Track & Field and Tug of War Championships 2013

Cheltenham – Gloucestershire - Wednesday 3rd July 2013

Advance Event Details

The 2013 Police Sport UK Track & Field and Tug of War Championships will take place at the Prince of Wales Stadium, Tommy Taylors Lane, Cheltenham GL50 4RN.

Cheltenham is a pleasant and affluent town close to the M5 motorway. It is the 'gateway' to the Cotswolds, and has a vibrant town centre with many shops, hotels and bars. Within the centre are the High Street, Promenade and Montpellier that includes all the usual chain stores and a number of independent specialist retailers. The recently built Brewery Centre has added more chain restaurants, and it’s also home to a Cineworld Cinema.


Rooms have been reserved at two hotels, these are:-

The Holiday Inn Express, Dunalley Street, Cheltenham GL50 4AP. This is a 10 minute walk from the track, and a 10 minute walk from the evening venue and opposite the Brewery Centre This will be the main hotel where we have negotiated a discount for members.

We have negotiated 30 twin rooms including breakfast, for Tuesday and Wednesday night. Cost per room per night is £69.50 for a twin.

Contact number 01242 548200

There are a further 30 rooms available on Wednesday for £75 for a twin including breakfast.

A reception point will be here between 4pm and 10pm on Tuesday 2nd July.

The second hotel is the prestigious Mercure Queen's Hotel, The Promenade, Cheltenham, GL50 1NN. This is where the evening event will be held and is a 20 minute walk to the stadium.

They are offering 24 twin rooms at £99 a room (double occupancy)

Quote 'Gloucestershire Constabulary Athletics' on application.

There are other hotels are close by that can be found via one of the many websites such as Trip Advisor. Cheltenham is a compact town that is well served by buses and taxis.

Directions and Travel Arrangements

By Train: The Prince of Wales Stadium is situated on the edge of Cheltenham town centre. It is 1.5 miles from Cheltenham Station. This station has direct trains from London, Birmingham, Manchester and beyond. There is a busy taxi rank outside the station.

By Air: Staverton Airport is 5 miles from the Athletics Stadium. Flights are available to Jersey, Belfast and the Isle of Man with City Wing Airlines.

Other available airports that are around an hour away are Birmingham and Bristol. Arrangements can be made for pick up for teams arriving by air, with the event organisers, from Staverton, Birmingham or Bristol Airports.

By Road: Cheltenham is served by the M5 motorway, junctions 10 and 11. Those coming from the north will use junction 10, those from the south west junction 11. From the south use the M4 onto the A417. In order to locate the stadium or hotels you are advised to use Google maps or a SatNav.

The stadium is opposite the Recreation Centre on Tommy Taylors lane and easy to see.

Stadium Access: Entry to the Stadium car park is gained by turning left after you have passed the stadium on your left (heading north along Tommy Taylors lane). There will be signs indicating the entrance to the car park. The parking is free.

Police Sport UK Championships Entry

The entry fee will be £15 for each competitor’s first event. Any additional events will be £5 each. Team relay entries will be £15 for each team. Please see separate entry form for Tug of War. As per previous events £100 per team plus £20 per extra event.

All Cheques are to be made payable to “Gloucestershire Police Sports Association”

The entry form is attached to this document.

Please ensure that your competitors’ names are correctly spelt, as this is how they will appear on the programme.


We will give prizes to the first 3 in each Track & Field discipline, providing there are a minimum of 5 entrants. Below this number, prizes will be awarded to the first and second placed only. Prizes will go to the winners and runners up in the Tug of War.

All events will take place inside the stadium.

Athletes are required to register at the stadium at least 1 hour before their event.

Can you please all ensure the return of annual trophies, clean and engraved.

Presentations will take place shortly after the completion of the respective finals.


Competitors must be 18 or over to compete. All police competitors must be fully paid members of their respective force sports clubs and be either a police officer, police staff member, a retired police/police staff or a member of the Special Constabulary. (If in doubt please refer to the website for a detailed definition). This event is for Police employees only.

Any number of competitors from any force may participate and there shall be no limit to the number of events a competitor may enter. In any relay event only one team from each force may win a prize.

