12 using the 2011-2012 budget.
Samantha Lowe moved to accepted the treasurer’s report. Mark Friedmeyer seconded the motion. Motion passed 100%.
Amanda Culhan gave an update on Gold Star funding. The DOE will put some money forth for the upcoming year’s Gold Star program. The main items that will not be covered by the DOE funds will be the award plaques. Mark Friedmeyer moved to have Lin Metzger contact the State Principals Association for splitting the costs of the plaques. Julie Presley seconded the motion. Motion passed 100%.
We then moved onto our organizational review and development of our strategic plan. We began by reviewing and signing the board member code of ethics.
We will hold off on updating our bylaws until after ASCA delegate assembly next month. We then reviewed the current ISCA vision statement. We worked on making our vision statement more concise.
Mark Friedmeyer moved to adopt the revised vision statement “The Indiana School Counselor Association (ISCA) promotes student success through advocacy, collaboration, professional leadership, and data-driven practices. ISCA empowers current professional school school counselors and school counselors-in-training to prepare all students for academic, career, and personal/social success”, and convert our current vision statement to a statement of values and beliefs. Julie Baumgart seconded the motion. Motion passed 100%.
We worked on making the old vision statement into our values and beliefs statement. The draft copy of the values and beliefs statement will be uploaded to drop box for further review before the next board meeting.
We then reviewed our mission statement. We will continue with the current mission statement.
We reviewed our organizational structure, board structure, board meeting procedures, board reports procedures, and policies.
Lisa Crick moved to accept the 2012-2013 ISCA board as presented. Mark Friedmeyer seconded the motion. Motion passed 100%.
The proposed 2012-2013 ISCA board meeting dates are September 22, November 1, February 9, and April 27. Mark Friedmeyer moved to accept the board meeting dates. Susie Matzat seconded the motion. Motion passed 100%.
We then began to review our strategic plan and make the necessary changes.
Camille Blunt, from BOSE Group, is requesting an increase in her service contract. Julie Baumgart moved we increase our BOSE group contract to $18,000 plus $1,500 for expenses. Jennifer Brodar seconded the motion. Motion passed 100%.
The Day on the Hill will be February 18, 2013, President’s Day.
The newsletter due dates are August 2, November 28, and February 17.
We completed revising our strategic plan by dinnertime. We concluded by 5:30 pm
JUNE 12, 2012
ATTENDANCE: Lori Lund, Lisa Crick, Samantha Lowe, Maggie Power, Amanda Culhan, Sarah Altman, JennferBrodar, Susie, Matzat, Carrie Wachter Morris, Bonnie Crawford, Kathy Renie, Hannah Sasser, Brandie Oliver, Lin Metzger, Julie Baumgart, Mark Friedmeyer
We reconvened on June 12, 2012 at 8:30 am. We began with an ice-breaker activity.
We then reconvened into our committee groups to follow up on our goals for the year. After two hours we got back together and shared our progress toward our committee goals.
We watched a powerpoint on the Indiana Counseling Foundation. Kathy Renie is the representative from ISCA that is part of their board. The questions that need to be answered is what should the Foundation do to increase its funds and/or should the foundation just dissolve?
We also reviewed and made last minute updates to the other documents we have been working on. New photographs were taken of the board members to update the website directory.
This year’s graduate workshop will be March 2, 2013 at Butler University.
Mark Friedmeyer moved to adjourn. Susie Matzat seconded the motion. Motion passed 100%
Written by:
Lori Lund, Secretary