Receiving University E-Mail at Home
Procedure for setting automatic forwarding of email messages from University of Leicester CFS system
Now that you are registered as a student of the University of Leicester much of thecorrespondence sent to you will be via your University email account, this will include:
- Communications from the Library with regards to the Holds and Recalls system and
reminders about overdue books.
- Communications via the Blackboard system
- Communications from Tutors and Course Administrators
Therefore, for many students it will be more convenient to have any emails sent to their
University email account redirected to an account that they access on a regular basis. Below
are a few instructions on how to do this.
These Instructions are for setting redirection from a Computer based OFF of the University
Campus (There is separate information available for setting redirection up from a University
based machine).
- Accessing your University Email Account
- Open your Web Browser (Internet Explorer, Firefox etc.)and type the following in to
the address bar: (if you are reading this on line then you can
just click on the link.
- The University of Leicester External Home Page will appear. At the top of the page
click on the words Remote Access to.
- The Remote Access screen will open and you need to click on Email (Outlook)
- Next the Outlook Web Access Service page will open (more information about the
service can be accessed from here) click on Logon to your mailbox.
- In this screen ensure that “This is a private computer” is checked otherwise thisredirection may not be possible.
- Enter the cfs username you were issued with during on-line registration and the
password you were asked to set at the same time and click Log On.
All being well your University email account will open. Please note that if this is the
first time you are accessing it then it may take a few minutes to configure.
- Setting your Personal Email Account up as a Contact
In the left hand navigation pane click on Contacts, you will find a few useful contacts
here that have already been set up for you.
Click on the word New towards the top of the Outlook Window (again it may take a
moment or two for the New window to open) and then insert your name and the
EXACT email address you wish the mail to be redirected to (you may need to scroll
down to see the Email box). Click Save & Close and your name should appear in the list
of contacts.
- Setting up Redirection
Click on Mail in the Navigation Pane and click Options which is a button towards the
top right of the window. You will notice that there a few options that you can set and
change here but that is only really for if you are intending to use this account regularly.
Click on Rules in the left-hand navigation pane, click New Rule and Create a new rule
for arriving messages (at the bottom of the list).
The New Rule window will open, click on Forward or redirect (below the words Do the
Following) then select the middle option – Redirect the message to people or
distribution list by clicking the box so a tick appears.
You will notice that after the words Apply this rule after the message arrives redirect it
to the words people or distribution lists appear as a link, click on these words.
When the Address Book window appears you may be faced with a huge list of contacts,
don’t panic, just click on the radio button to the left of the word People, a shorter list
with, hopefully, your name in it will appear. Double click on your name and your email
address should appear in the To box at the bottom of this window, if it does click OK
and then click Save in the New Rule window. A message box will pop-up reminding you
that this rule will apply to every message you receive, click OK.
Your email address should appear as the rule title in the Rule Window make sure the
box to the left of if is ticked so that the rule is turned on.
If at anytime in the future you wish to change the email address your University email
is directed to or you wish to stop redirection then you will need to return to this point
so it is worth keeping these instructions in a safe place.
Redirection is complete so you can Log Off and close the window.