7pm – 6 March 2014: The Hub, Walworth Road, SE17.

WELCOME & INTRODUCTIONS. / Attendees: Jeremy Leach; Marek Drewicz; Harriet Hill; Rev Peter Stevenson; Steve Crawford; Augustine Nyemah; Shelagh Farren; Diana Cochrane; Shelagh Kavanagh; Cllr Martin Seaton; Jerry Flynn; Peta Steel; Alan Camp; Piotr Lutz; Eleanor Kerslake; Isobel Durrant; Nick Gibson; Cllr Neil Coyle, Tim Cutts (Southwark Council – Planning Policy), John Rummens, Michael McManamon, Tracy Crossfield, Neil Crossfield, Angela Thompson, Alan Crookham, John Whelan, Joan Driscoll (LMCU), Lorraine Hilton, Peter Wright, Diana Cochrane, Mike Kear, Stuart Whatton, Iain Smith (Lend Lease).
Apologies: Apologies were received from: Christine Tan; Jim Beedell; David West; James Conway; Charlie Harvey; Celia Harvey; Toby Eckersley; Norma Lawrence; Maisie Anderson, Jay Hayter, Andrew Stedman.
Jeremy welcomed everyone to the meeting and thanked Lend Lease for yet again allowing us to use the Hub.
2. FOLLOW UP TO FEBUARY’S MEETING / JL mentioned that the Society’s policy proposals for the local elections have been sent off to all of the major political parties and are posted on the website
Masterplan Phase 2 – A summary of the walkabout of the northern part of the Walworth Rd held with Lend Lease on Saturday 1st March will be sent out with the minutes.
Penrose Street Sorting Office – the BB&W community council’s recognition of the Sorting Office as a local asset has been minuted and sent to the planning department.
3. SOUTHWARK PLAN / Presentation from Tim Cutts from Southwark’s Planning Policy Team on the health of our high street in the context of upcoming revisions to the Southwark Plan. Issues were raised such as loss of pubs and proliferation of betting shops.
TC mentioned that last October Southwark became the 1st Council in the country to issue an article 4 direction (which still requires confirming) requiring planning permission for change of use to such businesses. Surveys have been done showing that in particular residents in Walworth and Peckham have expressed strong concerns about betting shops and loan shops. Questionnaires were distributed seeking residents’ opinions about the Walworth High Street.
DC suggested there is a need to establish a clear identity for the Walworth Road and also to improve lateral movement. There is a need to respect and enhance what survives, such as the traditional shop frontages, rhythms and proportions.
HH mentioned concerns about supporting local independent businesses.
JL asked whether the Council had any views on the current health of the Walworth Road. TC mentioned that compared to many in the rest of the UK it is doing relatively well in terms of numbers of empty shop units etc. However there is an issue with the numbers of the pay day loan and betting shops.
SC expressed concerns over the amount of supermarket stores and the associated delivery vehicles/servicing.
ID mentioned issues around late or very early opening hours and the impact on residents of the night-time economy.
DC suggested more could be done by the Council to encourage shopkeepers to maintain their high street premises.
NG queried whether the Council expected the high street around the East Street area to remain the focus. TC suggested there was an aspiration to encourage growth at the northern end, though without detracting from the East Street area.
Mike Kear asked about the proliferation of clutter on the pavements such as commercial refuse bins
John Rummens asked about future procedure on changing use of shops under new arrangements (following article 4 direction). TC confirmed notifications/consultations would be sent out.
AC mentioned the loss of some really good local independent shops over time, but suggested that things may be starting to improve.
If you would like to fill in the Southwark Council’s online form the link is:
4. WALWORTH CREDIT UNION / Joan Driscoll from London Mutual Credit Union (LMCU) gave a presentation to the group about credit unions (not for profit savings and loans co-operatives for local people). There are already LMCU shops in Peckham and Camberwell. As a not for profit business, the main issue for setting up new shops is funding.
PS asked Cllr MS whether any S106 or CIL money might be applicable to help establish a credit union (branch) in Walworth. Cllr MS suggested there is support to establish a union in the area but was uncertain as to the potential mechanism to do so but welcomed further discussions.
