Friday 22nd April 2016
Dear Parents
The Reception children will be taking a trip to Harlow Carr Gardens in Harrogate on Wednesday 4th May.
The children will be divided into groups, each group with an accompanying adult. A full risk assessment has been carried out and I will be discussing this with all the children and the accompanying adults before we go.
We will be leaving school at 9.30 am, travelling by coach, and will be back at school in time for the school bus at the end of the day. I will have my mobile ‘phone with me so if in an emergency you need to contact me during the day, please ring the school first. If your child uses an inhaler, please ensure that it is taken with them.
The children will need to wear their school jumper and it would be a good idea to wear old trousers (not school uniform trousers or jeans). They should also bring a waterproof jacket and wear sensible shoes as we will be spending time outside. In view of the unpredictable English weather, please apply sun screen cream before your child leaves home and send a sun hat.
The children will spend the morning looking around the beautiful gardens and will have some time in the wooden tree house play area. They will also be supplied with an ice cream. If you DO NOT wish your child to have an ice cream, please advise the school office as soon as possible. The afternoon will be spent taking part in a workshop entitled “How does your garden grow?”.
Please send a packed lunch in a named disposable bag (no Tupperware, flasks, bottles, cans etc) so the rubbish may be thrown straight in the bin. If you are unable to provide your Reception child with a packed lunch Mrs Maxwell is able to supply one but you must advise the school office staff before Friday 29th April at the very latest please.
We are extremely grateful that the PTA is once again very generously contributing towards the cost of the coach so we are just asking for a small contribution of £5.00 per child please. This should be paid via ParentPay in the usual way. If you need assistance with ParentPay, please contact the office staff.
We will be using the Rolling Consent Form completed at the beginning of the academic year so if any of your contact details or child’s medical information has changed, please inform Mrs Moor or Mrs Booth as soon as possible.
Yours sincerely
Mrs H LeeMiss S Walton
Class 1 TeacherClass 1 Teacher