Orientation to Rotations for ClinicalII


  1. Exams and quizzes:
  2. There are 4 Blood Bank review quizzes. You must score 85% or better on each of them. You may take them as many times as you like.
  3. The Immunohematology Rotation final is available and must be completed by midnight on the Sunday following completion of your rotation..
  4. Master Log Sheet
  5. You are not allowed to record any patient identifying information on your recording results form.
  6. Your clinical instructor is to maintain a log of patient identification information so they can verify the accuracy of your results.
  7. The Master Log Sheet will be maintained at the clinical site and may not, under any circumstances, be removed from the site.
  8. Students found in possession of forms with patient information are in violation of HIPAA which will result in disciplinary action which may include dismissal from the program. This violation must be reported to the appropriate facility by AustinCommunity College and may jeopardize our affiliation agreement with that organization.
  9. Clinical forms to record reactions
  10. The legal size form is used to record crossmatches and type and screens.
  11. The RhIg form is to record your RhIg work ups as there is not a place for the fetal bleed screen on the legal size form.
  12. Cordblood DATs and additional testing is to be recorded on the Cordblood form.
  13. The “Interpretation of Panel Studies” is used to summarize your findings of antibody work ups.
  14. The “Antigen Typing” form is used to record your patient, donor and control reactions. BE SURE TO KNOW HOW TO SELECT YOUR CONTROLS.
  15. Competencies
  16. Competencies are “pass” or “fail”.
  17. You must correctly perform testing on 95% of your samples for each test listed.
  18. If you achieve less than 95% an action plan will be developed for remediation which will include additional samples to test.
  19. Automation
  20. ECHO required for all.
  21. Gel if you perform clinical at a site using this system.
  22. PRINT OUT THE FORM and manually write in your notes using the procedure manual at the site.
  23. You are required to attend clinical 6 hours, excluding lunch. The other 2 hours are to be used for this type of activity. I would encourage you to stay at your site to write your notes.
  25. Portfolio Contents
  26. Your rotation is 6 hours. The additional two hours are to be used to work on your journal, automation report and start on your reflection. Work on this EACH CLINICAL DAY.
  27. Reflection – this is the most important part of your portfolio.
  28. This must be word processed, 1 inch margins, 12 point font, Times New Roman.
  29. Minimum of TWOpages and demonstration of a quality, thoughtful response. REVIEW PORTFOLIO WEB PAGE.
  30. Reflect on your progress through Immunohematology, from your first Blood Bank lab on campus through the last day of your clinical rotation.
  31. Address the skills you learned. As you progressed through the course, on-site clinical and off-site clinical how did your level of knowledge and confidence level in performing blood bank testing change?
  32. Upon entering the off-site rotation how comfortable did you feel about your knowledge and skills?
  33. Upon completion of your off-site rotation how comfortable did you feel about your knowledge and skills?
  34. Of the skills you learned which one did you have the MOST difficulty with?
  35. What do you feel most proud and confident about in performing blood bank testing?
  36. What were the most frustrating and satisfying experiences?
  37. Order
  38. Reflection – TWO page minimum.
  39. COPY of your completed Competencies form.
  40. Automation –ECHO is required, Gel system only if you are at a site which utilizes this technology. MUST be word processed.
  41. COPY of Results pages – Originals are submitted to Terry. If you do not have access to copier which makes legal size copies I will help you with that page.
  42. COPY of your Student Evaluation – original to be submitted to Terry.
  43. The Site Evaluation must be completed by Sunday following your rotation. Grades for the rotation will not be posted until the Site Evaluation is completed. The link is found on the Clinical II web site on the Immunohematology page.
  44. Paperwork to be submitted to Terry upon completion of your rotation.
  45. Student Evaluation
  46. Attendance form
  47. Competencies form.
  48. All results pages.
  49. Deadlines
  50. Blood Bank Quiz 1 due day 2 of your rotation.
  51. Blood Bank Quiz 1 due day 3 of your rotation.
  52. Blood Bank Quiz 1 due day 4 of your rotation.
  53. Blood Bank Quiz 1 due day 5 of your rotation.
  54. BlackBoard Postings – two are required and they must completed by Sunday, at midnight, each week.
  55. Clinical Final Exam due by Sunday, at midnight, upon completion of your rotation – 10 POINT deduction for each day late. Review announcement in BlackBoard.
  56. Blood Bank portfolio – Due the Monday following completion of your rotation.


  1. Print out all forms on the web page.
  2. The forms are to be completed in the same fashion as those for Blood Bank.
  3. Review the forms carefully and call or email Keri with any questions.