It was also mentioned that credit unions are not just for borrowers but are also favourable for savers.
JL suggested we could publicise a link via email/website on joining the LMCU. The meeting agreed to this. The link is:
Cllr MS suggested a question could be tabled to the leader or a petition to trigger a Council debate.
5. DEVELOPMENT OF BUILDINGS ON WALWORTH ROAD / There was a presentation from Alan Camp Architects on the proposals for the site between the Tankard Pub and John Smith House.
Cllr NC asked about allocation of affordable units. AC suggested approx 25-30% for the purposes of the planning application, although mentioned that the site is owned by a housing association and in reality will probably be much higher.
DC raised concerns about the amount of different materials in the immediate area and suggested subtle use of materials would be appropriate in this development. Also raised issues about servicing.
AC is awaiting comments from the planning department.
6. HIGH STREET CHALLENGE / JL mentioned a request from the Latin Elephant group who would like to use the Walworth Society as a nominated partner for a High Street Challenge funding application (which requires the applicant organisation to have/have a access to a bank account). The committee had discussed this in detail by email and is comfortable with the idea as long as a number of appropriate but significant provisos are put in place to avoid any potential harm to the society.
Cllr MS mentioned he hadn’t yet seen the 2012/2013 accounts of the Society. He also expressed surprise that there wasn’t an alternative solution and suggested it would be preferable not to need the involvement of the Walworth Society (particularly if the Latin Elephant are unable to setup an account).
JL confirmed that the 12/13 accounts have been published on the website and have been distributed by email.
JF is aware of their project which relates to supporting the businesses under the railway arches and would recommend the Society supports the application in anyway it can.
JL asked for the meeting to vote on the issue.
A large majority voted in favour, with 4 abstentions (including Cllr Martin Seaton) and 2 objections.
Cllr Seaton expressed concerns about the need for the Society to continue to improve its process and governance in relation to such issues.
7. NORTHERN PART OF WALWORTH ROAD / There was a walkabout event on Saturday 1st March with Lend Lease to discuss the regeneration proposals for the northern end of the Walworth Road. Key issues identified included the width of the road (number of lanes), green issues, the interconnectedness of the streets to the east and west and encouraging a human scale to the high street. The feedback has been sent to Lend Lease and will be distributed along with the minutes.
8. WALWORTH HERITAGE TRAIL / There is a meeting on Monday 8th March. Material is coming together. There is a possibility of a 7 June launch scheme which could link in with another event at Burgess Park.
9. Elephant & Walworth NEIGHBOURHOOD PLAN / Jerry Flynn gave the group an update on the neighbourhood plan. JL will send out a link to the current consultation on the proposed plan by Southwark Council:
10. CONSULTATION ON NORTHERN ROUNDABOUT / JL mentioned that a consultation is about to be launched by TfL for removal of the northern roundabout (and the subways) and creation of a peninsular.
Mike Kear mentioned concerns about the loss of the subways and the associated campaign to retain them. He suggested these are also part of our local heritage and worthy of retention.
JL will include a link to the consultation and the subways campaign in the minutes. These are:
TfL consultation (starts 12th March)
The link to the campaign to retain them is:
11. ACTIVITIES UPDATES / Walworth Road Conservation Area: DC gave an update on the progress with research, which includes a blog containing a great deal of the research that we have gathered to date at: http://thewalworthpeach.com/
Manor Place Depot: No updates, JL mentioned continued difficulties in establishing contact with the NHHG.
Manor Place Terrace: the Council will be having a meeting with the structural engineer tomorrow and have stated they will have a follow up meeting with members from the Society in the next couple of weeks.
Penrose Street Sorting Office: the minutes of the Community Council meeting which recognised the local value of the building have been sent to the planning department.
Kennedys: a planning application is likely to be submitted for use of the GII listed Kennedys shop as a pizzeria.
Coronet Theatre: progress is being made in establishing a tour of the building.
Journeys Hostel: Urbanicity appear to be planning a residential and commercial development at the Journey’s Hostel on Manor Place.
AOB / There were no AOBs
Date of next meeting: Thursday 3rd April