All athletes must wear their force colours. Failure to do so will lead to disqualification.

Closing Date

The closing date will be 31st May 2013. No late entries will be accepted. Entries are to be with me as per contact details on foot of this document. No entries on the day and no refunds for non attendance.

Entry Confirmation

Entry confirmation will be sent on receiving entries and entry fees. Entries will be accepted by e-mail but will NOT be confirmed until cheques have been received. Each Force’s entries will be grouped in a package to be collected on attendance.

Meal / Function

There will be a presentation meal and function on the evening of Wednesday 3rd July. This will be held at Mercure Queens Hotel, The Promenade, Cheltenham. This is in the heart of Cheltenham and surrounded by many bars and clubs, where an aperitif or night cap may be enjoyed.

Dress code of shirt, tie and trousers for men. Equivalent for women. Meal will be at 7.30 pm followed by entertainment. Any special dietary needs to be pre-ordered please on the attached entry form.

The cost of function is £25


Entries to:

PSUK Track and Field Championships Entry

Marc Flannery

Police Station, Lansdowne Road, Cheltenham,GL51 6QT


Tel 07734 909451



Prince of Wales Athletic Stadium






Principal event...... PB:- SB: - (£15) - £

(Packed lunch per person included in initial entry fee)

Additional event ...... PB:- SB: - (£5 per event) - £

Additional event...... PB:- SB: - (£5 per event) - £

Additional event...... PB:- SB: - (£5 per event) - £

Additional event...... PB:- SB: - (£5 per event) - £

Additional event...... PB:- SB: - (£5 per event) - £

Championship meal and function (£25 per person) - £

Special dietary requirements ......


The following team events need only be entered once on the Team Captain’s

Individual entry form.

Please note Captain’s contact details here:......

Ladies 4 x 100 Relay (£15 per team) - £

Gents’ Medley Relay (£15 per team) - £

We will require transportation to/from Birmingham/Bristol/Staverton Airport (delete as appropriate) Yes/No

Time/date of arrival departure

Number of competitors requiring transportation: -......

Total - £______

The closing date for entries is Friday 31st May 2013. No late entries will be accepted. No entries on the day and no refunds for non attendance.

Team Captains should return the entry forms to the following address:

Marc Flannery, Lansdowne Road, Cheltenham, GL51 6QT

Cheques should be made payable to ‘Gloucestershire Police Sports Association’.

Any further information can be obtained from this address or by e-mail

Captains please note that the rules applicable to PSUK events are adhered to by all participating members of their Team. Force Colours must be worn by all competitors.

Events for competition at the Championships


100, 200, 400, 800, 1500, 5000 metres


110 hurdles, 400 hurdles, 3000 steeplechase, 3000 walk, Veterans 5000m.


Ladies 4 x 100 Relay, Gents Medley Relay (800, 200, 200, 400)


Shot, discus, hammer, long jump, high jump, triple jump, pole vault (starting height 2m 10cm) and javelin.

Police Sport UK

Tug Of War Championships

Prince of Wales Athletic Stadium

Wednesday 3rd July 2013


Number of team entries: -...... (£100 per team) £

(Packed lunch for each person included in initial entry fee)

Additional Weight: - ...... (£20 per team per event) £

Additional Weight: - ...... (£20 per team per event) £

Additional Weight: - ...... (£20 per team per event) £

No. of places required at Presentation Meal/Function: -......

Presentation Meal/Function (£25 per head) X Number of Places Required £

Total £______

We will require transportation from Birmingham/Bristol/Staverton Airport (please delete as appropriate): - Yes/No

Time/Date arrival departure

Number of competitors requiring transportation: -......

The closing date for entries is Friday 25th May 2011. No late entries will be accepted. No entries on the day and no refunds for non attendance.

Team Captains should return the entry forms to the following address:

Marc Falnnery, Lansdowne Road, Cheltenham, GL51 6QT

Cheques should be made payable to ‘Gloucestershire Police Sports Association’.

Any further information can be obtained from the above address or by e-mail

Ropes and Scales will be on site. Any other equipment must be brought by competitors.

Events for competition at the Championships

640k, 680k, 720k, catch weight