Name ______
Chapter 5 & 6 Review Sheet
Chapter 5 Questions / Answers1. Three things that affect populations
2. Number of individuals of a species per unit area or volume
3. Type of dispersion where there is an unpredictable spacing between individuals
4. Type of dispersion where there is an even spacing between individuals
5. Type of dispersion where individuals are grouped in patches
6. Interactions between biotic and abiotic factors that cause variation in population size
7. Two factors that can cause population size to increase
8. Two factors that can cause population size to decrease
9. Growth under ideal conditions – occurs when a population has enough food, space, etc.
10. Draw a graph of #9
11. Population growth that is slowed by limiting factors
12. Draw a graph of #11
13. Examples of limiting factors
14. Maximum # of a population that a particular environment can sustain
15. Regulating factors that affect members of a population regardless of density
16. Examples of #25
17. Regulating factors that affect members of a population more if the population is more dense, less if the population is less dense
18. Examples of #27
19. When a country shifts from having high birth and high death rates to low birth and low death rates
20. Three things that have increased human population growth over time
21. Which in #20 led contributed the most to the exponential growth of the human population
Chapter 6 Questions / Answers
1. Three human activities that have transformed the biosphere
2. Resources that can be replenished in a reasonable amount of time
3. Examples of #2
4. Resources that can not be replenished in a reasonable amount of time
5. Examples of #3
6. Overgrazing, over-plowing, allowing land to remain barren between plantings all leads to this
7. Examples of sustainable-development strategies for management of soil resources
8. Two ways we are impacting our fresh water resources
9. Phenomenon that occurs when pollutants (like DDT) accumulate as they move through food chains
10. When sulfur and nitrogen compounds mix with precipitation they create this
11. Microscopic particles of ash and dust that can be inhaled and cause respiratory problems
12. Three ways to protect our atmosphere
13. The total of all the genetically-based variation in all organisms in the biosphere
14. The number of different species in the biosphere or in a particular area
15. Threats to biodiversity
16. Total area of functioning land and water ecosystems needed to provide resources and remove wastes that an individual or population generates.