Reception Curriculum Letter

In Red Class this half term the topic is ‘Ourselves’. We will be covering the following areas:

/ Mathematics / ·  Counting and comparing groups of objects.
·  Looking at and describing shapes.
·  Recognise numerals from 1-5 and beyond.
·  Sorting objects and solving practical problems.
/ Communication, Language / ·  Reading and writing our names using a cursive style of handwriting.
·  Listening to sounds in the environment and learning the sounds s,a,t,p,i and n.
·  Reading and discussing different stories.
·  Rhyming words and alliteration.
/ Creative and Expressive Development / ·  Painting self portraits.
·  Exploring line making using different materials.
·  Weaving on small and large scales.
·  Printing with body parts.
·  Keeping the beat and tempo of music and learning faster and slower.
/ Physical Development / ·  Using different movements to explore space.
·  Walking, jogging and running.
·  Moving in time to music.
/ Knowledge of the world / ·  Learning about the different parts of the body.
·  Learning and exploring our sense of smell and taste.
·  In history, talking about babies and how we have changed since we were babies.
·  Becoming familiar with the ICT room rules and routines
·  Improving mouse control and drag and drop skills
/ Personal, Social and Emotional Development / ·  Learning to listen to others in a small group
·  Learning to identify ways to stop germs spreading.
·  Taking turns and sharing with adult support.
·  Identifying a range of words associated with our feelings

·  We will be having P.E. on Mondays so please make sure your child has their PE kit in school.

·  Please can you make sure that ALL items of clothing have your child’s name on.

·  Your child is allowed to bring in a bottle of water to keep in school which must have their name on it.

·  Your child will bring home a reading book this half term so please make sure that your child reads to you every day. Miss Baines, Mrs Harris, Miss Ashworth