Brampford Speke Neighbourhood Watch
October 2014 Update
Recent Burglaries
During October, there were related burglaries in Brampford Speke, Upton Pyne and Cowley. Unfortunately, the Police Community Messaging system failed to pass this information onto the NHW Co-ordinators (this has since been rectified).
Thanks to Mac Merrett alerting us to an article in the Express and Echo appealing for information, we were able to inform the 80 villagers who have registered with NHW scheme. Anyone wishing to be added to the circulation list please contact one of the Co-ordinators.
A huge thank you to the many people who responded and enabled us to give valuable information to the Police including dates, detailed descriptions of persons and a suspicious vehicle.
Cold Callers
Following the recent burglaries, the police have confirmed cold callers selling household goods and claiming to be ex-offenders are not genuine. The identity cards worn are not part of any recognised rehabilitation scheme.
The advice from the Police is not to purchase anything and dial 101 immediately to report them being in the area. Please could you also alert NHW, so we can make villagers aware.
NHW Door Stickers and Information Leaflets
If you would like a NHW door sticker and an information leaflet on doorstep scams and phone scams, as featured recently on the BBC1 programme “Rip off Britain”, please contact a Co-ordinator.
Property Marking Event
We have an opportunity to hold a property marking event (to be attended by the Police and Fire Service) for Brampford Speke and Upton Pyne, subject to there being sufficient support. If you would be interested in attending such an event, please could you contact a Co-ordinator and indicate what time of day would be best for you (am, pm, evenings).
Register with NHW!
Have you given us your email address or telephone number yet, so we are able to keep you up to date and make you aware of alerts from the Police?
For further information, or to register, please email or phone us.
Neighbourhood Watch Co-ordinators
Email us at
Brampford Speke Neighbourhood Watch
October 2014 Update
Jan Birmingham 840100
Cara Merrett 841490
Elaine Hollingsworth 841434
Emma Tallack 840072
Brampford Speke Neighbourhood Watch
October 2014 Update